Yoyo (Yichan AU)



2 years, 9 months ago




Wu Yang-Xiyong 乌楊羲雍
Jan 20th
Wu Clan
5’5 | 165cm
Alive (for now ;3)

Are you interested in this product? Well...*proceeds to recite every word from the manual*

The son of a wealthy multi-branch merchant who drives away customers with his monotone, hour-long sales pitches...

Known as Wu Yang Xiyong or Yoyo and is younger than the og Yoyo. An exchange student under the Wu clan!


Composed | Diligent | Humorous(?) | Generous | Workaholic | Distant |Self-conscious | Irritable

Acts composed--most of the time. He's a hardworking boi but a study/workaholic. He's distant since he has trouble expressing himself but he tries his best. He likes puns. He thinks they "uplift" people. (Not really) However, on his bad days he gets annoyed easily. He will act like you don't exist. Yoyo also gets embarrassed easily if you see past his serious studious side. He especially crumbles in the presence of girls. He's shy.

Composed (+)

Whatever it is, Yang-Xiyong, or Yoyo, isn’t easily swayed by extreme emotions. He keeps a straight face, remains calm, and can work under pressure really well. His family's employees would always ask for him whenever there’s a rude customer because he’s so good at “dealing” with them. He also doesn’t get scared easily, so if he’s at an abandoned house and he sees something, he would just dead-pan stare at it (while carefully thinking of what to do next in the situation).

Diligent (+)

Yoyo puts his duties at the top of his priorities at all times. He spends countless hours studying, learning about selling tactics and assisting his father in calculating sales. When present at any of his family’s branch shops, he would try his best helping the employees sell to customers. However, the employees would humbly refuse, not just because of the formalities of being the owner’s son, but because he drives off the customers.

Once a customer is interested in a product, Yoyo, in a monotone voice, would go full-on encyclopedia mode, stating every single detail about the product (a little too much) to the point of mentioning its faults. Either the customer is dissatisfied, or that they can’t stand his hour long sales pitch and leave. (This is what the employees meant by Yoyo “dealing” with annoying customers—to get rid of them).

Even though he’s booksmart about the inventory in great detail and business tactics, he can’t translate it well into his actions, but his diligence will help him get better …hopefully. Other than that he has good management skills.

Workaholic (-)

The business is what occupies most of Yoyo’s head. After his mother’s death he became more and more immersed in his studies as a distraction. He finds it hard to detach from his work because he’s scared his thoughts will resurface reminding him how lonely he sometimes feels.

Distant (-)

Yoyo isn’t very good at expressing himself since he doesn’t have much experience socializing with others. He rarely smiles, which can give some people the impression that he doesn’t want to talk to them. Initiating conversations is not his forté because all he says is “Hello”. He doesn’t have a problem with people being friendly with him, but he sometimes has trouble reciprocating, thus weakening the relationship. Yoyo is a strong advocate of personal space, simply because his brain can’t process physical intimacy very well— he’s not used to it at all. (@_@);

Self-Conscious (-)

Even though Yoyo is often seen to maintain his composure, there are times when he couldn’t. In actuality, he’s self-conscious and is always attentive on how he delivers himself in front of others. He’s aware that people see him as someone who’s studious and serious—which is what he wants. However, when he hears people say something off-course about him, his composure slowly crumbles and starts getting nervous/fidgety. He quickly gets embarrassed and starts showing more flustered emotions.

He’s especially conscious around girls. Whenever he walks in the street, girls would group up whispering and giggling to each other as he passes by. Yoyo heard the word “face” and right there he instantly thought they were talking about how bad he looked. From then on he always thinks there’s something wrong with his face and that they’re making fun of him. This led him to be more shy around girls in general. Girls wouldn’t usually approach him because he always seemed “busy”. (He speed walks past them).

Humorous(?) (+)

What’s completely unexpected is Yoyo’s random sense of humor. He cracks jokes with a straight face at the most randomest of times. He would say a joke and people would look at him twice if what he said actually came out of his mouth. People are too shocked to even laugh. Telling “jokes” is more of his way of trying to make light of a situation. Yoyo tries to uplift the employees’ spirits at work, but would often result in confusion. When he’s near sad people he tries to cheer them up with a joke, but also is unsuccessful (which is why he remains distant). He’s keen on finding someone who can share his jokes with him. Who knows, they might just witness him laugh(?). The quality of his jokes vary though, so don’t expect too much...

*takes a sip of tea*

“Do you know what kind of tea is the hardest to swallow?


Irritable (-)

Yoyo absolutely hates being annoyed. Loud noises, intrusive people, anything annoying to the average person is 5x more annoying to him. He gets more agitated whenever he’s busy doing something, such as reading or thinking. When annoyed, he’d give that person a stern warning. If that person persists, Yoyo would grumble and give them the silent treatment while giving death glares at them. He’d try to disassociate with that person as much as possible—as if they didn’t exist. Because he stays up late reading at night he is often sleep deprived, making him even more irritable (he needs sleep).

Generous (+)

Yoyo is not your typical merchant who likes to swindle for an extra buck. In fact, he’s quite generous and likes giving things to people (since it's one way for him to get along with others without being awkward). Yoyo would always bring food (mostly in the form of pork buns) or souvenirs to employees when he visits shop. When talking to customers he likes giving “freebies”, like trinkets or little painted postcards of nature (he secretly drew himself). If someone gets along with him, he’d offer to buy them things since he’s not afraid to spend his money for others. (Your go-to guy if you need to buy something (just be nice to him))



Yoyo was born into a family of rather wealthy merchants. His parents joined their businesses together, making their trade expand from just selling a single type of product; his dad sold common rune-imbued artifacts while his mother’s side sold musical instruments. Soon their trade expanded to selling exquisite ceramics and art due to his father’s connections. With multiple stocks lined up, they were able to establish multiple shops for each product line in different locations. The business sometimes also held auctions with the diverse stocks that they owned.

Early Life

While his dad was running the business, Yoyo spent more time with his mother. He always enjoyed the times she would play the guzheng while he’d sit and draw pictures for her. She promised him that she’ll teach him how to play the guzheng when he’s not busy. However, his time with her was cut short when she became sick during her pregnancy with a second child. After she passed away giving birth to his younger brother, Yoyo was left grief-stricken. The family stopped selling musical instruments after her passing. He never got to learn to play the guzheng with her...

His mother’s passing made Yoyo distant with other people over time. He wanted to be left alone to his study, distracting his thoughts. Even if his little brother, Wu Zhen-xi (乌珍惜), asks him to play, Yoyo would refuse stating that he needs to finish some “work” left behind by their father. He feels guilty hanging out with his brother because his thoughts would drift to his brother as the cause of his mother’s death, even though he knows he’s fully wrong. A few years later, his relationship with his brother improves. Though, he still longs for a deeper connection with him, or any other person really...


Yoyo continued learning the ways of business to help his family. His diligence has allowed him to be in charge of managing sales since he excelled in calculating numbers. He’s always curious on what their next stocks are going to be so he can read a new set of volumes..or manuals.

He found it a bit unexpected when he got chosen to be in the exchange program and that they’ll arrive soon to Yilan city. He’s aware that he’s bad at reaching customers. Maybe it was a test for him to improve by visiting other clans and seeing their sales tactics, besides reading it from the books. He might get his first successful customer.

Yoyo packed his bags. They’ll be arriving soon…

Full-Bio Here!


  • He has long lashes uwu
  • Deep ruby red eyes, similar to his jiangshi AU form
  • Also has that red-eyeliner thing going on
  • If it wasn't for his long pony, his hair seems really short..
  • Add blushies whenever he's embarrassed/when there's gorl interactions;
  • He looks ded inside most of the time foreshadowing


  • No special abilities but is book smart in terms of business. Knows how certain things work in detail, like rune-inscribed items.
  • Can do maths/quick mental math
  • Thinks strategically in various situations. Can quickly think of ways to escape situations he wants to avoid. Less likely to fight with weapons, but more likely to be the one behind the planning.
  • Runes: Because of excessive studying, Yoyo has become familiar with many different types of runes and their uses in great detail. He often uses them to cancel out noise during his studies. He also frequently uses them to deliver messages for business.
  • An artist? Likes observing nature and drawing still-life.


  • Reading books; anything
  • Playing Go (chinese chess) and winning against older ppl
  • Solving arithmetic..for fun...
  • Draws nature to kill time / making postcard “freebies” to give to customers


< Voice >

(fun fact the VA is also named Yang)

Overall, has a low calm voice.

  • Pork meat buns 💖 (& meat in gen.)
  • Math
  • Strategy games like “Go”
  • Guzheng music
  • Personal space
  • Random puns
  • Loud ppl / noises (they distract him)
  • Lazy ppl
  • Physically clingy ppl
  • Being stared at for more than 10 sec
  • Green onions / Garlic
  • His face lol
  • His cat allergies


  • Allergic to cats
  • He loves pork meat buns. Eats them 24/7. Can probs win eating contests with those.....
  • Lacks “customer service”. He doesn’t smile.
  • Has never laughed OUT LOUD in his life.
  • Scared of girls so he can’t maintain eye contact face-to-face. His record is 3 seconds!!! Woahhh
  • He's also scared of old ladies (bc they always pinch his cheeks and it hurts;;)
  • More likely to use words to get out of a fight.
  • Wants to learn to play the guzheng…
  • Also has a pet crow, named LanLan, a gorl. It has a flower tied to its leg uwu
  • He gets a little sad when people don't really laugh at his "jokes/puns"
  • Bc he stays indoors a lot, he’s also not fond of strenuous physical activity...
  • Doesn’t mind the clothes he wears, can wear less extravagant clothes if he has to
  • Stopped drawing ppl/portraits after his mom died
  • Unlike in the OG AU where XuXu nicknamed him Yoyo, in YICHAN AU it was his mom who gave him the nickname


Wu Zhen-xi (乌珍惜)

younger brother

Yoyo was somewhat distant to him in the beginning. Felt guilty for blaming him as the cause of their mother's death. But now, their relationship improved over time. Yoyo wished they could talk more though.


his mom

i was the mom in the story :^)