Basic Info

Date created:


February 28th, 2020



Name Duke Voltess
Age of Death 18 y.o
Gender Male
Race Demon
Status Deceased
Theme lies

brave . courageous . spirited

Duke Voltess was the 2nd oldest child of Memphis and Sydney Voltess, eldest brother to Russ & Stacy Voltess and youngest brother to Tom Voltess. Unlike his youngest brother Russ, Duke was merely a level 3 'DOOMS' with an only known ability of being a canine shifter just like his father. Growing up in District 10 was the good life. At the age of 15, a raid had swarmed District 10. Blood curdling howls echoed throughout the district as Duke and his family evacuated to the closest shelter. Sirens rung overhead with the echoing of howls throughout the night until everything went silent. District 10 had became a war torn battlefield that night. News had gone out that other raid had happened that same night & soldiers would be deployed to find any remaining surviors. Two bodies had been transported to the shelter with two familiar female demons, it was Hayden & Sarah. Both had been banged up but had no fatal injuries. Disrict 7 had been torn down to nothing but ruins after the raid, everything in sight was destroyed. Immediately , Duke ran to them and pulled them into his arms; followed along by his family. Neither of the demons could speak from the tears & grief had waved other them but only two words had came out of Sarah's mouth. "They're gone.." Memphis & Sydney were heartbroken after hearing about the loss of Marceline & Blake. It wasn't just a family loss, Memphis had lost his best friend, his brother from a raid; fighting to protect his daughters & family as he sacrificed himself. From that moment Memphis & Sydney had taken both Sarah & Hayden under there wing as if they were their own children. They had to stick together, they were the last members of their bloodline left but danger lurked close to this reunion.

Awhile after Russ had turned 13, Duke had been recruited in the last remaining parts of the military but little did Russ know that it would be the last time he would see his brother. Duke had been sent to the "Black Shore', an isolated beach of black sand & often called "soldiers graveyard" as soldiers who were sent there never returned home. Rumours went around that many of the soldiers who had been lost to the Black Shore had gone insane from the isolation & had began to turn on another.

While on the Black Shore, a storm had hit the base camp & had seperated the brigade; a blackout had struck down in the midst of the storm. Duke had awoken on the beachside after the storm hit. His body had ached in pain after somewhat losing consciousness within the storm. Nothing but the sound of waves had echoed along the beach. Animal like prints had marked along the black pigmented sand but there was no wildlife on the Black Shore; except the hounds who were on Duke's brigade. In an atempt to be rescued, Duke had called on the headset coms that were given the brigade on the day of departure. Nothing but static came through. The tower must have been knocked out. Duke had transformed into his hound form in attmept to find his brigade through scent but something wasnt right. He picked up a scent, it was one of his men but it was different. Another scent had merged with this one; it was strong & pungent yet smelt metallic. "Blood". A blood curdling howl rang overhead of the horizon, it was close. Duke wasn't alone. Upon realization, a dark canine hunched figure stood upon a rock formation on the beach; streams of red trickled down the figure's claws & muzzle. The figure had lurked closer & closer, making Duke circle the figure. A growl torn at his muzzle, he lunged.

Then, silence swept upon the Black Shore,

Months had passed since Duke was recruited, no messages had been sent since his departure. The family had grown worried for Duke as the stranding had beginning to grow more unstable as raids began to skyrocket through the roofs. Almost a year since his departure, a message about Duke had been sent to the family. The general of the military had contacted that Duke & his brigrade had gone missing after a storm hit along the Western shores and that a search party has been sent to find them. Russ & his family had began to grow more worried after each passing day. Three years later, Memphis & Sydney had passed away due to illness & semi old age as they joined the company of death. After 5 years of searching for Duke, the search had been over. Duke's commander had traveled to the Western Estate bring news that no soul wants to here. With all respect, the Commander had stated that Duke was not coming home as no remains were found of him nor his brigrade after the storm, except the dog tags his brother wore around his neck. The Commander had stated that some sort of "creature" had attacked the brigade as the seach team only found paw prints left in the sand with Duke's dog tags left at the feet of the prints. Nothing of the brigade was left but only the ruins of the base camp. Russ & Stacy were heartbroken by the news. Another family member lost to the stranding. To this day, Russ visits the Black Shore in mourning of Duke & howls in grief of his passing & still searchs the beach to what happened that night of the storm; no creature could survive the Black Shore but whatever "attacked" the brigade, it wasnt natural. As for Duke in the land of the dead, he howls along side his brother. Watching him become the hound he is today.

"Welcome to the war zone"

HTML byEggy