Divfay Zoshap



4 years, 1 month ago



sigil Wind Up Doll Key
bldcaste Lowblood
bldclr Dark Cherry #5A0000
work Occult Leader

obtained Mine!
ufs/t/o No!
worth No!
designer Me!


    Little Alice fell down the hole, bumped her head and bruised her soul.    

Name Divfay Zoshap Age 10 Sweeps
gender Cis Female pronouns She/Her
orientation Biseuxal screen name carefreeDivinity [CD]
moon Prospit Dreamer classpect Witch of Time

Typing Quirk
> CD: 8- Amazing!!! I can't believe y๑u're s๑!!! Stupid!!!
> CD: 8- Ugh!!! S๑rry I'm n๑t having a g๑๑d day, my vibes are s๑ ๑ff!!!
> CD: 8- :o(
strife specibus Club Kind
Divfay carries around an old hefty club, adorned with spikes, and her linage symbol emblazoned on it. She fights in a frenzied and unpredictable manner.
fetchmodus Toys and Joys Modus
Each item that is picked up is encaptured in a stuffed animal. Depending on the complexity and rarity of the item, the more difficult it is to get. Her cards drop out being encased in a stuffed animal she has to get into to retrive hercard by entering the stuffed animal and safely removing the card, dodging whatever mild danger the modus puts in the stuffed toy. She can rush this process by destroying the stuffed animal. Leading to a forced violent ejection of the item.
powers Mediumship
Divfay has an incredibly strong ability to see and hear the ghosts around her, sometimes she can even feel their touch. She can even freely communicate with them with ease, and has a strong barrier in her mind to protect herself from the attempts of posession that constantly plauge her life.

Copy Cat!
Though this ability is unknown to Divfay, she can copy and mimic other abilities, though often to a lesser degree. The only time this power is ever in use is when she is possesed, in which the ghost/s control of her body are able to use their own powers through her to a degree that is beyond possesion abilities.


    It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.    

appearance Difay dresses in clothes incredibly fancy for a rust blood. Puffy dresses, adored in many patterns and colors of all kinds, always wearing her signature lace gloves, headband, and satin white bows, she is a sight to behold amongst the typically drab dress of Alternia.
personality Divfay is a troll that is always happy, and exudes that from her posture, her voice, and the way she types! Many trolls have not been around Divfay long enough to see her ever change from her outwardly exessive cheery dispostion. Even though she does seem to....space out sometimes---but it's never a problem! Well, not a problem that anyone else has ever seen. Divfay struggles with bipolar disorder, not like she herself even has a name to describe her feelings of fluctuating highs, and devastating lows. It in combination with her being haunted, and those haunting her trying to repossess her near daily, puts her in quite a bit of stress. So she has the habit of going missing, to control her overtly happy image.

Growing Up
She grew up in a fantastical sprawling hive, with many nooks and crannies, many of which she herself hasn't found. This hive previously belonged to her ancestor, where she partook in many of her early ventures. Many pertained to her works in biology and as such there's been numerous books, medical equipment, various bones, as well as canibalistic recipies, as the young Divinity was not one to waste any sort of body parts! All of this combined kicked off young Divfays intrest, and in some cases, growing obession with bones, biology and cooking with trolls!

As of curreny day Divfay has started two very different collections, one of stuffed animals, and one of tea sets! Both bring her extreme joy, as the choices she had made makes it hard for her to stay entirely happy. While her occult makes her joyus, the killing of trolls, some of whom have stayed around to haunt and try to possess her, have made her days harder than they reasonably should be. As fighting off near daily possession and the whisperings of mean things from the trolls long past, can really wear down a troll. Yet! She is studious in her work, and will not stop doing what she deems she has to get done to follow in her ancestors steps and find the path to immortality!


name Rilla-Mom
species Gorilla
bldcaste Lowblood
bldclr Dark Cherry #5A0000


LAYOUT BY: teratoma
IMG BY: source


sigil Wind Up Doll Key
blood caste Lowblood
blood color Dark Cherry #5A0000
title The Divinity


interests Tea Parties!
Divfay enjoys everything about tea parties! From the little sandwiches and sweets, to the flavors of teas and the little tea pots--all brings her joy and she partakes in them often. Even if she only has her ghosts and toys for company. She owns numerous sets of bought and stolen tea sets of great quaility that she keeps all around her hive. As many of them are also used for more mundane things like drinking water, or holding some items on occasion.

The Diviners of Truth
The Diviners of Truth is the occult that Divfay runs, and is the sole leader of. She takes great pride in following in her ancestors words in the numerous writings she had left behind for Divfay to find. Her Diviners and herself partake in meetings in her hive, as well as following the rituals and words of The Divinity herself, to go down the path of immortality. Though she is hoping to make some of her own dolls first to aid in the process. After all, every immortal needs their own loyal following!
trivia Land of Clocks and Madness
Divfay's land is the Land of Clocks and Madness, otherwise known as LOCAM. LOCAM is dappled with forests, plains, hills, ponds, mountains, with a strange smattering of medieval towns and buildings through out. All in dull--yet ever changing colors, decorated with clocks of many kinds, all out of sorts ticking in disharmony. Along with the poor consorts, all a dull grey, being lead to madness due to the incessant ticking. Which leads to a strange and interesting sight.

*Divfay Zoshap's extended zodiac sign would be The Arist, The Sign of The Headstrong. (Prospit + Time)