Adder ☆



4 years, 20 days ago



Name Adder
Called Starfruit
Age 21
Gender Male
Race Rainwing
Role Peacekeeper
Alignment NG 
Theme Say So

Adder is one of the smartest and kindest Rainwings you will ever come across. He’s sweet, intelligent, and could probably come up with a solution to any problem you throw at him. He loves exploring and making new friends, jotting down notes about his travels in a little diary scroll that he keeps in his den. Some think he’s part Nightwing based on all his curiosity, but he’s a Rainwing through and through. He’s known to be a little too trusting with new friends, but can protect himself.


  • Learning
  • Scrolls
  • Fruit
  • New friends


  • Fighting
  • Long flights 
  • Bad attitude
  • Being stuck in one spot


When Adder was just a hatchling, the Queen of the Rainwings - Queen Glory - saw something special in the little dragon and told his mother that she knew he’d become one of her advisors when he grew up. As he aged, he became more and more inquisitive, asking way too many questions for his parents and teachers to answer. Rumours spread quickly about the kingdom that he was not a purebred Rainwing, but that he had Nightwing blood as well. Despite this, he was still a pure Rainwing and both his parents were too. 


As soon as Adder was old enough to fly, he took short adventures out into the jungle to explore and see what he could learn and find. On his first few trips he came up with nothing, not finding anything or anyone interesting. The further he travelled, the more interesting things became. One day, he flew so far that he wound up in Seawing territory and met the Princess named Urchin. He was fascinated by her and wanted to learn as much as he could about her and her kingdom, especially the Royal traditions. He and her became very good friends after that. 

As he continued to travel and explore, he visited every tribe territory, including the Sandwings, Icewings, Mudwings, Skywings, and even the Hivewings one day. Each clan was curious as to how and why a Rainwing was in their midst, but he charmed them into accepting him as an ally and friend. He enjoys all the time he spends in these territories, often disguising himself as one of them to play pranks when he’s feeling playful.

Working with the queen

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Urchin  [ Friend ]

Urchin is one of Adder’s best friends outside his own tribe. He met the Seawing princess one day on an expedition and the two of them just clicked. They often spend time together when she isn’t busy and he isn’t exploring other kingdoms. He truly enjoys her company and would do pretty much anything for her. 


Andromeda  [ Friend ]

On an expedition to collect some new scrolls from the Nightwings, Adder met a young Nightwing/Rainwing hybrid named Andromeda. She was really sweet and helped him find everything he needed. They became good friends, and visit each other every moon!


Mercedeze  [ Roommate ]

Harley believes that everyone you meet is a part of your life for a reason, and that Mercedeze’s purpose is to drive her absolutely nuts some days, and help her laugh through her tears others. Mercedeze can be a little irritating to Harley at times, but she’s a good roommate and a great friend. Harley could never hold that against her. 

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