


4 years, 1 month ago





Name Dr. Balthazar Graves
Gender Nonbinary Masc
Pronouns He/they
Age 36
Sexuality Bisexual
Ethnicity Mondarni
Occupation Doctor, troublemaker
Residence Blackpool, Arthen

"I may be entering, but I certainly haven’t been breaking..."


Balthazar is a talented individual; this is a fact of which there is no denying. His status as one of the most sought-after doctors in Arthen doesn’t stem from nothing! The man knows what he’s doing, his breadth of knowledge both in regard to medicine and other topics is enviable, and Dr. Graves is a very eloquent and kind person. Overall, his patients have terrific things to say about him, something of a contrast to the opinions of other medical professionals he’s worked with in Arthen. His coworkers and peers would describe him as distant, sometimes aloof, but a hard-worker. However, there’s more to the fellow than even that.

He is best described as an arrogant, two-faced, and manipulative man with morally questionable tendencies. There are very stark differences in his actions depending on the groups of people he’s around. It’s rare for his patients to see even a streak of the person he actually is; to them he is generous, genuinely caring, and working in their best interest. It’s rare for anyone to see anymore than one of these facets, as Balthazar is very protective of his reputation and the illusion he’s created to maintain it. There are very few people he truly cares for, and those closest to him have seen most, if not all, of what he’s truly like. It’s something of a mixture of it all, oddly.

The unkind and uncaring front he puts on for the vast majority of people is a protective measure. Attachment is something of a sore spot for Balthazar, it just never seems to go well for him, and is therefore something he tends to avoid. That being said, he still doesn’t care about most people in his life, and were he to make it to the top of any figurative heep, he wouldn’t hesitate to kick them down.


Balthazar is far above average height, standing at 6’11” or 210.82 cm, and is of a considerably lanky build. He looks a few years younger than he is, and is generally placed by others as being in his early-30s. His eyes are an incredibly dark brown, nearing on black. Despite being in his mid-30s his black hair is already graying. Balthazar’s nails appear to be stained an inky black. He does look tired almost constantly.

His typical attire is well-tailored and well cared for. He can afford nice clothing and enjoys wearing them. He isn’t terribly adventurous with colors, preferring neutrals, blues, and sometimes desaturated purples if he’s feeling a little wilder. His sleeves are almost always rolled up.



Balthazar’s roommate. They’ve known each other since they were in school and are very close. Balthazar considers Sterling worthy of trust as well as his time and actively tries to help him without being too obvious about his efforts. He knows Sterling is incredibly intelligent, but believes him to be incredibly unlucky despite his hard work. They support each other, and Balthazar frequently goes to Sterling for advice.


Balthazar is blissfully unaware that his secondary employer is a fallen god responsible for the horrible state of their world. Balthazar knows Arthenokael as Oberon Ardelean, an Arthen noble in Blackpool who saw right through his pleasant facade during a visit. Oberon has offered him numerous and well-paying jobs, and while Balthazar finds something about him eerie, they click well, and Oberon has never attempted to screw him over. Well, he hasn’t yet.


Doesn’t trust Flint at all and thinks there is something wildly wrong with them. Oberon and Sterling’s positive opinions of them is something Balthazar finds baffling. He would give Flint more attitude but something inside him tells him that she wouldn’t hesitate to snap him in half like a dry twig.

Kazimir the Undying

Literally wants to make her new title Kazimir the Dying if you know what I mean.


Donec maximus tincidunt purus, id luctus ante tincidunt id. Vivamus vitae molestie libero. Aenean sagittis felis nec massa tincidunt bibendum. Sed in mi sagittis, mollis urna dapibus, accumsan eros. Praesent feugiat tortor at magna dictum interdum. Sed sit amet nisl at felis pharetra efficitur sed in ex. Donec tempus mollis ligula vitae posuere. Cras fermentum est eu urna iaculis feugiat. Integer eget dui sed nunc maximus efficitur vitae sed sapien. Curabitur ac facilisis mauris. Etiam tellus elit, facilisis nec risus sit amet, blandit volutpat augue. Nulla non ultricies risus, id vehicula arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc sodales semper tortor, ut posuere dui ullamcorper ut. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Nullam malesuada metus quis purus laoreet sodales. Nunc consequat volutpat libero, et efficitur libero faucibus placerat. Vivamus fermentum eget nisl non luctus. Proin posuere felis orci, nec molestie sem eleifend at. Pellentesque et fringilla leo. Quisque finibus ligula sed odio ullamcorper malesuada. Aliquam eget turpis vitae dui facilisis consectetur. Mauris pulvinar dapibus aliquet. Cras sit amet venenatis nunc. Integer egestas gravida ultricies.Duis varius quam nec vulputate convallis. Nullam velit sem, dignissim nec vehicula sed, semper vitae odio. Aliquam rutrum ac odio ac varius. Integer ac velit erat. Ut non ligula turpis. Nam congue, sapien lacinia finibus pretium, magna mauris posuere nibh, at luctus sem lorem sed neque. Cras mauris eros, bibendum eu mi vitae, eleifend placerat velit.

Id nibh tortor id aliquet. Tellus id interdum velit laoreet. Bibendum est ultricies integer quis auctor. Id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu ac tortor. Pellentesque elit eget gravida cum. Cursus turpis massa tincidunt dui ut. Facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui. Vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue. Ut sem nulla pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit. Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus.

Present Day

Vestibulum vulputate vel magna feugiat viverra. Maecenas suscipit luctus lectus molestie sagittis. Cras id aliquet elit, sit amet vehicula leo. Integer mollis, ante ut convallis sodales, nisl augue tincidunt felis, non faucibus felis nibh id sem. Nulla lorem eros, mattis sit amet hendrerit ac, aliquam sit amet tortor. Nam aliquam sapien quis velit interdum, at aliquam mi facilisis. Suspendisse volutpat ligula eget neque ullamcorper vulputate. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec feugiat tempor tempor. Sed euismod, quam sed consectetur faucibus, tortor mauris imperdiet ex, eget lacinia mauris arcu ac nunc. Proin aliquam mattis lorem faucibus rutrum. Sed in nisl risus. Fusce fringilla, diam nec finibus ultrices, ex lectus dignissim purus, sed ornare ante sapien vel ex. Mauris quis dolor massa. Donec aliquam orci sed enim volutpat efficitur. Quisque aliquet scelerisque ipsum, sed fermentum lorem.

Praesent vitae posuere urna. Curabitur placerat sit amet turpis congue consectetur. Phasellus hendrerit metus in sem ullamcorper dictum sit amet quis justo. Ut leo ex, pretium a ipsum quis, blandit pellentesque arcu. Sed consequat risus id maximus aliquet. Vestibulum quis sem a arcu posuere dictum. Nam euismod nisl velit, finibus dignissim sem sagittis vitae. Nullam vestibulum, ipsum in dictum interdum, nisi nibh gravida orci, tempor porta ipsum nunc vel odio. Curabitur egestas lacus sed odio commodo rutrum. Duis aliquet sem eros, in aliquet elit suscipit rhoncus. Etiam luctus varius ipsum eget sagittis. Curabitur consectetur quam quis fringilla posuere.


Pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet. Vitae congue eu consequat ac felis. Molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit.

Etiam non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere. Nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet. Tortor pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac.

Nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi.

Risus viverra adipiscing at in. Erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur.

Arcu odio ut sem nulla pharetra diam sit amet nisl. Neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas.

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