🕍Aniese ☁ ̖́- (Old profile 🪦)



Warning! : Old profile that i'm keeping For The Memories



PRONOUNS she-her they-them
AGE 21
GENDER femme non-binary
SPECIES cambion
ALLIGNMENT neutral good
THEME the moon will sing
22389137_yNCjOkRQEL4ZCRP.png?1589423092 placeholder
the blackwyche moment's silence
Hello, welcome to my cottage!
Wish to trade for a spell? I'll need something of great value, are you prepared for such a trade?
I've been living here in the Deep Wood since... Well, that doesn't matter...
Don't worry, these fangs don't bite, so stay as long as you like!

Spellbook x01
Herbs x69
Dagger x01
Broom x01
Herbs x69
Books x05
Potions x09
Quills x03
Grinder x01
Letters x03

Guilted Freedom

Aniese battles with the desire of freedom and the pressures of quiet conformity and anonymity. Her life was filled with isolation from childhood, lest her secret be discovered by the public. She struggles also with developing her own beliefs when the church has imbedded their religion so deeply into her heart. After being freed from the bonds of the palace and the church, Aniese seeks to indulge in the freedoms, principles, and loves she was restricted from before. However, she still struggles to see herself in a good light and often doubts herself and what is truly right and wrong. She longs to let herself embrace her desires and power, but she must learn more about the world and herself to do so.

Curious Child

Aniese by nature is full of curiosity and wonder for the world she was kept from. She actively searches for new knowledge, even if there is risk towards herself. She is inventive when faced with a challenge and will not back down from solving a puzzle, even to an unhealthy degree.


Aniese is tender and caring towards nature and people and has a strong desire to help those in need. She has a deep love for all other creatures, and wants to use her abilities to help, not harm. She is incredibly doting when given the chance and is very affectionate. However, her desire to protect others easily overpowers her sense of self preservation. Her love runs deep and strong, especially for her Knight.

Affirmed Affiliation

Aniese has a deep desire to relate to other people and develop relationships but is unsure how to and uncertain if she even should. She fears hurting or scaring others and struggles with approaching others. However, once someone has shown an interest in her, she finds it hard to stop herself from seeking out them and their approval.

Introvert Extrovert
Intuitive Observant
Thinking Feeling
Judging Prospecting


Aniese was birthed to the King and Queen. Her arrival was long awaited by both the parents and the kingdom. When the time came, however, the delivery had complications. Her mother passed during the process, leaving Aniese with her father. But when she left the womb, something strange and alarming was discovered. A small tail was attached to her backside, an obviously unhuman trait. The queen had birthed a cambion. Luckily there were only a few people to view the babe, a nursemaid, the father, and the advisor. It was suggest that Aniese be killed, but the King refused, as he still felt a paternal instinct over the child. It was agreed to keep her isolated, allowing a few trusted servants and guards to be present with her. Her care was given entirely to the nursemaid, who though unsure of raising such a child, grew to love her. Later on, Aniese’s father died when she about the age of 5 due to a “hunting incident,” leaving her with only her nursemaid and the advisor as regent.


Sed sit amet quam rutrum, eleifend ex non, vulputate ante. Proin sed ipsum turpis. Sed posuere, risus vel convallis vehicula, diam turpis tincidunt tortor, semper tincidunt nisl dui sed magna. Donec posuere mi ut consequat varius. Nunc eu ante porta, pretium nibh sit amet, luctus elit. Duis mi velit, tempus ut ipsum at, mattis accumsan nulla. Morbi sit amet lobortis lectus, eget porttitor velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed convallis enim et mauris interdum, at varius quam cursus. Nullam lobortis scelerisque mauris, eget facilisis neque viverra vel. In elementum tincidunt ultricies. Duis porta ex vitae laoreet laoreet. Proin et dolor ultricies, mollis dolor vulputate, mattis eros.


Sed sit amet quam rutrum, eleifend ex non, vulputate ante. Proin sed ipsum turpis. Sed posuere, risus vel convallis vehicula, diam turpis tincidunt tortor, semper tincidunt nisl dui sed magna. Donec posuere mi ut consequat varius. Nunc eu ante porta, pretium nibh sit amet, luctus elit. Duis mi velit, tempus ut ipsum at, mattis accumsan nulla. Morbi sit amet lobortis lectus, eget porttitor velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed convallis enim et mauris interdum, at varius quam cursus. Nullam lobortis scelerisque mauris, eget facilisis neque viverra vel. In elementum tincidunt ultricies. Duis porta ex vitae laoreet laoreet. Proin et dolor ultricies, mollis dolor vulputate, mattis eros.


  • small animals
  • brewing potions
  • freedom
  • fucking knight lol


  • punishment
  • being found
  • the church
  • knight leaving );