
Sailor Name: Sailor Kōjin

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Hair color: Red (when not a Sailor Scout)

Eye color: Orange

Sexual Preference: ???

Loves: Jasmine Tea, Cotton Candy, Shooting stars

Hates: Pointless shit, People breaking her stuff

    She is often known for getting extremely angry and aggressive at the even the smallest things. She's a very good athlete, competing in Track and Field, pretty intelligent (Straight B+s), and good at cooking... but usually has trouble socializing, either because she's too nervous or gets angered too easily. But, when she's calm and happy, she is one of the nicest people you could ever meet and tries to help out as much as possible.

    When she's in her Sailor Scout form, she tends to work alone not just because she's worried about people's safety and think they will slow her down....but knows she'll get heated over the most smallest of commands. Her basic element is fire and she is a master at using fire, able to not only casually use throwing balls, but her finisher is basically a fast flaming uppercut followed by a flaming kick to the stomach that sends people flying.