Nina Holdsworth



4 years, 1 month ago


Nina Holdsworth

Age 18
Gender Trans Female (she/her)
Height 5’5ft
Species Wolf
Skills Mediumship


  • Being fueled by spite
  • Snow
  • Being proven right
  • The wild


  • Ghosts wreaking havoc around her
  • Coincidences
  • Dirty places or things in general
  • Heatwaves

Asocial . Tired . Caring

Since she was young, Nina has always been able to see and talk to ghosts. It was normal to her and she couldn’t understand how a lot of people couldn’t see or hear the spirits which were reaching out for help. She began to research into psychic abilities and saw that she was gifted in mediumship. From there interest grew and she began learning everything she could about her abilities, from reading and watching famous mediums to understanding the astral realm and why spirits may get trapped in limbo. She decided to dedicate her life to helping the lost souls who couldn’t move on and eventually she made a living out of it, often being called out to houses or other haunted locations in order to stop the hauntings.

One of the most noticeable features of Nina is her cracked horns and the scar which runs down the left side of her neck. During one of her cases she was attacked by a powerful demon and began to fight with it for hours. The demon tried to destroy her horns because they glowed whenever any type of paranormal entity is nearby. Luckily, Nina managed to fight of the demon and destroy it but was heavily injured in the process and took several months to recover. Despite this, she continued taking cases knowing that the spirits still stuck in limbo needed her to help settle any unfinished business and cross them over into the afterlife and finally rest in peace.

 “Do you believe in ghosts?”

HTML by lowkeywicked

OK soooo I’m too anxious to erase anything out of this beautiful profile but also I’m going to make her an anthro fanchar of a friend’s universe and  she’s just a kiddo that says she can hear ghosts and ppl th8nk she’s unhinged but like the main dudebro has to work as a doctor in vry unsanitary conditions and stuff happens ppl die and the building seems to be haunted so like- Is it just the kids doing noises to drive her crazy or are ghosts rlly there? An accidental babysitter ngl. She’s always wanted to help ppl so she studied medecine a bit, becomes an assistant somewhat

Yo yo...Hear me out. Cowboy & fortune teller vibes. She could be a maned wolf? That’d be cool

Update: started editing the main profile a bit