
4 years, 24 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Dawn Moritz




22 years


May 20th (Taurus)


1.56 m (5'1'')


74 kg (160 lbs)


Paladin (Defense) / Holy Knight


Lawful Good


Light and Life


Helm The Great Guard

Preferred Setting:

Fantasy, Medieval, D&D


 Personality Traits:

• Cheerful • Dependable • Honest • Supportive • Gentle • Loyal
• Stubborn • Self-indulgent • Opinionated • Resentful • Rigid • Gullible

She’s a supportive little sunshine, always warm and kind to the people. Dawn tries to solve problems as peacefully as she can, but she understands that dialogue is not always the solution to every conflict. She blindly trusts in those who bear sociopolitical authority, even more when it comes to religious figures. You may often see her helping the homeless, feeding the peckish or tending the injured, but despite that caring nature of hers, she can be cold in the battlefield. She loathes having to kill the living, even if they’re the worst of evil, but she will do anything to keep her people alive in the name of her god.

“Lord Helm gave me the power to protect my kind, he blessed me with his healing hands, and enlightened my sword to destroy the evil in this world. I will always do as he commands.”


Born in the Holy House of Moritz, daughter of a strong paladin and a warm-hearted priestess, Dawn grew up surrounded by religious influences. At first, she was raised to become a priestess just like her mother, but since a very young age she took interest in the battle training of her father. The archbishop of the church saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of the young house’s member, convincing her mother to let her train with the young warriors. Dawn would still get her priestess lectures, but she’d also learn combat and weaponry techniques, and in favor of being able to protect herself and those beloved by her, how could a mother say no?
Thus her childhood went quite well. The young Moritz learned about the legends of the ancient heroes of history; the existence of deities other than hers, which opened her mind to accept other people’s beliefs; and perhaps most importantly, she learned the arts of battle and combat. Dawn became a capable warrior with proficiencies in both weapons and medicine.
Though, not everything was great. Due to her religious beliefs, she grew afraid of witches and drows, seeing them as demons from the abyss… Regardless of that, she can sort of get along with other creatures without much trouble, although she won’t trust other races too much unless they share her religion.


-Taking care of children.
-Cooking (and eating, she’s a big eater)
-Teaching the young.
-Helping others.


-Swimming (she's afraid of water).
-Imps, drows, witches, goblins.
-Having to kill the living.