


4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info












Clover is a butterfly who lived on the outskirts of Draco's Watch for the majority of her life, though she would eventually move closer to the town after she turned sixteen. Though she's lived in the area her whole life, she never really talked to most of the other people who live there. The most she's talked to in the town would be the people who work at the library. There are people who live outside the town that she talks to occasionally, but not a ton. 

She frequents the library because she is trying to learn how to use some magic. She wants to learn a couple of types of magic, and she has already mastered one type of magic, which is air magic. Her mastery of air magic is how she got the blue patch on her chest. Also, due to her mastery of air magic, she can fly without flapping her wings whenever she wants. This was the main reason she wanted to learn air magic, since she cannot fly for long periods of time without it being a strain on her. She wasn't able to fly much when she first became a butterfly due to the circumstances she was in. As of late, she is trying to master water magic. She's struggling with it a bit, but she understands how to say the chants, at the very least. 

Along with frequenting the library to read, she likes music. When she was younger, her mom made her learn how to play piano. She wasn't really interested in it at first, but she grew to like it once she moved out of her mom's house. She wasn't able to play piano for a while after leaving her mom's house due to how she felt at the time. She would eventually go back to it after a while to see if she remembered anything. Since it wasn't being forced on her anymore, she felt like she can learn at her own pace. She gets a little nervous whenever someone is in the same room while she's playing because she's scared she's going to mess up whatever she's playing. She is able to learn songs by ear if she wants to, though she doesn't most of the time. She is able to do this because she has perfect pitch.

From the time she was born until she was sixteen, she lived with her parents, though her dad was constantly out of the house because he worked so much. Her mother always had a sort of paranoia that he was never going to come back, so whenever he was home, she would try to keep him home by any means necessary, which never really worked for long. As Clover got older, her mother would do the same thing to her that she would have done with her father. No matter what, her mother didn't want her to leave. Her mother would always try to say that she knew what was best for her, and would proceed to not listen to what she has to say. No matter what Clover tried to tell her, she would still believe her opinion is better than Clover's. There was a point where her mother wouldn't allow her to even go outside or see Kiran, her closest and only friend at the time, though she would sneak outside anyway, because she liked climbing and sitting in the trees that surrounded her house. There were points where she would get caught doing this and her mom would punish her. After dealing with a couple of years of her mom's strict behavior, she ran away. She wasn't exactly sure where to go, since she hadn't planned her escape too far in advance. Ultimately, she decided to go to Kiran's house, in hopes that his parents would let her stay. Luckily, though they were hesitant at first, they did. They have a guest room, so they let her set up in there. Ever since her disappearance, her mother has looked for her. She even went to Kiran's house a couple of times searching for her, but didn't find anything because she wasn't in the house either time. 

Due to her own curiosity, she started researching the red marks that  seemed to start appearing out of nowhere. Though she isn't the first one to start this research, she wanted to see if she could contribute to this research in some way. She wanted to try her best to contribute because one of her friends at the time (Orchid, to be exact) had the marking and she was afraid that something bad would happen to her. She is trying her best with varying results. She is trying to work with other people who are trying to find a cause to this mysterious marking, including people like Celeste. Ever since they started working together, they have been able to find more information, but they still don't have a definite answer to their question. 

Clover is a pretty introverted person, though she could hardly be called shy. She is extremely open and welcoming, but she can't deal with a lot of people for too long, or else she will start shutting down. When she feels like she's about to shut down, she tries to go to a quiet place so she can relax a little bit. Because of where and how she was raised, she is not used to being around a bunch of people at a time, so it can be overwhelming for her if she has to deal with it for a while. For this reason, she tends to avoid crowds whenever possible, though she does have to occasionally deal with them. In this case, she likes having someone she trusts with her because she doesn't like being alone in huge crowds. She can be very physically affectionate towards the people she trusts. She's not the greatest at using her words, and she knows that, so she shows her affection in other ways, besides using words. She wants the people she cares about to know that she cares, so she tries to make sure they know. Though she doesn't like showing her emotions to random people, she isn't great at hiding them most of the time. If she is asked about her emotions, though, she never really knows how to describe them outside of extremely general terms. She is pretty tired most of the time because she doesn't sleep that much, but she tries to make it seem like she isn't. She can be a bit dense sometimes, but she acts as if she isn't.