


3 years, 11 months ago


Splash is currently the final member of Carol’s team! They’re an upbeat Wooper with a love for making friends and going on adventures! Splash lived a relatively isolated life before joining Carol’s team, so getting out into the world has been a bit of a learning curve for them. Their naivety sometimes causes others to try and take advantage of them, and Splash is also not very accustomed to dealing with prejudice based on their gender presentation. They try not to let this sort of thing get them down, though! At the end of the day, Splash just wants to have fun with friends who respect them :) Carol asked Splash to join her team when they were struggling to get past the fire gym, and Splash was happy to do so and eager to make new friends! Unnnnnfortunately Zach got incredibly enbyphobic towards them for a minute and it was not a great first impression. Carol and the others immediately reprimanded her, but it still took a while for Splash to really warm up to Zach. They’re doing okay coexisting now, though.