


4 years, 4 months ago




Name Lark'Star
Warrior Name Lark'Plumage
Age 116 moons...
Gender Male
Clan Skyclan
Role Leader
Status Deceased


  • loyal
  • spirited
  • compassionate


  • hearing stories from travellers
  • the smell of lavender
  • hares

Lark'Star was the former leader of Skyclan, the predecessor to Shadow'Star. Before his self-induced isolation, Lark'Star was noted to be heavily devoted to his clan, building his presence as a compassionate and loyal leader, who considered all family. Before his days as leader, Lark'Star was a warrior with strong, fierce ambitions, that of which he put aside during his time as deputy. As leader, he looked out for every cat that couldn't, or wouldn't, look out for themselves. Most notable was the young Long'Paw, who would later become like a daughter to him and his successor.


Known for his compassion, which stretched to everyone, Lark'Star was a leader during the brightest of times. He gave his clan his all, and valued every cat he met as if they were family. After all, everyone had life, and it was a life too valuable to lose. He easily became devoted to the cats he met, wishing to serve his clan every step in life, no matter what it cost him. He wanted everyone he knew to thrive, not just for himself, but for those before him to be proud of, and for those ahead of his time to never have to worry. In his youth and time being his leadership, Lark'Star, or rather Lark'Plumage, was a cat with very fierce ambitions. His biggest aspiration was to serve his clan in whatever way he could, and he would fight anyone or anything for his clan mates; those he perceived as family. He had more bold ways of going about things, with ambitions to become great. Once becoming deputy under the leadership Twilight'Star, a dreamy femme always smelling of poppies and citrus, he put most of his more.. "out there" ambitions aside, focusing on his duties to his clan and only his clan. During the late days of his leadership, as he grew sicker and sicker, he allowed his closest warrior and deputy, Long'Shadow, to care for him. In his last moments, Long'Shadow stayed by his side, defending him. She was like a daughter to him, but the feeling was not mutual, unbeknown to him.


Lark'Star is a spirited cat. Compassion lights up his eyes, and he is deeply empathetic. He is loyal, and caring to all. Every movement he makes shines with his light. A smile was always seen on his face during his more.. fruitful days. It never left, even as life left him, but his clan mates could notice it growing thinner and thinner. As a younger leader, there was a deep care and passion in everything he did, caring to perhaps a fault. No matter what, Lark'Star would light up the faces of others.


  • Voiceclaimed by (blank) from (blank).
  • Many believe that Lark'Star's care for the young Shadow'Star was pointless, and ended in vain.
  • Shadow'Star never saw Lark'Star as a father figure, yet he saw her as a daughter.
  • Lark'Star never took a mate, nor had kits.



Shadow'Star [daughter figure]

Shadow'Star was a cat Lark'Star loved with all his heart. Lark'Star viewed Shadow'Star as his own daughter from the moment she was accepted into Skyclan as Long'Paw. He tried his utmost best to look out for her, assigning her the role of deputy in hopes of teaching her responsibility. Unknown to him, she never shared mutual feelings, disregarding him and viewing him as annoying. Unfortunately, he would never get to see her mature in his lifetime.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.