


7 years, 6 months ago


Ayeri Nyamo

Race Ves'dari
Age 17
Height 5'2" (157 cm)
Pronouns they/them
Orientation bi
Occupation fisherman, merchant
Location Tontulu

Ayeri could easily be described as rowdy and uncouth, but where they lack refinement they more than make up for it with heart. Always smiling and full of optimism, even through the toughest times Ayeri tries to keep on going, and make sure others are following along too. Compassionate and empathetic, Ayeri is always willing to put aside time for others, regardless of how busy they might be themselves. When given a job to do, they pour their all into it, willing to work themselves to exhaustion to make sure it's done right. They're very outspoken about what they think is right, and won't hesitate to enforce their ideals and protect their friends and family.

They have the unfortunate habit of bottling up all of their own negative feelings, worries and stresses and never giving anybody so much as a clue to how they really feel until they're past fit to burst, and even so they still try to hide any tears or misery behind jokes and laughter. Ayeri also tends to be naïve and overly-trusting, always seeing the good in people and not being very perceptive of dishonesty.


  • Exceedingly rare among ves'dari, Ayeri has the ability to use magic, though they've never recieved any sort of formal training. What little they know has been mostly self-taught, focusing almost exclusively on healing magic.
  • Their speech is almost excessively made up of local slang, to the point that visitors to their village often struggle to understand what they're saying. They tend to find it pretty funny.
  • They LOVE to read, though living in such a remote area affords them limited access to new reading material. Any time a new book crosses their path, no matter what it is, they'll be absolutely glued to it until it's finished.

Born into a humble life to a fisherman and his wife, notions of hard work and compassion were instilled within Ayeri from a young age, especially by their father. They went everywhere with him, and he taught them just about everything he knew about his trade. Even despite his passing when they were still young, they endeavored to live up to everything he left behind, working hard to support themself and their mother--and, in later years, their step-father and 8 other siblings.

Between looking after their younger siblings and continuing to work the fishing business, Ayeri is practically always busy, though they never stop to bemoan their circumstances. They love what they do, they love their home and their family, and that's more than enough motivation to make it to the end of the day.


Kaelan friend

To put it very simply, Ayeri is terribly fond of Kaelan. Despite not knowing much of his past or what circumstances brought him into their rather unorthodox first meeting, they put a lot of love and trust into their interactions with him. Even though he hardly needs their help anymore, they are always keeping an eye on him, ever on the lookout for any way they can support him. They're quite aware of how reluctant he is with letting anyone get close to him, and the fact that he continues to be so close and open with them means much more than they often let on.