


4 years, 1 month ago


This little darling is a kind-hearted, shy, teary-eyed creature. He’s biologically gender-neutral (no genitals at all) but goes by he/him pronouns. Since he has a literal computer as a head he doesn’t really need to eat, though he enjoys occasionally downloading programs that help mimic the tastes of certain foods (especially sweets and pancakes- hence his name). His voice is soft, static-y and relatively feminine, though is likely closer to that of a young child than anything else. His eyes aren’t exactly a representation of his emotional state- in regards to the tears- considering he normally has a similar expression on at all times. 

Likes: sweets, pancakes (with syrup!), getting his wings groomed, sitting in the grass, sunny weather

Dislikes: rain (causes glitches & issues in his software quq), loud/sudden noises, dirt, mud, sour foods