


7 years, 6 months ago


Velarius Alleire

Species Akalii
Age 38 years
Pronouns he/him
Orientation gay
Height 5'6" (167 cm)
Weight 135 lbs
Occupation rogue mage, 'demon hunter'


Velarius is a very self-centered and independent person. He does his utmost to avoid others, and is very curt and quick to use dry wit and sarcasm when speaking to people he doesn't know or like. He's cold and callous when it comes to other people's problems, generally turning a blind eye despite the fact that he often has the power to help. The rare time he plays nice is when he stands to gain something from the arrangement, and even then, he's probably not going to be happy about it. Even with small things, he refuses to trust people, and tends to overwork himself or overthink situations under the assumption that he'll only ever have himself to rely on.

'Fun' is a word that's not very frequent in his vocabulary, and he'll usually snap at anyone who tries to get him to loosen up. The most sure-fire way to get him to come out of his shell is to get him talking about his passions; either magic or demonology. The rare moments he casts off his cold, indifferent act are when he's deep in thought over things he cares about, where one might see a flicker of how much he really does care about everything.

Feelings and emotions, however, are something he very firmly ignores, no matter how overwhelming his might be at any given moment. He absolutely despises seeming vulnerable in any capacity; if he slips up and his ice-cold facade cracks in front of someone, he might even go as far as to avoid them, lest they bring up whatever he let slip. He's very slow to make connections yet very quick to burn bridges, and he intentionally refuses to put down roots anywhere to make it that much easier to up and leave if he feels he has to.

When he does find himself in the unfortunate position of caring for someone, he retains his outwardly cold, uninterested exterior in everything but actions. Velarius is very good at noticing details and retaining them in memory; he'll recall everything that someone he cares about says, things they prefer, what gifts they might like, and he'll go out of his way every time to get or do those things for them. When pressed about it, he'll always shrug it off or attempt to foist the responsibility of having done something nice onto someone else.

Though he cares very deeply for his inner circle, he suffers a lot from anxieties that everybody is merely taking advantage of him, that the day they drop him and leave is fast approaching. He'll worry that someone doesn't care about him, that they're about to move on, that they've found someone better, and the overwhelming feelings of stress and jealousy are difficult for him to deal with. His methods for dealing with these feelings are very flawed; sometimes he'll give everybody the cold shoulder, and sometimes he'll lash out, while others he'll simply isolate himself.


  • Velarius tends to speak in a fairly refined manner, rarely using slang or cursing. When agitated, excited, or otherwise worked up, he's very animated and a huge hand-talker. His voice sounds like this.
  • Being both a shapeshifter by nature and very skilled with magic besides, he has the ability to change into many different animal forms. His most preferred one, however, is a feline not unlike a caracal with jet-black fur.
  • Numbers and anything relating are often far beyond Velarius; even as a child, he struggled to parse much outside of the basics in regards to mathematics and sciences. It's a fact he's much too proud to admit to, however, and will do his best to simply remove himself from such conversations rather than let on that he has no idea what you're talking about.
  • Doesn't care much for the arts, music, etc. Not so much in that he thinks it's outright useless, but more so that, personally, he doesn't see the point.
  • While he has the sense to not dress too ostentatiously, the fact remains that he's very partial to gold and finery and, despite his circumstances, he has a quite expensive taste in just about everything.
  • 🎶 Music: Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier || Oh My Dear Lord - The Unlikely Candidates || Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea - MISSIO

Velarius lives for and by himself; a tough existence (though he would never admit to that), but one he's been living since he was only fifteen years old. Born and raised on Lysaeus, a dismal home life paired with an insatiable curiosity about magic and the universe led him to run from home in pursuit of his dreams of studying magic with nothing but the clothes on his back. In the years following he was left with little options than to scrounge and do whatever it took to survive, and his efforts took him all across the galaxy as he took any sort of job he could, even stowing away on cargo ships from time to time. Despite being so young, he had already become cynical and stubborn and was not afraid to use his burgeoning, self-taught magical ability to defend himself or get what he needed to survive--even if he did end up hurting himself as much as others with it.

In his travels, he would eventually meet the most unlikely person on a backwater, no-name planet--a dragon who seemed to near-immediately take an interest in Velarius. Introducing himself as Dyn, he offered to take him along, not only freeing him from the constant struggle of trying to stay afloat, but also offering to train him properly in the use of magic. Despite being suspicious of Dyn's intentions, Velarius agreed to go, the allure of having a semblance of security and safety almost entirely eclipsed by the notion of finally being able to indulge in his curiosities.

Velarius spent several years living and training with Dyn, somehow always able to surprise the dragon with how fast he picked up everything he presented him and with his voracious appetite for knowledge. Eventually, Velarius began to strike out on his own, following his own research and interests--no small part of which was a growing obsession with everything to do with demons and the Underworld. Dyn's own research into the subject served as the catalyst for this obsession, but even his years of work weren't enough, and Velarius couldn't resist the lure of more knowledge and power.

Refusing to continue living off of Dyn's good-will, it was back to doing whatever it took to survive, though he was much more prepared and capable this time around. In addition to taking any odd jobs that came his way to get by, he styled himself as a demon hunter; all the better to learn about anything of potential interest to his 'studies'. Both his past and present indiscretions about using magic as a tool--and, most often, a weapon--to get what he wants in addition to widespread fear and revulsion towards the demonic, however, has landed him the label of rogue mage, and with it, a healthy price from his capture. Nothing has proven capable of slowing him down yet, and as the years wear on he only grows more powerful--for better and for worse.


Valerian brother

Ivris love interest

Dyn friend, father figure

Aurias ally