


4 years, 28 days ago



Name : Feathersong
Feather –– soft, feathery fur, gentle personality
Song –– kind, good-natured, graceful
Pastnames : Featherkit, Featherpaw
Age : 65 Moons
Birthseason : Unknown
Gender : Female (she/her)
Rank : Leader
Residence : ShadowClan
Mentor : Unknown
Apprentice : Unknown

Summary : Feathersong is an oriental tabby with a dark brown and orange undercoat. Her lighter markings are not symmetrical nor are her stripes. Her eyes are a piercing green shade.
Breed : Oriental Turkish Angora
Eye Colour : Green
Height : 7in
Body Type : Slender
Tail : Long and Feathery
Scars : None that are visible

Loyal . Outspoken . Worrywart

In her kit and apprenticehood, Featherpaw was a bit more carefree and even wreckless at times. It was in part due to her mother leaving her alone in the clan with no parental figure to look up to. Her friendship with another apprentice, Spottedpaw, gave her the determination and confidence complete her apprenticeship with flying colors.

As a warrior and leading up to her role as deputy and leader, Feathersong was a strong willed and independent she cat...though she was soft on her apprentices at times. Many of her fellow clanmates came to love and respect her as she showed more of her strengths as a leader.

  • Light Rain
  • Warm Weather
  • Kits
  • Leafbare
  • War
  • Her Mother
Fears : The death of her last living kit, being a poor mother, never being good enough
Habits : A tendency to doubt herself, being too soft on apprentices
  • Born to a ShadowClan warrior and a loner
  • Fell for Shadowfang after her offered to help further her training during her warriorhood.
  • Died during a battle with a group of rogues.

Herbial Knowledge

Father : Timber, Loner
Mother : Sparrowhaze, ShadowClan Warrior, became loner to be with mate
Mate : Shadowfang, ShadowClan Warrior, supposedly died during a battle with RiverClan
Kits : Loststorm, ShadowClan Leader

Featherkit, though no one else knows this, was born a half clan cat. Her father was a loner and her mother was a ShadowClan warrior. Her mother kept this a secret from the clan as well as Featherkit, fearful that she would be treated differently.

Once she was made an apprentice, Featherpaw's mother made the decision to leave the clan to be with her mate. This devastated Featherpaw but with the support of her friend Spottedpaw, she was able to make it through training each day and eventually become a warrior.

After becoming a warrior, Feathersong met Shadowfang. She was wary of him at first but the more time the two spent together, the more she fell in love with him. He would often help train her as she was not very strong to begin with. The leader at the time would recognize her hard work and would make her deputy.

Just before she discovered she was about to have kits, Shadowfang died in a battle with RiverClan and Spottedwhisker would once again be Feathersong's shoulder to cry on. Spottedwhisker would even offer to help raise her kits once they were born.

When her only living kit became a warrior and had help to train apprentices not long after receiving his warrior name, Feathersong would become leader and named Loststorm her deputy. She would lose her life to a rogue ambush not long after this.

code by jiko