[ClubMTT] Character Tracker



4 years, 1 month ago


ClubMTT Character Tracker

You can use this page to get an idea of what I'm looking for in terms of family relationships, co-workers and friends, or even if you're interested in potential pairings! If you're curious about someone feel free to DM me on discord or @ me in the group, and I'll be happy to give you more detail of the majority of my characters!

PS. If you ever look at one of my characters and think "huh they look like they could be related to mine" PLEASE DO ASK I am always open for family relations!! More people for the family tree!!!

  • Key:
  • YES - Open/Avalible
  • MAYBE - Needs Discussion/Picky
  • NO - Not Avalible/I'll ask first
Pryde Family

This family keeps growing.

Pryde Heads
Fuchsia Pryde
  • AGE: 87

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Forest Fruits Crumble

  • Occupation: Retired Heiress & Super Model

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Fletcher Pryde

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A strong and independent woman for almost her whole life, Fuchsia has always been confident and sure of herself. Having remained in the modelling industry for much of her life, she’s seen new trends come and go, and is pleased with the improvement in attitudes over time. Married to Fletcher for 65 years, the pair combined are a force to be reckoned with, she likes to claim she’s the brains while he’s the brawn, but truth be told the pair are fairly evenly matched. With five grown kids, all of whom have established their own families, Fuchsia is content to sit as matriarch of the Pryde family, and adores all the generations, doting on them every chance she gets.

Fletcher Pryde
  • AGE: 86

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Sachertorte

  • Occupation: Retired CEO of Pryde Industries

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Fuchsia Pryde

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Appearing to be strict and intimidating, Fletcher maintains a stern façade in public, and only every relaxes behind closed doors. His family established a business in security, and Fletcher took over the running of it in his thirties, having trained in the ranks of their guards so he was familiar with the business in all areas. He can come across as paranoid, ever watchful, and naturally suspicious of newcomers. Its not uncommon for him to interrogate the potential partners of his daughters, or his grand kids. He is, however, a big softy around his family, and enjoys relaxing at their lake house with the grand and great-grand-kids.

Gossamer Pryde Branch
Gossamer Pryde
  • AGE: 60

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Cherry Coke Fudge

  • Occupation: Fashion Designer

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Watermark Pryde

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Gossamer is a happily married woman thank you very much.

With a large immediate family I’m always open to her having nieces/nephews from her sisters, the only requirements there would be a slight resemblance and having some pink on them. For friends and co-workers, anyone with a background in fashion, design, or photography, would work nicely! Or possibly even some older lady/gentlemen friends for her to have known for years and gossip together.

Watermark Pryde
  • AGE: 58

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Blackcurrant Vodka

  • Occupation: Accountant

  • SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

  • PARTNER: Gossamer Pryde

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Married to Gossamer he adores her and isn't looking for anything else.

With many kids, Watermark isn’t looking for close family, but I’m always open to more distant relations! He has a handful of nieces and nephews already, so the only requirements would be some sort of resemblance, and in the range for blue for colours! Friends and co-workers can be anyone from his younger years, or in similar line of work to his, he gets tunnel vision so anyone on his wave length would be nice to hang out with!

Lockheed Pryde
  • AGE: 36

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Strawberry Sorbet

  • Occupation: Film/Stage Actress

  • SEXUALITY: Poly-Pansexual

  • PARTNERS: Stardust Borealis & Open

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A single mother with two kids, Lockheed’s busy and demanding lifestyle would require someone that can keep up with her, she’s open to either a closed, open, or poly relationship! However she’s picky with who she’ll date, as she’s highly protective of her kids, and will always put them first, and is a little hesitant to have more kids just yet.

Distant family is also a possibility but will take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone in the film and stage industry, other actors, cameramen, directors, or even branching out into other famous professions like singers!

Focke-Wulf Pryde
  • AGE: 34

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Blackcurrant Cordial

  • Occupation: Lawyer

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Strawberry Berry

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Focke-Wulf is a busy guy, his job means he tends to keep to himself, but he enjoys calmer social situations and loves to share them with Strawberry and their kid Harrier.

Distant family is also a possibility but will take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone in the law profession, other lawyers, police officers, or even branching out into the criminal side of things, maybe he took on your character as a client and they kept in touch?

Spitfire Pryde
  • AGE: 33

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Sour Cherry

  • Occupation: Model

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Stellaris Wrightman

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Spitfire would be looking for someone to match her passionate and determined personality, or someone more laid back to encourage her to take it easy. She enjoys going out clubbing and being active with her hobbies, and has no issue standing up for herself and her family. She’s open to having children as she loves them.

Distant family is also a possibility but will take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone in the modelling industry other models, photographers, fashion designers, or even social media models! Along with this she’s active in the fitness, so gym goers and yoga practitioners would be a good option too.

Hawker Pryde
  • AGE: 32

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Redcurrant Jam

  • Occupation: Police Detective

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Mist Everett

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Is now in a new relationship with Mist, thanks to Crest the Ratdogs anticts, the pair bumped into one another and got talking.

Distant family is also a possibility but will take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from law enforcement, police, fire services, paramedics, or even the odd criminal she’s bantered with!

Gotha Pryde
  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Blunt and to the point, Gotha is surprisingly brash and loud for his size, and has no issue telling people when they’re idiots. However if you can put up with that, he’s fiercely loyal and protective, always looking out for people he considers family.

Distant family is also a possibility but will take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from law enforcement, police, fire services, paramedics, or possibly lawyers and criminals he’s had to deal with.

Stuka Pryde
  • AGE: 31

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Cherrry Cola

  • Occupation: Gym Owner/Instructor

  • SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

  • PARTNER: Crane Richards

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Happily taken, Stuka adores Crane and dearly loves his kids.

Distant family is also a possibility but will take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone interested in health and fitness as he runs a gym and regularly coaches kick boxing or tutors in personal training. He used to be a club bouncer, so perhaps someone knows him from back then too?

Messerschmitt Pryde
  • AGE: 30

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Strawberry Tart

  • Occupation: Writer/Bartender

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • PARTNERs: Titanium Amethyst and Blooper Reel

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Messer's in a comfortable Trio with Titanium and Blooper, and seems to be settling into the relationship well.

Distant family is also a possibility but will take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone he’s met while bartending, or anyone from the alternate scene of punk and rock, skateboarding, tattooing, or from his main profession of writing!

Lancaster Pryde
  • AGE: 29

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Blackcurrant Sorbet

  • Occupation: Archaeology Professor

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Devin Aitken

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Lanny is currently dating Devin and is very happy with their relationship. Pranks included.

Distant family is also a possibility but will take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from university, she studies archaeology, so any history and antique nerds are welcome. Along with this she’s frequently dragged to ren faire so anyone who also mostly watches from the side lines.

Hurricane Pryde
  • AGE: 28

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Cherry Shots

  • Occupation: Bartender/Problem

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Masquerade Phantom & Open

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Currently in a somewhat casual relationship with Masquerade, Hurricane has commitment issues and would rather be in an open or casual rather than tied down. She’s also known have a friends with benefits thing with Abyssal, so additional casual pairings are always a possibility.

Distant family is also a possibility but will take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone she’s met through bartending, clubbing, vandalising, or even straight up committing various crimes. Maybe she bumped into them when in the lock up overnight.

Organza Pryde Branch
Organza Pryde
  • AGE: 58

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Black Forest Cheesecake

  • Occupation: CEO of Pryde Industries

  • SEXUALITY: Greysexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A bit of a tough nut, Organza is very work orientated and tends to travel a lot for conferences and meetings to establish herself within the world of security, after having inherited the family business twenty years ago. As such she can come across as distracted, more focused on the environment around her rather than the conversation in front of her, along with frequently having to raincheck on meeting up. She does, however, keep to her word, and is good at checking in on people at all hours of the day. She currently has a small family, consisting of [in development], and does love them dearly, no matter how busy she gets.

  • AGE: Age

  • PRONOUNS: She/He

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: info

  • SEXUALITY: ? sexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Briefly describe character's personality here and what kind of relationship dynamic you're looking for for them.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ornare maximus tempor. Aenean at purus elementum, blandit massa quis, efficitur diam.

Silk Pryde Branch
Silk Pryde
  • AGE: 56

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Black Forest Gateau

  • Occupation: Event Coordinator

  • SEXUALITY: Poly-Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Highly social and motivated, Silk is the organiser and doer of the family, she’s the one to set up and schedule family events, and is able to somehow coordinate everyone’s diaries to make it possible. She’s a whirlwind with numbers and figures and can keep track of an endless list of names, places, and requests. All of this led to her setting up her own business of Event Coordinating, and as such she’s usually on the go organising weddings, birthdays, galas, and fundraising events. It’s a wonder she gets any sleep.

Veil Pryde
  • AGE: 20s

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Chocolate Éclair Pastry

  • Occupation: News Reader/Podcaster

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Minty Irving

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Veil is logical and inteligent, both in the world of current affairs, but also in the world of folklore and crytids. Her curious mind makes her an excellent researcher and can have lengthy indepth discussions on all sorts of topics. Any partners will need to be quick to keep up with her, although a healthy interest in the supernatural would help too....

Close and distant family is a possibility but will take some working out, for close family I’d be looking for a strong resemblance, while distant can be more flexible. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from her line of work, or even listners fo the podcast!

Moth Pryde
  • AGE: 29

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Chocolate Profiteroles

  • Occupation: Interior Designer/Barista

  • SEXUALITY: Demi-Bisexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Moth is looking for someone who enjoys a more laid back lifestyle, as she dislikes stress and hates chaos. However someone that could potentially pull her out of her shell is always an option, provided it’s only occasionally and not all the dang time.

Close and distant family is a possibility but will take some working out, for close family I’d be looking for a strong resemblance, while distant can be more flexible. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from her university days, or as clients for her business, or even cafe patrons from work!

  • AGE: Age

  • PRONOUNS: She/He

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: info

  • SEXUALITY: ? sexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Briefly describe character's personality here and what kind of relationship dynamic you're looking for for them.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ornare maximus tempor. Aenean at purus elementum, blandit massa quis, efficitur diam.

Satin Pryde Branch
Satin Pryde
  • AGE: 56

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Black Forest Pavlova

  • Occupation: Restaurant Critic

  • SEXUALITY: pansexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Clean cut and professional to the extreme, Satin rarely has a hair out of place and always ensures she looks presentable. Working as a restaurant critic, she travels frequently and is often booked months in advance to visit restaurants all over Junction City and beyond. She’s very meticulous, and exacting in her standards, not only critiquing the food and service, but also the cleanliness, food hygiene, and staff moral in her reports. However she is also fair, and is more than willing to return to a restaurant of café, should they up their game.

Whisky Pryde
  • AGE: Age

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Whisky Honey

  • Occupation: info

  • SEXUALITY: ? sexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Briefly describe character's personality here and what kind of relationship dynamic you're looking for for them.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ornare maximus tempor. Aenean at purus elementum, blandit massa quis, efficitur diam.

Brandy Pryde
  • AGE: Age

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Orange Brandy

  • Occupation: info

  • SEXUALITY: ? sexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Briefly describe character's personality here and what kind of relationship dynamic you're looking for for them.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ornare maximus tempor. Aenean at purus elementum, blandit massa quis, efficitur diam.

  • AGE: Age

  • PRONOUNS: She/He

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: info

  • SEXUALITY: ? sexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Briefly describe character's personality here and what kind of relationship dynamic you're looking for for them.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ornare maximus tempor. Aenean at purus elementum, blandit massa quis, efficitur diam.

Lace Pryde Branch
Lace Pryde
  • AGE: 53

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Chocolate Cherry Brownie

  • Occupation: Garden/Landscape Designer

  • SEXUALITY: bisexual

  • PARTNER: Howie

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Down to earth and considerably more laid back than her older sisters, Lace is often considered the black sheep of the family, but typically not treated any differently by her sisters or parents. She works in garden and landscape designing, often working one-on-one with her clients to create the designs of their dreams, along with this she has been known to take on large scale contacts with the city to design public spaces. She loves everything to do with the earth, plants, and flowers, and has a very soft and gentle nature.

Lunar Pryde
  • AGE: 26

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Strawberry Mille-Feuille

  • Occupation: Therapist

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Born with depigmentation resulting in near-blindness, you’d be forgiven for thinking Lunar was fragile or naive. Getting to know her you quickly learn that she's highly intelligent and ambitious, she never let her disabilities slow her down and rapidly found her place in the world. A soft voice and calm nature makes her an easy person to get along with, although she’s anything but a pushover, able to easily set and enforce boundaries, and deflect insults with a sharp wit.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ornare maximus tempor. Aenean at purus elementum, blandit massa quis, efficitur diam.

Petrichor Pryde
  • AGE: 29

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Lavender Scones

  • Occupation: Soap Maker

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Briefly describe character's personality here and what kind of relationship dynamic you're looking for for them.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ornare maximus tempor. Aenean at purus elementum, blandit massa quis, efficitur diam.

  • AGE: Age

  • PRONOUNS: She/He

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: info

  • SEXUALITY: ? sexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Briefly describe character's personality here and what kind of relationship dynamic you're looking for for them.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ornare maximus tempor. Aenean at purus elementum, blandit massa quis, efficitur diam.

Pryde Kids
Snow White Pryde
  • AGE: 13

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Strawberry Slushie

  • Occupation: (Future) Drama Teacher

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Crushes
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I’m not currently looking for future pairings, however current day crushes are more than welcome! Snow is an outgoing and cheerful girl, quick to win people over with her smile and charm. It’ll be easy to get a crush on her I’m sure, not to mention she’ll adore them right back.

Distant family is a possibility but will take some working out, for close family I’d be looking for a strong resemblance, while distant can be more flexible. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from her school or hobbies, primarily based around art, drama, and sports.

Black Ice Pryde
  • AGE: 13

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Strawberry Smoothie

  • Occupation: (Future) Veterinarian

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • Crushes: SINGLE!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Crushes
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I’m not currently looking for future pairings, however current day crushes are more than welcome! Ice is a shy and reclusive boy, coming across as very standoffish, but it’s mainly anxiety. He’ll probably latch onto anyone showing him affection, so good luck shaking him off.

Close and distant family is a possibility but will take some working out, for close family I’d be looking for a strong resemblance, while distant can be more flexible. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from his school or hobbies, primarily based around science, animals, and gaming.

Spectrum Pryde-Amethyst
  • AGE: 11

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Rainbow Drops

  • Occupation: (Future) Illustrator

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • Crushes: SINGLE!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Crushes
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I’m not currently looking for future pairings, however current day crushes are a possibility! Spectrum is cheery and upbeat, and is open to crushes and crushees alike! Bright, curious, and friendly, there's a subtle undercurrent of anxiety, as she dislikes being alone. However she enjoys meeting new people and making new friends!

Close and distant family is unlikely and would take some working out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from her school or hobbies, primarily based around art, animals, and writing.

Treble Pryde-Richards
  • AGE: 5

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Blackcurrant Ice Cream

  • Occupation: (Future) Tattoo Artist

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • Crushes: SINGLE!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Crushes
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I’m not currently looking for future pairings, however current day crushes are more than welcome! Treble is very brash and outgoing, and quick to protect her brother. She’s not especially a social butterfly, but does enjoy playing with others.

Close and distant family is mostly filled out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from her school or hobbies, primarily based in art, animals, and playing tag.

Gladiolus Pryde-Aitken
  • AGE: Bebe

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: TBA

  • Occupation: (Future) TBA

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • Crushes: SINGLE!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Crushes
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I’m not currently looking for future pairings, however current day crushes are more than welcome! Gladius is still young and smoll, but may have met others via her mums!

Close and distant family is mostly filled out. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from her school or hobbies, she's often taken to Lancaster's leacture, or Devin's Ren Faires.

Harrier Pryde
  • AGE: 3

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Raspberry

  • Occupation: (Future) Programmer

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • Crushes: SINGLE!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Crushes
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I’m not currently looking for future pairings, however current day crushes are a possibility! Harrier is very shy and anxious with abandonment issues, so he’s be closed off to anyone approaching him.

Distant family is a possibility but will take some working out, for close family I’d be looking for a strong resemblance, while distant can be more flexible. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from his school or hobbies.

Collins-Killam Family
Sanguine Killam
  • AGE: 35

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Blood Orange

  • Occupation: Antique Dealer

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • PARTNER: Aquarius

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Sanguine is looking for a girlfriend who can either bring her out of her shell, or join her in peaceful solitude. A love of reading, art, or history, would be helpful, and means she'll open up a lot quicker, rather than keeping her distance.

Close family is filled, but distant family are completely open as she has no current family besides her sister, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. For friends and co-workers, someone she’s met through work in antiques or through hobbies would be the quickest way to get to know her!

Bugatti Veyron Killam
  • AGE: 32

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Strawberry

  • Occupation: ASP Agent

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Neophyte Reynolds!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I won’t lie, I’ll be picky with choosing a partner for Bugatti as she’s extremely precious to me. She's protective, strong, and somewhat difficult to get to open up. However she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, and like to find someone who both encorages her to excel, and to relax occasionally.

Close family is filled, but distant family are completely open as she has no current family besides her sister, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from her work in ASP or previous role in private security. Alternatively, she's very active at the gym, and enjoys winding down at bars or watching films.

Zombie Killam-Harris
  • AGE: 20s

  • PRONOUNS: She/They

  • Saliva: Slush Puppie Bonbons

  • Occupation: Veterinarian

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Close family is filled, but distant family is open for discussion, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from her work in Ren Faire or as a vet. Alternatively, she's very active at the gym, and enjoys winding down at bars or watching films.

Phantom Harris
  • AGE: 28

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Raspberry Bon Bons

  • Occupation: Nurse

  • SEXUALITY: Demi-Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Muertos Holloway

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Close family mostly filled, but distant family is open for discussion, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from his work in ???. Alternatively, he's enjoys winding down at bars or watching films.

He's blue da ba dee da ba di.

Solstice Collins
  • AGE: 34

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Peach Iced Tea

  • Occupation: Life/Style Coach

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Ophiuchus & Romereo

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Up for anything Solstice is lively and friendly to the point of being a bit much, but he has a heart of gold and only wants the best for people in his life. He's more than happy to spoil and encorage those he loves, and will go out of his way to make their days better.

Close family is somewhat filled as he has no current family besides his sister, and distant family will need discussion, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the fashion world, although its more online based than high end fashion. other instagramers, or influencers are most likely, or clients he's helped out!

Equinox Collins
  • AGE: 36

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Honey Lemon Tea

  • Occupation: Bar Singer

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Gravity Riegel

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Quieter and more reserved than her brother, Equinox still has a heart of gold and only wants the best for people in her life. She'd love to find someone to spend time with, and enjoys cozy nights in with her son, and would love to learn more about her partner..

Close family is somewhat filled as she has no current family besides her brother, and distant family will need discussion, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone involved in singing, as she's a bar singer, or with an interest in journalism and current events.

Eclipse Collins-Killam
  • AGE: 15

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Pomegranate

  • Occupation: (Future) Game Developer

  • SEXUALITY: Asexual

  • Crushes: SINGLE!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Crushes
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I’m not currently looking for future pairings, however current day crushes are more than welcome! Eclipse is somewhat shy and enjoys quieter hobbies, but if you get him talking about games, eh'll happily tell you all about them and his ideas!

Close family is filled, and distant family would need discussing. Friends are welcome, school friends, gaming friends, or just other kids he goes to school with are all welcome!

Filigree Golden
  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Outgoing and socialble, Filigree loves a good party and is either organising to attending them, when she's not in training to become a tattoo artist that is! She loves to talk with customers and learn about their ideas and meanings for their tattoos.

Close family is somewhat filled with a sisters and two half siblings, while distant family would need some discussion! Friends and co-workers are welcome, as are partners!

Ornate Golden
  • AGE: 19

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Blackcurrant Serbert

  • Occupation: Piercing Artist

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Less outgoing but no less sociable, Ornate prefers to be on the edge of the crowd rather than in the thick of it. She enjoys people watching and sharing laughs with close friends. Currently training to be a piercing artist, she's less inclined to chatter with customers, but is skilled at making them comfortable.

Close family is somewhat filled with a sisters and two half siblings, while distant family would need some discussion! Friends and co-workers are welcome, as are partners!

Scoville Escher
  • AGE: 66

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Ghost Pepper

  • Occupation: Retired/Crimelord

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • PARTNER: Flintlock Escher

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Scoville has been happily married for many years and isn't looking for anything new!

Close and distant family are completely open as he has no current family besides his husband and kids, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the criminal world as Scoville is a retired ex-gang leader along with Flintlock. Or it could be someone he knows from gardening, reading, or swiming clubs!

Flintlock Escher
  • AGE: 66

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Peppermint

  • Occupation: Retired/Enforcer

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Scoville Escher

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Flintlock has been happily married for many years and isn't looking for anything new!

Close and distant family are completely open as he has no current family besides his husband and kids, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the criminal world as Flintlock is a retired enforcer and ex-gang leader along with Scoville. Or it could be someone from the gym or cooking/baking clubs he regularly goes to!

Cataclysm Escher
  • AGE: 36

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Menthol

  • Occupation: Clue Owner/Crimelord

  • SEXUALITY: Poly-Bisexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A charming smooth talker, Cataclysm is really only interested in casual or open relationships, and has no intention to settle down just yet. His preference is whoever takes his fancy at the time, and anyone interested in him should be aware of his criminal business, and the fact he's basically nocturnal.

Close family is filled, but distant family are completely open as he has no current family besides his parents and siblings, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the criminal world as Cataclysm is a gang leader, although its easy to find him at the clubs he runs, and is always up for drinks.

Catastrophe Escher
  • AGE: 34

  • PRONOUNS: They/Them

  • Saliva: Spearmint

  • Occupation: Security/Enforcer

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Stoic and keeping to themselves, Catastrophe up for anything in terms of relationships, although they have no intention to settle down just yet. Anyone intersted will need to accept that Catastrophe doesn't open up easily, and comes across as bullish, although protective.

Close family is filled, but distant family are completely open as they have no current family besides their parents and siblings, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the criminal world as Catastrophe is an enforcer and head of security for the clubs, although its easy to find them at the clubs and is always up for drinks.

Calamity Escher
  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

The black sheep of her family, Calamity is open, inviting, and hates anything to do with criminals. She's active and outgoing, and is looking for someone to keep up with her fast paced lifestyle. Although she's not against cuddling up on the couch.

Close family is filled, but distant family are completely open as she has no current family besides her parents and siblings, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the gym she works at, meets on her runs with her ratdog, or bumps into when out and about. She'll chat to anyone!

Twilight Borealis
  • AGE: 28

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Caramel Sugar

  • Occupation: Professional Dancer

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • PARTNERS: Fae & Heartsong Lyre

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Coming across as elegant and poised, it quickly becomes apparent that Twilight has a cheeky streak a mile wide, and is always willing to play around with her friends or partners. She’s very loving and will absolutely spoil them too.

Close family is filled and distant family would need to be discussed. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the world of dance and performance, or clients she’s been teaching to dance. Along with this is possible to meet her at clubs, on shopping sprees, and at local cafes and restaurants.

Nimbus Borealis
  • AGE: 26

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Rock Candy (Blue)

  • Occupation: Weather Reporter/Podcaster

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • PARTNER: Lucifer Campbell

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A bit scatter brained but enthusiatic in everything he does, Nimbus enjos making people smile and is quick to make friends. He enjoys his job and loves his podcast, and is looking for anyone with similar interests to share in this passion.

Close family is filled and distant family would need discussing, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the world of news, or interests in the paranormal. Failing that, he can be found hanging out at libraries, DnD, and more sedate hobbies.

Astrolabe "Astra"
  • AGE: 23

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Honeycomb

  • Occupation: Retail Manager/Influencer

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Mono Digit

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Cheerful and upbeat, Astra's looking for someone with a similar outlook on life, she can come acorss as quite hyperactive, and either needs someone to match that energy, or chill her out a bit. Ideally she'd like to find someone that would enjoy working on DIY projects with her, and spending time gaming or hanging out.

Close and distant family are works in progress, its possible there might be room for distant family. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the world of internet and influencers, primarily fashion tutorials, gaming, and DIY projects. Or anyone that loiters in hardwear stores.

Vambrace "Vamp" Birchall
  • AGE: 32

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Dark Chocolate Raspberry

  • Occupation: Super Model

  • SEXUALITY: Poly-Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Nightshade Vagouhn & Open

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Currently in a casual relationship with Nightshade, Vamp enjoys the flexibility that comes with casual and open relationships, and isn’t especially looking for full commitment, so additional casual pairings are always a possibility.

Close and distant family is welcome, she currently has a half-brother in Spats, so only requirements would be a somewhat similar appearance. Friends and co-workers could be anyone in the modelling industry other models, photographers, fashion designers, or even social media models! Along with this she’s a con artist so has some criminal connections.

Spatula "Spats" Birchall
  • AGE: 27

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Oreo

  • Occupation: Waiter/Bartender

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Yale Barros

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A cheerful and outgoing lad, with a fondness for shenanigans and mischief. He has a great sense of humour and is always looking to make people smile. He seems to have found an equally chaotic match in Yale. No really who let them date.

Close and distant family is welcome, he currently has a half-sister in Vamp, so only requirements would be a somewhat similar appearance. Friends and co-workers could be anyone in the club and bartending scene, or anyone he games or hangouts with. Or maybe he’s pulled one too many pranks on them?

Papaya Acerbi
  • AGE: 46

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Papaya

  • Occupation: Store Owner

  • SEXUALITY: Asexual

  • PARTNER: No.

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Listen the closest he's had to a partner was a one night stand which resulted in an egg (Squaffle). He's not making the same mistake twice.

Close and distant family is welcome, his only known relations are Squaffle, and his cousin Monstera, so only requirements would be a somewhat similar appearance. Co-workers could be anyone from the corner shop, either workers or frequent customers. Friends are unlikely.

Squaffle Sasquatch
  • AGE: 9

  • PRONOUNS: They/He

  • Saliva: Squash

  • Occupation: (Future) Physio Therapist

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • Crushes: Stroopwafel

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Crushes
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I’m not currently looking for future pairings, however current day crushes are more than welcome! Squaffle is outgoing and cheerful, full of curiosity and questions, they're always looking to help out and make friends quickly

Close and adopted family is already filled. Friends are welcome, school friends, those from the orphanage, and any clubs and hobbies!

Monstera Acerbi
  • AGE: 30s

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Matcha Latte

  • Occupation: Rainforest Cafe Owner

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Known for being a big softy and welcoming anyone and everyone into his cafe and home, Monstera's built a reputation of being willing to help people from all walks of life, and especially likes giving second chances to those who need it.

His only known family is a cousin by the name of Papaya, Monstera is poen for close and distant family, not to mention friends and co-workers at his cafe! Partners are more than welcome, as he has a lot of love to give.

Owl 'Whisper'
  • AGE: Late 20s

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Honey Bread

  • Occupation: Baker

  • SEXUALITY: Greysexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

With selective mutism, Owl finds it incredibly hard to open up to others, and is more comfortable keeping to herself, or spending time togther quietly. As such, she's hard to find and reluctant to socilise, prefering to keep behind the scenes in the cafe. She does however, enjoy spending quiet time with the few friends she does have.

Unaware of any family but that doesn't mean there's no one! Close and distant family welcome. Friends and coworkers who frequent or work at the cafe are also welcome! Partners may be a little tricky, as it takes time for Owl to feel comfortable around others.

Breadstick Butterfield
  • AGE: 40s

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Tigerloaf Bread

  • Occupation: Baker

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A big softy, Breadstick is warm and welcoming, easily striking up conversation with customers and the sort of guy to turn up to any hang out, party, work even, or special occasion with a freshly make cake or three. He likes to claim that his large stature enables the best hugs, and anyone who’s been on the receiving end thoroughly agrees. Good at playing the fun uncle, Breadstick is a firm friend, entertainment, and listening ear, all rolled into one, always rising to the occasion.

Raiju & Kaiju Seijin
  • AGE: 30s

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Black & Strawberry Liquorice

  • Occupation: Translator & Interpreter

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Raiju (grey) and Kaiju (white) are a pair of brothers joined at the shoulders. As conjoined twins its impossible to have one without the other. Raiju is somewhat scatterbrained and impulsive, which has earnt him a few scrapes over the years, while Kaiju is more logical and considerate, usually keeping the pair out of too much trouble.

In terms of connections, they're fully open for family, close or distant, friends, co-workers, and possibly even a partner or two! They work in translation and interpretation, and each know about three different languges each, and while they don't get out too much, they can frequently be found online or in the neighbouring cafe.

Kingfisher Bellamy
  • AGE: 40s

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: Research Vessel Captain 'Fishcapades'

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Amylette Zarlengo

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Calm and level-headed, Kingfisher is often considered by his friends to be a rock in a stormy sea, always being willing to support hose he cares about be it with actions, words, or a listening ear. While build to be broad and strong, his presence is actually quite calming, and he can come across as being reflective or pensive, often lost in his own thoughts or watching those around him.

But Kingfisher enjoys a good laugh like anyone else, often going out for drinks with friends or family. He can be incredibly passionate about the things he loves and enjoys, be it his partner and kid, the expeditions out to sea, talking about the sea life, or the topic of environmentalism. The natural word is important to him, and he’s eager to see changes and regulations brought into place to protect the seas he loves.

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Quiet and reclusive, Abyssal prefers to keep to themselves, anyone looking to date her will have to be comfortable with sharing company in silence, or Abyssal’s curiosity in observing their hobbies.

Close and distant family is welcome, as they currently have no known family, so only requirements would be a somewhat similar appearance. Friends and co-workers could be anyone in the club and bartending scene, or anyone who just really enjoy music, or are involved with crime which they dabble in.

Pearl "Purl" Weaver
  • AGE: 50s

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Jelly Snowflakes

  • Occupation: Jewellery Maker

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • PARTNER: Herringbone Weaver

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Bubbly, warm, and caring, Pearl adores her ever growing family, and dotes on her wife Herringbone. Working as a jewellery designer along side her best friend from school, Pearl works closely with Gossamer in the design and construction of jewellery to enhance Gossamer’s fashion designs. She’s incredibly creative, and regularly makes personalised pieces for her wife, each of her girls, and of course her grandkids. She also regularly makes pieces for her extended family and customers who come to her specifically.

Pearl is open for family, apart from partners and kids, siblings, her own parents, or cousins, are all more than welcome to be suggested!

Opal Hartston
  • AGE: 40s

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: Costume Designer

  • SEXUALITY: ? sexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Don’t be fooled by her short stature and soft appearance, Opal is whip smart, always ready to crack a joke and lighten the situation. With a passion for fashion its no wonder she went into costume design, ranging from stage plays, to the big screen, and even dabbling in burlesque and drag performances. She loves to create tailor made costumes and outfits for her clients, and has a close friendship with Gossamer Pryde, often collaborating on their pieces.

Destiny Wimbleton
  • AGE: 39

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Summer Fruits

  • Occupation: Art Studio Owner

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • PARTNER: Sarin Nerghas

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Warm and inviting, Destiny is a social and kind individual who runs an art studio and courses for those interested. Art is her passion and she can usually be found wearing paint splattered overalls, or more likely snuggly jumpers.

Close and distant family is completely open, as she only has one daughter Scone, so family is welcome! Friends and co-workers are also welcome, espcially those with an interest in art! Destiny is already paired with Sarin and very happy in this relationship!

  • AGE: 30s

  • PRONOUNS: They/Them

  • Saliva: Rainbow Paradise Cocktail

  • Occupation: Manages Club Vortex

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Bright and outgoing, Malachite loves the limelight and can be frequently found socilising at Club Vortex and interacting with guests. Its hotly debated amongst the staff on howmuch Malachite is aware of the criminal connections to the Escher family. The truth is, Malachite knows, and is more than a little involved with the goings on.

Behind the cheerful smile is an inteligent and calculating individual, they're looking to maintain their comfortable and plush lifestyle, at any cost. They're certainly know for having a good time and enjoying life to the full.

  • AGE: 20s

  • PRONOUNS: She/He/They/It

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: Stunt Actor

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Coming across as very scatterbrained and hyperactive, Mari-Lwyd likes to be on the go, often going for runs or long walks, several highly active hobbies such as rock climbing and parkour, and hates being made to sit down for an extended periods of time. So it was no surprise when they went into the stunt actor line of work, the high impact (literally) job means that Mari-Lwyd rarely gets bored, and spends most of their days doing unnecessarily complex flips, flops, and falls. And is raring to go again the next day.

Mari-Lwyd’s on the go personality and tendency to get into mischief hides a very sharp and keen brain. One which her friends claim she chooses to switch off. They often talk in rhyme, simply for the fun of it, and occasionally joins in with a beat poetry group, but prefers rap contests, able to speak so rapid and fluidly, that it can be hard to keep up. She can also hold her alcohol like no bodies business and will drink you under the table.

Jadis Charm-Weaver
  • AGE: 30s

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Mojito

  • Occupation: Eisblume Lounge Manager

  • SEXUALITY: Poly-Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Mary Balistraria & Genesis

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Cold and beautiful, Jadis likes to get things her way, or not at all. With an eye for detail and a demand for perfection, she's both the best and worst manager for the Lounge she runs. Best, for its outstanding service and quality, worst, for the poor staff that have to deal with her. Working as the manager at Eisblume Lounge, she works closely with the owner Cataclysm Escher in all its business, both legal and illegal.

Distant family is open, the only requirement would be some similarity in design. Friends can be patrons from the lounge, while co-workers could be staff or other club owners in the area, or even those from similar crime circles. Partners are welcome although she's more interested in casual than formal.

Valentine Wimbleton
  • AGE: 19

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: TBA

  • Occupation: Student


  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

[In development] In her late teens, Valentine is figuring out what she wants from life, with mixed interests in fashion, art and design, and IT, she often feels pulled in multiple directions. She does her best to come across as confident, and can usually bluff her way through various situations, but still feels lost and confused as to what she wants. With a little social circle, she enjoys hanging out with them, either around each other’s houses, at the clubs, or just going shopping with her friends.

Scone Wimbleton
  • AGE: 17

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Strawberry Cheesecake

  • Occupation: Student/Tennis Player

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • PARTNER: Dikdik Jaeger

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Active and nearly always on the move, Scone is looking for someone who shares her love of sport and fitness. But also for someone who enjoys being romantic, picnics, long walks, and sharing her love of reading and baking.

Close and distant family are completely open as she has no current family, the only requirement is somewhat similar appearances. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the sporting world, primarily tennis, but also coaching, and training at the gym.

Alphabetti "Betti" Al'Dente
  • AGE: 40s?

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: PASTA

  • Occupation: Matinence Man/Enforcer

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Bumblebee Vespucci

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Gruff and no nonsense, Betti is intimidating to anyone outside the Pasta Family, and considered quiet and reclusive by those within it. He generally keeps to himself, rarely speaking up, but always watching and observing the goings-on. His considerable size makes him a threat to most other MTT, something he uses to his advantage in looming over anyone he dislikes. And while large, he certainly isn’t slow, able to build up into a barrelling run that either flattens or knocks down his targets.

Close and distant family is solidly filled with the Pasta Family. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from catering, suppliers, delivery drivers, and so on, or regular customers to their family business. Or anyone that's involved in crime, lets be honest.

  • AGE: 32

  • PRONOUNS: He/They

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: Marine Biologist

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Hardworking and driven, Ripple is focused on their passion for environmental conservation and bringing to light the state of the world’s oceans. With a degree in marine biology Ripple is highly knowledgeable in a huge range of sea life, but their primary focus is on sharks, which they adore. When they’re not studying up on the latest reports, Ripple can be found aboard Fishcapades with Kingfisher and Mariana on various expeditions out to see to gather new information and follow up on research.

Outside of work they’re a laid back individual, and can often be found cruising around Junction City on their motorbike with Mariana, Zombie, Ethernet, and Mari-Lwyd, getting into mild mischief. Although they’re careful to not break the law (or at least not be caught) should it jeopardize their lifes work towards conservation.

Ethernet Terrabyte
  • AGE: 20s

  • PRONOUNS: They/Them

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: Cyber Secuirty

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

In a world of three-piece suits and pencil skirts, Ethernet sticks out like a sore thumb, and thrives on it. Working for Pryde Industries as head of Cyber Security, Ethernet has a highly analytical mind and is capable of running through problems and numbers with startling ease. They’re a valued member of the business, and has the trust of Organza Pryde the CEO, regarding their daily work and decision makings. While Ethernet wouldn’t be considered professional to look at, they’re ambitious, smart, and driven, which got them to the top of the food chain.

Outside of work Ethernet is more interested in gaming or hanging out with friends, they’re ruthlessly strict about their work-life balance, something they’ve fought hard for and maintain. Thankfully most their co-workers understand this, and Ethernet trusts their team not to break the systems too badly when they’re off work.

Natalia 'Nighthawk' Zimavolkov
  • AGE: 30s

  • PRONOUNS: They/She

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: TBD

  • SEXUALITY: Grey-Asexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.vLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Ballista would be looking for someone quiet, someone who understand they have bad days, and is comfortable with their criminal dealings. They’re quiet and withdrawn and would rather have someone match that energy rather than try to change them.

Close and distant family is welcome, they have no current relations so only requirements would be a somewhat similar appearance. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from around the bar they work at, or from their previous job in private security, or from their criminal side of work.

Buck Barros
  • AGE: 36

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Cranberry

  • Occupation: Mechanic

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Grey Muntz

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Always welcoming with a warm smile, Buck is open to meeting new people and making friends. He’s calm and level headed, Buck’s excellent at de-escalating tense situations or agitated individuals. Able to relate with others, understand their points of view, and connect with strangers quickly makes him a popular mechanic in the mid levels of Junction City. Due to his injuries he can be stiff and in pain on many days, as well as dealing with PTSD symptoms.

Close family is filled while distant family would need discussion. Friends and co-workers could be anyone he’s met while working as a mechanic, or perhaps from his earlier years in private security?

Delphi "Belladonna" Vagouhn
  • AGE: 50s

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Mystery Purple Fanta

  • Occupation: Admin/Bounty Hunter

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Its Complicated

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A somewhat private individual, Delphi is mother to the Vagouhn siblings and in a complex relationship with her kinda-not-quite-ex. Working in administration for the Escher Establishments, she comes across as reclusive, preferring to keep to herself and out of any workplace drama, however all of this is a ruse, in reality she’s confident and assertive, and using her admin role as a cover for her true job, assassination. Her position at the Escher’s Establishment means she has access to multiple crime rings, and is able to find new clients who require her skill sets.

Irene "Iris" Vagouhn
  • AGE: 27

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Parma Violets

  • Occupation: Photographer

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Sassy and outgoing, Iris is looking someone to join her fast paced lifestyle and enjoyment of art. Ideally they’d share her passion for photography, or be willing to act as model when required. However she’s open to a more laid back partner to ground her every once in a while.

Close family is filled and distant family would require discussion. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from her line of work in photography, as she interacts with both models and designers, as well as magazines and galleries frequently.

Maizie Shortstitch
  • AGE: 28

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Candycorn

  • Occupation: Antique Conservator

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual

  • PARTNER: Cardinal Saellix

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A little shy but still cheerful and easy to get along with, Maizie can be best described as an ambivert, enjoying both alone time, and socialising in large groups. This flexibility has made her popular with both the studious group and the social butterflies of Junction City University, and it’s unusual to see her actually alone. She’s generally very pleasant to be around, being caring and supportive, but always ready to crack a joke and make you laugh.

Distant family is welcome, they have one sibling and cousin, only requirements would be a somewhat similar appearance. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from university, or met through her apprenticeship at an antique store, along with re-enactment events.

Venetian "Grackle" Phantom
  • AGE: 26

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Gatorade Cool Blue

  • Occupation: Delivery Driver

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Card Pilot

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Laidback and considerate, Grackle is happy to go with the flow and is looking for a likeminded partner. Alternately, someone to push his boundaries and encourage him to do more is also welcome!

Close family is filled and distant family would need to be discussed. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from his delivery travels, friends made at the bars he frequents, or older friends from school and university.

Sagittarius 'Ttari'
  • AGE: 25

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: Unknown

  • Occupation: Flair Bartnered & Trick Archer

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Dramatic and flashy, Ttari is a showman at heart and loves to perform to a crowd. His primary job is in Club Vortex, where he works as a flair bartender, doing tricks and mixing drinks. But his haobby is his passion, archery is something he loves doing, and has learnt many tricks and styles, which he shows off at Ren Faires.

Family is currently just him and his brother Leo, so fairly open but needs discussion, while distant family is more flexible. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the clubs, or the Ren Faire, while partners will need to cope with his loud personality.

  • AGE: 25ish

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Salt Water Taffy

  • Occupation: Influencer/Enviromental Educator

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

A young woman of two halves, one bright and inteligent, the other growing increasingly frustrated with the state of the world and the governments reluctance to act. Mariana is a bit of a firecracker, and enjoys a good 'debate' every once in a while.

She can usually be found at Sea World performing, or attending private events as her mermaid-sona, or failing that, out on the town graffitiing and protesting.

Century Digit
  • AGE: 50

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Pink Lady Apples

  • Occupation: Genealogy Professor

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Duck Digit

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

The mother of a hoard, Century’s life revolves around three things, her husband Duck, all ten of her kids, and her work as a university tutor. These all keep her busy and on the go, requiring copious amounts of coffee to keep her running smoothly. However she’s good at juggling and seems to have no issues balancing her life, always making time around grading to spend quality time with her Ducky, and encouraging her kids in their chosen careers. She adores her large family, and can’t wait to see it grow.

Close family is filled with a lot of kids, although siblings could be a possibility. Distant family would require discussion but can potentially work. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from the university, students, teachers, other helpers. Or anyone from the million clubs she takes her kids to.

  • AGE: 20s

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: info

  • Occupation: Tattoo Artist

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Single!

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Keeping to herself, you’d be mistaken for thinking Inkjet was shy or reclusive, she merely likes her own space and her privacy. However she can be outgoing when around friends or out on the town, having a closeknit group she prefers to hang out with outside of work. Her work in tattooing gives her the patience to deal with high pressure situations, and is able to work with difficult people with ease. This more dominant side of her personality rarely comes out, and is typically only used when people are trying to steamroll either herself, or her friends.

Pipette Rotini
  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

With a personality almost as harsh as her voice, Pipette’s a chronic smoker who has Seen Some Shit. Originally a butchers daughter, she grew up around knives and knew how to handle them, so when she got involved with crime circles, she became vital for interrogations, she had little issue in getting her hands dirty. So it only made sense when founding the Pasta Family with Penne and Farfalle, that she put her skills to use. She soon gained a reputation for being ruthless, she didn’t take threats lightly and would quickly dispatch any challengers towards her family.

Close family could be siblings, and distant family could be cousins/niblings, however close family is solidly filled with the Pasta Family. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from catering, suppliers, delivery drivers, and so on, or regular customers to their family business. Or anyone that's involved in crime, lets be honest.

  • AGE: 26

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: Unknown

  • Occupation: EMT

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual

  • PARTNER: Peter Cor

  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

Somewhat frazzled by her job and her family, Anelletti comes across as standoffish and reluctant to get invovled, which is fairly accurate. But with a dry sense of humour and strong desire to help, she doesn't quite fit in with the rest of her family, and prefers to keep on the outskirts.

Close family is solidly filled with the Pasta Family. Friends and co-workers could be anyone from health care such as nurses, doctors and other paramedics. Partners will have to be cool with the whole "my families the mafia" thing.

Cryptic Whitby
  • AGE: 8 (Mental 20s)

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • Saliva: N/A

  • Occupation: ASP Agent

  • SEXUALITY: Bisexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I won’t lie, I’ll be extremely picky with choosing a partner for Cryptic as she’s extremely precious to me. Cryptic is laidback and causal, coming across as almost lazy. However she has a sharp wit and a keen mind, constantly tinkering with new projects, and will happily talk someones ear off about them!

Family isn't possible due to her being a Zero. Friends and co-workers would be anyone from ASP, the gym, or even with a shared interest in computers and machines! While being scientifically minded, she's quite arty too, and likes to sketch in her spare time.

Luucas Oddson
  • AGE: 9 (Mental 20s)

  • PRONOUNS: He/Him

  • Saliva: N/A

  • Occupation: Cult Liasion

  • SEXUALITY: Poly-Pansexual


  • Close Family
  • Distant Family
  • Partners
  • Friends
  • Co-Workers
  • Monogamous
  • Polygamous
  • Casual Pairing
  • Marriage
  • Children

I won’t lie, I’ll be a little picky with choosing a partner for Luucas as he’s extremely precious to me. Luucas is suace and charming, with a silver tongue and skill in lying, but with any potential partners he'll be honest as can be! He's looking for fun rather than commitment, and is open to additional partners.

Family isn't possible due to him being a Zero. Friends and co-workers would be anyone from the club scene, as he spends a lot of time in Cataclysm's clubs. Along with this any members of the Resurgence cult will probably know of him, or those from ASP (although less positively).

Code by Aurorean