


2 years, 5 months ago




Helpful . PETITE . stubborn




Fae (dragon)

H: 5'2" D: 15" in

Tribe Leader

Ria is the tribal leader for the fae tribe. While in her human form she appears to have a regular size, her dragon size is rather small and so are fae homes. She spends a lot of her time in her dragon form, for her houses are little home-made cocoons (much like the bird's example in the Fae gif).

She's normally very easy to get along with unless you stress her, however she's also extremely stubborn and thinks she's always right. It's very easy to argue with her if your opinions are different than hers.

 Love heals itself, don't attempt to fix it manually. 

  • Berries
  • Pollen
  • Flowers
  • Spending time
  • Unsatisfaction
  • Rude people
  • Meat
  • People who try to squish her

Ria's personality is very complicated, as she goes from one extreme to another. She's very often sweet and caring however! Measuring a good 12" in length in her dragon form, she's the smallest of the leaders. She spends most time away from home in her humanoid form, but has to sleep in her dragon form because of her house's size. She's very kind to her people but also very scared of change, meaning she can come off as rude to other tribes at first. She warms up well however, and normally gets better as you build a relationship with her. She has a very busy life, but would love to settle at some point in the future.


Ria had a honestly very easy-going yet odd childhood. She was born from a clutch of 2 eggs, however her brother didn't survive birth. She was raised by two mothers and a father. One of her mothers she referred to as "Nurse", her actual mother was named Alles, and her father was named Khole. None of her parents were actually in a relationship with each other, Khole was a royal guard who donated to her mother, all parents were just willing to raise little Ria. Nurse was one of the tribe's healers, and one of the Queen's best friends, helping her raise Ria all up until the end of her life. Khole was physically absent a lot because of his place in the kingdom, but loved Ria with utmost passion. Ria spent a lot of time with the women of the house, and trained with them rather than her dad. She was a very well behaved child and quiet, and she grew up that way. She had everything she could ask for, and while she had her moments most of the time she was just a sweet little kid who wanted to make someone smile. Her mother died later on in her life but fully prepared her for ruling, so Ria's been ruling for about the last 100 years or so. Nurse died when she was in her 600s, She dwelled on both deaths but know that their souls live on. Her father is actually still alive and works for her, he's a very proud dad! C:

Current life

Today Ria is extremely busy, she puts a lot of the responsibility of her kingdom on herself. She is always flying around making sure the people of her kingdom are safe and happy, providing the tribe with gatherings and group activities. The whole tribe is very familiar with each other and extremely community based, and that's exactly how Ria (and her mother) designed it. If she isn't running around to check on her people or set things up, she's normally writing to herself. She loves to study the species that make up her tribe and how each behaves, so her biggest pass time is writing down information she gathers from her tribe! She wants to help any future ruler as much as possible, as well as the group that she leads.

  • Her dragon form weighs about 20 lbs!
  • Her wings are extremely fast, moving as a hummingbird's do. 
  • She's only had it once, but LOVES pastries! She loves strudels.
  • REFUSES to be called queen, she finds it "too fancy for her".




Do they love each other or hate each other? Honestly I don't even think THEY know.. More info on them as they get to know eachother.



They have a mutual respect for each othere and often join each other for herbal tea! Despite their size difference in either form, they make it work!



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