

Basic Info


Ishkar the bloody


Male (he/him)


High elf (sun elf)


50 (he’s an elf)






Chaotic neutral (dm wouldn’t allow neutral evil)


Sailor (pirate)




The first thing you notice are the scars marring the left of his face, like claw marks, going from up his eyebrows down to his neck. A sleazy smile is drawn on thin lips under a pair of watchful eyes, glimmering with an unreadable intent. His clothes are a mishmash of colors and fabrics, bandanas braided together to form sashes and scarves, and the jacket he adorned was suspiciously ornate.
He was a distinctly singular and suspicious fellow, and you couldn’t tell wether it was the accordion or the sword, both tied to either side of his hips, that he cherished more.

His hair is in a loose braid! And he has a few strands loose from it, hence his bangs. His left eye has a droopy eyelid due to nerve trauma (ptosis), and the left side of his mouth is also less expressive.

He only cares about his own benefit and money. He’s a pirate and will use that as an explanation for anything he does. ‘Yo you can’t just do that’ ‘I’m a pirate, mate’. If you bribe him you can prob get him to do anything. He's confused af all the time, he just goes along with whatever tf is happening. He always grabs something from raids, either a cloth or gem or accessory, anything he finds neat.
His long term goal is to steal the captain’s hat. Someone threw him overboard on first sec of roleplay while he was out and I think it shows how unliked he is because he’s an ass. Acts overconfident, like he’s the shiniest fanciest golden statue in the world, but is actually pretty mediocre at most things, one charismatic chaotic dumbass. He may or may not have a varying degree of agreement to the pirates’ code and may respect art more than most things and persons.
His outfit is mismatched because he steals clothes here and there from his pillaging. He’s around 50 years old and has hopped from crew to crew a lot. I need to redo his profile because there are info for two differet campaigns mushed together here.


Was a street urchin as a kid in a high elf city. He learned to be good at sleight of hand after beatings, and stole for money + prob had a shady trader guy that frequently bought his finds. One time he got ambitious under pressure and went into a fancy rich mansion to steal things but got attacked by the pet tiger of the place, which gave him his scars. The noise alerted people in the neighborhood and he got chased away by an angry mob, he ran to the port blindly and made away on a tiny rowboat onto the sea, people reacting by saying to let him go to die at sea. After a day in his boat, bleeding out, a pirate ship took him in and he became the junior crewmate. The medic did all he could but dang yeah scars are gonna stay man.
Very found family. He became nicknamed bloody boy bc of the ominous sight he made, bleeding out into the sea, but also bc he pisses ppl off. ”Ishkar... You have a last name, boy?” ”No.” and spits on the deck bc he a rough street boy with 0 manners, ”Then take on Ishkar the Bloody, aye?”. The captain makes him scrub the deck that day and he gets blisters. From then piracy is all that was in the cards for him. He aspires to become a great pirate, etch his name into history and die young, all of the great glory. DESPISES rich people.
There's a theme of frogs and tigers with him, bc of his petrified frog random rolled trinket and stuff. Prob a trinket he found as a street urchin, or a gift from his street urchin big bro.
