


4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Date created:


Date redesigned:

February 28th, 2020


Name Russ Trevor Voltess
Nickname/s Black Shore Hound
Gender Male(He/Him)
Age 23 years old
Orientation Gay
Race Oni(Demon)
Occupation Alpha of District 10
Residence District 10
ORIGIN District 10
Mess with a hound, you get the fangs...

Russ Voltess, a fierce oni who has escaped the grasps of death one too many times as the world collapses into hell. Growing up as a kid wasn't the 'perfect' ss the 6th "Death Stranding" had clawed it's way into the world & into society. Russ wasn't like everyone else, he was different. Other than having heterochromatic eyes, he was a LEVEL 8 'DOOMS who's abilities were yet to be discovered to this day unlike his siblings who were LEVEL 3's & 5's. LEVEL 8 'DOOMS' were often called "half-bloods" or "outcasts" due to them falling between the scale of normal blood 'DOOMS' & MUTANTS, very few LEVEL 8's are considered to be MUTANTS due to their abilities & even aggresive behaviour.

Reaching the age of 23, Russ has keep his right as "alpha" of District 10 & still guards the Black Shore; looking for those who were lost by the dark tides years ago, even to this day he ponders about his brother's disappearance & what killed his brigade..

  • District 10(Alpha)
  • Lone Demons
  • Skeleton Crew
  • Memphis & Sydney-Parents
  • Stacy, Duke, Tom-Siblings
  • Sarah & Hayden-Cousins
  • Blake & Marceline-Aunt & Uncle


Russ Voltess, a fierce oni who has escaped the grasps of death one too many times as the world collapses into hell. Growing up as a kid wasn't the 'perfect' ss the 6th "Death Stranding" had clawed it's way into the world & into society. Russ wasn't like everyone else, he was different. Other than having heterochromatic eyes, he was a LEVEL 8 'DOOMS who's abilities were yet to be discovered to this day unlike his siblings who were LEVEL 3's & 5's. LEVEL 8 'DOOMS' were often called "half-bloods" or "outcasts" due to them falling between the scale of normal blood 'DOOMS' & MUTANTS, very few LEVEL 8's are considered to be MUTANTS due to their abilities & even aggresive behaviour. As for Russ, he was born with a common ability of 'DOOMS known as being a 'hound' (canine) shifter, the ability to transform into a primal anthropormorphic form which is often an inherited traits for those who are born with 'DOOMS' such as his brothers. Duke had been the secondest oldest brother in the family had a burning spirit of a warrior who's flame went out too quick. Stacy was the youngest sister of them all who did anything she could to help her family through the stranding. Around the age of 11, raids from the Northern Estate of District 7 had tore through the raw Earth reaching to the Western Estate of District 10. Destorying everything in it's path, leaving ruins of once towering buildings & corpses of those who used to roam the land. Raiders swarm the district like locusts of the Black Plague. There was no other way to get out of the raid. Evacuation was the only way out. Rushing towards the closest shelter, Russ & his family had all escaped the raid alive. Standing at the gates of the shelter, Russ upon the horizon to see the vast land of District 10 be transformed into a war torn battlefield ignited with hell's fire. The horrid sounds of wolf-like howls & sirens wailed in the distance, soon everything went silent. By daybreak, the shelter had a new arrival of survivors from the Northern Estate that had also been raided that same night. Two bodies had been transported to the shelter with two familiar female demons, it was Hayden & Sarah. They had heard the tragic news of the death of Sarah's parents & how the Northern Estate was broken down to nothing but ruins. Russ's parents Memphis and Sydney had taken Hayden & Sarah under their wing to keep their remaining family.


Awhile after Russ had turned 13, Duke had been recruited in the last remaining parts of the military but little did Russ know that it would be the last time he would see his brother. Months had passed since Duke was recruited, no messages had been sent since his departure. The family had grown worried for Duke as the stranding had beginning to grow more unstable as raids began to skyrocket through the roofs. Almost a year since his departure, a message about Duke had been sent to the family. The general of the military had contacted that Duke & his brigrade had gone missing after a storm hit along the Western shores and that a search party has been sent to find them. Russ had began to grow more worried after each passing day. Three years later, Memphis & Sydney had passed away due to illness & semi old age as they joined the company of death. Shortly after his parents's deaths, Hayden & Sarah had moved out of the shelter to try and find a new home & jobs to keep a rough over their heads. Sarah had taken a job as a porter for "Demon Valley Express" as Hayden joined the last remaining active part of the military to try & find Duke, who had still been MIA. Russ & Stacy had taken the role becoming the next "heir" or alpha of District 10. Rival hounds had been tearing through districts & Russ was not one to let anyone tear through his home after the raid. A year later, Hayden had been ambushed after a raid in District 11 and was being kept in a nearby cargo center for medical treatment. Russ had rushed as fast as he could to find both Hayden & Sarah. Staying by her sister's side, Russ had found Sarah at the side of Hayden's hostipal bed overcome with tears in the medical wing of the cargo center. 30 hours of tears & pain, Russ stayed by Sarah's side till death consumed the life of Hayden. Another family member lost to the stranding. Days after Hayden's death Sarah disconnected herself from the world & went MIA. Then the downfall hit.


After 5 years of searching for Duke, the search had been over. Duke's commander had traveled to the Western Estate bring news that no soul wants to here. With all respect, the Commander had stated that Duke was not coming home as no remains were found of him nor his brigrade after the storm, except the dog tags his brother wore around his neck. Russ had taken the dog tags & wore them around his own neck in his brother's honor. Russ had taken the spot as heir to the district by the age 20. Hounds dare challenged him for the spot but he didn't let them drag him down. They clawed. They bit back. One even dared try to claw out his left eye. But no hound won the match. Many call him the "Black Shore Hound", a hound that roams along the Black Shore looking for his departed brother. "We rise & fall like the ocean tides but a hound such as him goes against it, searching for those who disappaered along the mysterious Black Shore".


Design Notes
  • Russ'wingspan is about 20ft long in total! Though within his shifter form, Russ' wings are not seen nor can they appear
  • The blue "gills" on her neck is actually common for dmemons as it helps show the demon's blood color without having to take a sample
  • Russ' shifter form is closest to a primal lycanthrope! He is roughly almost 7'5 tall in his shifter form. He seems scary but he is really a big goofy puppy
  • His eyes are actually heterochromatic
  • Scars nor piercings are optional but Russ' body scars dont have to be drawn exactly, they can be scattered in any shape or size. The reason why both Sarah & Russ have septums is because both of their fathers had them as it was a family custom
  • Even though it isn't said, Russ' offical day of birth was October 10th, 2009(scorpio). Ever since Russ was created, his birthday has not changed once nor will it ever will.
  • Both Russ & Sarah actually from exact backgrounds as Blake & Memphis were brothers, their nationalities are mixed of Italian, Russian & even Japanese
  • When in shifter form, Russ is usually hunched over & can actually make a varity of callings from howls to deep bellows. One common thing being showing fangs, a common act of asserting dominance to other hounds when they challenge one another, sometimes it can end up turning into a blood match but no gore done.
  • Within the family. roughly Duke & Russ are most like to father Memphis
  • Even though Duke is "gone", Russ wears his dog tags in honor of him to keep his legacy alive
code by jiko