Dragon Sanses (Error)



4 years, 8 days ago


After witnessing the death of everyone he loved, almost getting killed himself, and then watching the destruction of his entire universe, again, and again....and again.....and again.....

After existing (because it certainly can't be called "living", the state he was in) in the anti-void, a surreal, perfectly empty space between anything, with not even darkness to conceal how truly vast and empty it is......

After finding the files, and the menu screen, and the RESET button itself.....

After breaking into alternative timelines, other universes like his but different, and witnessing their destruction, their corruption.....

After seeing hundreds of versions of himself, his brother, his friends - all still themselves, yet distinctly different.....

Error wasn't simply driven mad. No, the isolation of the anti-void may well have done that. Indeed, the myriad voices he hears may well be hallucinations, but with his unique abilities, beyond even those that he had before he'd ever died....who knows. Maybe he's half-aware of some other dimension, some other level of reality, a layer deeper than a mere alternative timeline.

Error is wildly unstable, and not just emotionally or psychologically. His very code is a mess, held together by sheer determination (though some may argue spite). His memories are chaotic, out of order, and missing large chunks. His sense of self is chaotic, to say the least.

ErRor is, in many respects, a walking, talking glitch. Don't say that to his face, though. He'll string you up for it.

eRR0r has pretty intense haphephobia, but that doesn't mean he doesn't get lonely. He gets incredibly lonely, and thus keeps a variety of friends around to keep him company. Whether or not the friends want to be there, or would even agree that they're his friend, is irrelevent. And since the alternative is eradication from existence, some are willing to humour their captor.

ErROR seeks to destroy any and all abominations, and his definition of such is pretty broad. Any timeline that isn't his own is an abomination. Any version of himself, or anyone he knew from his own universe, is an abomination. Chara and Frisk in particular are obliterated with extreme prejudice. The number of timelines he's terminated......he's lost count. But it's still not enough. There are still far too many abominations out there. Too many to count.

But this timeline...oh, it's a mess. It's terrible. An abomination. It's got to go.

But....not yet.

It's new. He's never seen anything like this before. And, for that reason, it can stay around. For now. Just until....he's had his fill of the novelty. : )

Error Sans originally designed by Loverofpiggies / Crayonqueen

FR dragon