
4 years, 1 month ago



art by naomi_visuals

Luc Sylvainne

A tiefling paladin. Worships Bahamut.


"So... Nice weather, huh?"

Luc is a paladin initiate of the Order of Valorous Wings, a paladin order under the deity Bahamut.

Extra Details

  • Age: 24
  • Birthday: [REDACTED]
  • Background: [REDACTED]
  • Alignment: [REDACTED]
  • Languages: Common, Draconic, [REDACTED]
  • Occupation: Formerly [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], now a paladin


  • Cheese



art by Shio4045


"If you had half a brain you'd be able to tell the difference between a dragon and a devil."

Luc is quiet, soft-spoken, and keeps to themself more often than not. Given their introverted nature, they appear to be rather stand-offish and maybe a little cold. They tend to take a while to befriend others. However, they can also be rather sensitive, and they are prone to cry when seeing deaths.

Despite their sensitive nature, Luc shows very strong ideals and sticks to them, sometimes coming off as rather brash and impulsive when they try to do what they think is right. They refuse to kill others even if they’re evil, because they don’t believe they can be the judge of someone’s actions. This strong sense of ideals makes them very stubborn and can cause them to lash out despite their shyness.

Past their introvertedness, Luc always tries their best to be as kind as can be, but ultimately struggles with being judgmental and slightly apathetic. They are prone to bottle in anger, all the while trying to appear kind. They do not like to be emotionally vulnerable in any way and tend to lash out if people try to get them to open up. Due to past events, they struggle with a severe inferiority complex, trying to overcompensate their kindness and acting on it performatively. Their goals are ultimately very selfish, fueled by a desire to be perceived as a "good paladin."

Because of their performative nature, Luc is very insecure, being well aware that they are not exactly good out of the kindness of their heart, and they believe themself to be a bad person. Oftentimes, they try to hide their insecurities and troubles with sarcastic remarks and jokes. They tend to come off as someone who doesn't take situations seriously because of their desire to joke during dire or serious situations.

Yet, despite their desires and insecurities to be perceived as "good," Luc often questions the moral authority of paladin groups, and what justifies good and bad actions. They are someone who is willing to push the boundaries of what constitutes as "good and evil." They are a philosopher at heart, after all.


  • Steadfast in their ideals
  • Peace keeper (?)
  • Loyal


  • Prone to jealousy
  • Stubborn

art by PanicSwitch


  • Hair Color Silvery white
  • Eye Color Black sclera with yellow irises
  • Skin Color Gray
  • Height 6'3"
  • Clothing Style Fancy
"You have a curious pupil amongst you. If I may speak to your initiate with the silver white hair."

A tiefling with gray skin and long, wavy silvery-white hair that goes past their lower back. They are slender in build, roughly about 155 pounds, and they stand at 6'3"— 6'5" including their horns. Has freckles, which are both light and dark colored. They have a long, thin tail, with tufts of soft fur at its end.

When out of uniform, Luc keeps their hair down, and puts charms and ornaments in their horns. They often wear nice clothing or dresses. When in uniform, they dress more modestly, keeping charms and ornaments out of their horns. They keep their hair up in a bun, which is held in place with a hair stick. Carries a halberd on their back and a rapier and dagger on their belt when in uniform.

Design Notes

  • Their aesthetic/design was based on the Christian/Catholic aesthetic.
  • When Luc carries their halberd on with them, they always keep their hair up, no exceptions. That is because if they kept it down, it would get caught and tangled with the halberd on their back lol.
  • Because they are a tiefling, they have sharp canine teeth. However, they're mostly unnoticable unless you look really closely at them or make them smile.
  • Has some moles on their body; three on their chest in the shape of a triangle, and one behind their left ear.
Click for Reference

art by ThisIsSurreal



art by thplant

Leucothea: Ally

Thinks she's nice and rather attractive. Although they don’t consider her as a friend at this moment, they appreciate all the small gestures she has done to make them feel better.

The pocket grain she has given to them may come in handy.


art by ThisIsSurreal

Theris: Ally

Luc had a rocky start with him and has butted heads with him several times. Although they cannot exactly see eye to eye with him, they certainly mean well. Because they see a lot of their flaws in him, they have a sort of inferiority/jealousy complex towards him.


art by PanicSwitch

Kaivan: ???

Just thinks he's fuckin' weird- they have no positive nor negative feelings about him. They worry for him a little, and they feel a bit bad for him. They are concerned that Ann mistreats Kaivan, and they hope he’s okay.

Luc is very interested in having a philosophical discussion with him.


art by Pinefii

Ekial: ???

Thinks he's cute. Confused about his age, but will not question it.

Will the luck from the blessed cheese come from eating it or from having it in possession?


art by Kylveris

Chyme: ???

Chyme is currently missing. Luc can’t help but to worry about his sudden disappearance, especially since they are in the midst of gnoll and orc attacks.


art by ThisIsSurreal

Kast Bernam: Ally

Given that Kast is one of the drivers of the original caravan Luc was protecting, they feel an obligation to watch over him and protect him. Obviously, they haven’t done much on that front, and they feel a bit guilty about it.


art by ThisIsSurreal

Durlan Sarleth: Paladin Captain

Luc’s captain, a middle aged half elf. They hold him in high regard and have great respect for him.



Reddyl: Paladin Squadmate

Luc's fellow initiate. A dwarf woman who's quite talkative and swears a lot. They like her. CURRENTLY MISSING.



Devonne: Paladin Squadmate

Another fellow initiate. A kind human who's rather religious. Luc thinks she's pretty. Has recently been rescued from capture.


art by ThisIsSurreal

Lazlo: Paladin Squadmate

Luc's third peer, a stoic half-orc who doesn't talk much. They can't really interact with him. CURRENTLY MISSING


[REDACTED]: Friend



[REDACTED]: Friend













Luc comes from the Kingdom of Regallia and lived in the city of Adellaine. They have not talked much about their background, claiming it is “boring.” It is implied that they had a sheltered life, as they have admitted that their life was easy. They also stated that they felt “stuck at home,” which is why they decided to become a paladin.

Present Day


And so, our journey begins...

Luc’s journey starts during a drizzling day at Watchpoint Ziegler, a docking point for traders. A caravan of paladins arrive at the docking point, called upon for an escort mission. Among this caravan of paladins is Luc and their paladin squad, consisting of their captain Durlan Sarleth, and their squadmates, Reddyl Steelfist, Lazlo Thanur, and Devonne Commonflame. The squad is given a short briefing; they are to escort a trading caravan, run by a man named Ulrich Hamlen, to the east.

Meeting Someone New

Captain Sarleth leaves to look for Ulrich Hamlen in the docking point, and Luc and their squad is left to do their own thing. After briefly conversing with their squad, Luc takes a look around the docking point and takes notice of Leucothea, a water genasi, standing nearby a cart. They are immediately enamored by her, as they find her rather attractive and had never seen a water genasi before.

Ulrich Hamlen arrives at the cart next to Leucothea, taking notice of the paladins standing nearby. He tells Leucothea to go over and ask where the commander of the paladins is, and then promptly leaves to fill out some paperwork. Leucothea complies, approaching Reddyl and asking where the paladins’ captain is. When Reddyl asks who Leucothea is, Leucothea tells Reddyl that she is also guarding Ulrich Hamlen’s cart.

Reddyl is unsure where Captain Sarleth is and Luc offers to find him. Luc introduces themself to Leucothea, and then they both head out, finding Captain Sarleth talking with Ulrich Hamlen. Having found the captain, they both decide to go back to the paladin squad. There, Leucothea introduces herself to the squad. They converse briefly, before Devonne tells Luc to buy more rations for the upcoming journey, asking Leucothea to accompany them.


The both of them head out again and after buying some rations, Luc and Leucothea decide to wander around the outpost for a bit. Luc overhears a conversation that is seemingly hostile towards paladins; the hushed whispers of, “I suppose they’re one of the good ones,” and “They’ve got one of them in their ranks.” This troubles Luc, and they point it out to Devonne when they return, stating that the people in the docking point seem to not like paladins. They express some doubt about whether or not they should be doing things for others if no one likes paladins anyways. Devonne pulls Luc aside and gives them a brief talk about being a paladin. She tells them it’s “a thankless job” and to have faith in themself and their squad. After this talk, she tells Luc that they’re free to talk to her, and they both return to the others.

After Luc and Leucothea awkwardly converse for a little bit, Captain Sarleth returns with Ulrich Hamlen, informing the squad that he has gotten horses for them to ride during the journey. He takes notice of Leucothea, and she introduces herself to him. Captain Sarleth informs her that she needs to either ride in the wagon or with someone else on a horse. Leucothea decides to ride a horse with Luc, and they prepare to head off.

An Insulting Show

As the caravan begins its leave, a troop of paladins enters the docking post from its northwestern entrance, bearing a crest of a golden sun on their banners and donning golden armor with steel plating. The troop is led by a tall human man with fair skin, yellow eyes, and long silver hair, who approaches Luc’s squad. Durlan and the man exchange introductions. The man introduces himself as Hugos Fairengale, commander of the Order of the Changing Dawn, and Durlan introduces himself as a guardian of the Order of Valorous Wings.

Hugos takes a notice of Luc, calling them an “interesting pupil” and asks to speak with them. Captain Sarleth tells them to come forward, but Luc, uneasy, makes an objection. Captain Sarleth repeats himself more sternly, and Luc begrudgingly decides to do what he says. Hugos asks Luc for their name, and they give it to him. He then comments about how it’s interesting that their Order is accepting “devilkind” within the ranks, especially during times of suspicion.

Luc, misunderstanding the situation, makes a comment that if he had half a brain, he would be able to tell the difference between a dragon and a devil. Captain Sarleth tells them to stand down, but they refuse, upset that their paladin order has seemingly been insulted twice that day. Captain Sarleth tells them that he can handle the situation and tells Hugos that if he had nothing constructive to say, then they shall take their leave. The caravan then heads off.

Luc is still very bothered by what had happened, and as they ride off, Luc asks Leucothea if their paladin order seemed bad. Leucothea informs them that she doesn’t know enough about their order to comment about it, and Luc tells her that they aren’t bad. At this point, Devonne cuts into the conversation and informs Luc that Hugos wasn’t talking about the Order; he was talking about Luc as a tiefling. This shocks and upsets Luc, who says they don’t want to be disliked by anyone. Their squad comforts them, and Reddyl tells them that she doesn’t hate them, nor does anyone else in their squad. She tells them to keep moving forward, and Luc gives her a thanks.

A Trip of Awkward Conversation, But Also, WOLVES!


art by ThisIsSurreal

As the journey goes on, Luc and Leucothea converse. Luc asks where she’s from, and Leucothea replies that she’s from Venicci. She reveals that she worked as a bodyguard in a palace, which impresses Luc. She informs them that it was nice for some time, but she couldn’t stay. The awkward conversation dies quickly after that, as Leucothea is not so fond of opening up about her past with a stranger.

It gets close to evening, and Captain Sarleth announces that the caravan will be camping shortly. Not long after this, Luc and Leucothea spot the figures of wolves in the forest at their right. Before Luc can issue a warning to their captain, the caravan gets attacked by the wolves. Luc and Leucothea split off from the caravan to defend the smaller cart up ahead and are able to successfully do so, though not without getting injured. The rest of the wolves are successfully fought off by the paladin squad.

After Luc and Leucothea get healed up, the caravan leaves the scene, though Captain Sarleth lingers behind slightly to inspect the dead bodies of the wolves as they ride off. The caravan makes camp at late evening, and Ulrich gives his thanks for the protection. Luc and Leucothea converse further in an awkward manner. Leucothea asks where Luc learned to ride a horse, and they reveal they had learned to do so from bootcamp. When Luc asks Leucothea where she had learned to fight, she tells them she had learned from books as well as having received help from a friend. This impresses them quite a bit. They converse a bit further, but the conversation awkwardly dies.

Leucothea jumps at a chance to take the next watch, and Luc heads off to rest before taking the next watch after her. The night passes on and the next morning comes. The caravan takes its leave.


art by PanicSwitch

Luc is currently separated from their paladin squad and is stuck with 6 other people they are not so familiar with. Needless to say, they are not so stoked.


  • They are left-handed. This is apparent if you take notice of their rapier, which is custom made for left-handed users.
  • Luc’s first and last name came from a French textbook.
  • Apparently has a slight fear of ghosts. Claims to have seen a ghost before.
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