Rowan (Forum Encounters πŸ—ΊοΈ)





You caught the OC above staring at you πŸ‘€ Game

Rowan was taking a nice walk around the forest when he got the sense he was being watched. He stopped in place, hoping he could camouflage and make the traveller think they were seeing things and encourage them to move on, but he could still feel those eyes on him. He cautiously glanced around, then up, giving a startled squeak and ducking behind the closest tree to peek at the dark-clothed figure sitting on a sturdy branch. What did they want? What was that person doing in one of Rowan's trees? Why were they so far into the depths of the forest? Rowan had been sure no humans would come there to talk to him, but here one was, staring.

Rowan paused, taking a moment to look them over. Human? No, not quite. Humans don't have those ears or any tails. So what are they...?

It took Rowan a few minutes to realize he had started to stare back at the not-quite-human himself. He ducked his head to break eye contact, ears twitching as he hesitantly hurried off. If that being had such clear animal traits, he supposed they were fine to stay in the woods as long as they wished. But the small forest deity still had no desire to hold a conversation.

Character Here



You caught the OC above staring at you πŸ‘€ Game

Light, leisurely steps padded along the forest floor, only the quiet crunch of fallen leaves and the occasional small twigs sounding faintly to alert any surroundings of a visitor in the area. Bits of sunlight from beyond seeped faintly through here and there enough to softly illuminate where it touched, but the deep, green and woody darkness of the trees above still prevailed nevertheless.

In a place like this, one could never know what critters and creatures may find notice and take enough interest to linger. Hungry or curious, one may never know at all, perhaps until it is already too late to consider what to make of it. Although knowing of this as well, the tingling feeling telling the wandering celestial of an unfamiliar gaze focused at his back felt not one to be all too concerned of. A shy gaze, rather, that only had him now the one feeling curious in turn.

As he continued on walking, paying no particular mind towards it for the moment, only the softest rustle could be made out of a presence following along. Above, perhaps? The deep brambles behind? Instead of turning about in attempt to locate the source, Caelestis merely slowed his steps eventually to sit back against the base of a comfortably angled tree. Eyelids closing, he took in a deep, refreshing breath of the foresty air around. If this fellow was interested enough to have followed this far, he wouldn't be likely to leave so quickly anyway.

As Caelestis' eyes opened once more, a faintest movement could be seen in the near distance, likely with a lowered caution after the intruder that was he no longer appeared so easily alerted. With eyebrows raised just slightly in surprise at first, a moment was needed to acknowledge just how impressively camouflaged the mysterious observer had been.

And yet... Ah, found you. He chuckled softly in amusement.

"Hello there," he greeted lightheartedly. It didn't seem like Rowan was the sort particularly eager about being seen, yet Caelestis couldn't help but stare back just a bit now. "I'd wondered whose gaze it was that I'd felt, but someone like you certainly makes for a bit of a surprise. I'm honored, I must say." A familiar air of divinity could be faintly made out, and he wondered if the other could sense something similar in him as well. So skittish and reluctant, though, he wouldn't be surprise if that was still not enough to be willing to linger any longer.

"It's alright," he added, shifting about to a more relaxed seating against the tree, "I don't intend to be of bother to you. But I will leave if unwelcome." He smiled, closing his eyes with now the full intent to keep them that way as long as they wished. These peaceful moments spent among the wild greenery were a bliss like little else, surely the small deity would understand as well.

Character Here




Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed purus nibh, placerat vel blandit at, interdum egestas eros. In iaculis, risus id facilisis facilisis, dui nisi maximus turpis, quis laoreet enim dui sit amet erat. In tincidunt arcu leo, ac dapibus nulla hendrerit et. Proin orci neque, pulvinar id rutrum sit amet, placerat a nulla. Donec ut ex tincidunt, fringilla diam a, bibendum leo. Ut eu ullamcorper nisi. Proin sit amet metus et orci sodales molestie eu in nisl. Aliquam iaculis metus quis quam aliquam, eget sagittis quam lobortis. Duis non dignissim lacus. Etiam finibus ipsum ut sollicitudin blandit. Duis nisi felis, auctor non iaculis eu, hendrerit ut lacus. Vestibulum dictum est sagittis odio mollis, ut placerat lectus pharetra. Vestibulum nec dui in ligula ultrices eleifend.

Cras facilisis sollicitudin risus vitae ultricies. Sed id diam purus. Suspendisse vitae massa ut dui ornare accumsan. Donec at fermentum lacus. Duis tincidunt efficitur sagittis. Integer sit amet purus sed nibh tempor egestas nec eget arcu. Aliquam tristique turpis eu tempus maximus. Duis nisi est, vehicula vitae justo ac, viverra aliquam orci. Aliquam consectetur, mauris quis eleifend hendrerit, nibh quam elementum libero, eu molestie metus lorem non justo. Maecenas ut eleifend purus. Curabitur sit amet placerat nisi. Donec elementum velit eget erat tristique blandit. Aliquam lorem turpis, euismod et ultrices id, euismod a ex.

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