Dawn (Modern AU)



4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Dawn Moritz




22 years


May 20th (Taurus)


1.56 m (5'1'')


74 kg (160 lbs)


College Student (Medicine)


 Personality Traits:

• Cheerful • Dependable • Honest • Supportive • Gentle • Loyal
• Stubborn • Self-indulgent • Opinionated • Resentful • Rigid • Gullible

She’s a supportive little sunshine, always warm and kind to the people. Dawn tries to solve problems as peacefully as she can, but she understands that dialogue is not always the solution to every conflict. She blindly trusts in religious figures and may often be seen helping the homeless, feeding the peckish or tending the injured. Her overly positive mindset and oblivious nature might sometimes be taken as childish, however she’s not. When she has to face serious situations, she acts with the maturity of an adult, providing opportune advice and solutions.


Born in a Jewish family, Dawn had quite a troublesome past. She’s always been over-weighted, even since her early childhood, which summed to the fact that she grew asthmatic was enough reason for the other kids to bully her while in elementary school. They would always make fun of her big belly, her snorting laughter and the amount of food she would eat, calling her silly things such as “Miss Piggy” or “Snorty”. All of this would eventually cause her a bulimia eating disorder during middle school and early high school. This took a big hit on her health and self-esteem, but she tired to keep it all a secret from everyone, something she was very good at since she was often smiling and getting good grades at school. People would hardly know there was something going on with her behind that sunny mascarade of hers.
Fortunately, she could make a friend in her early life whose name is Reagan. She approached to Dawn once she discovered her problem, convincing her to reach out and seek professional help. It took a while for it to happen, but Dawn could then improve on her self-esteem and finally accept herself for who she is, with the good and the bad things. She learned to love herself deeply and become a happy girl towards the end of high school. Her smile was no longer a façade, and her former bullies would not harm her anymore once she became more assertive.
To this date, Dawn is still working on normalizing her weight since she still loves to indulge herself with pastries and food, but her outlook in life is better than ever before, with a loving and caring boyfriend by her side.


-Taking care of children.
-Cooking (and eating, she’s a big eater)
-Taking naps.
-Teaching the young.
-Helping others.
-Dancing and singing.


 -Swimming, she’s afraid of water.
-Intolerant people.
-Anything related to World War II, Nazi jokes.
-Gorey movies.
-Mean people in general.