


4 years, 1 month ago



Name Sunny
Designer @Rexodus-reloaded
Gender MA
Obtained30$ from Gingy-the-RedPanda
Significant Other Aphrodite
Rules Species rules
Species Kiamara

RoleCafe owner


  • Masterlist
  • Parents: First gen (Adopt)
  • Breedings: None
  • Traits:  
    UC - Shaped Pupils (Stars)

Sunny is a bright, cheery, and optimistic individual without a mean bone in his body.  If you spend enough time with him, you might begin to feel like he's hiding something. He's learned enough secrets through his family and visitors he'd rather pretend he hadn't. He wants to live a simple, normal life, but that's something that's proven extremely difficult when his entire family has been wrapped up in this lifestyle for so long. While he has tried to distance himself, it's hard to give up the ones you love in pursuit of your own safety.

He loves meeting others and making people happy, and fancies himself quite the barista and chef. He like coming up with new recipes and using his own freshly gardened ingredients to create wonderful things for his patrons. 

He can occasionally be a bit over-emotional, and he's a bit of a crybaby, but a crybaby who's a steel cage. No matter what you tell him, you can bet no one else will ever hear until you give him permission to advise them. He's dependable and reliable- but don't expect him to tell you his secrets either no matter how close you think you are.


  • He knows way more fighting/survival skills than should be expected for someone of his position. Thanks to the early preparation from his family, of course, with the anticipation he'd follow in their footsteps. 
  • He receives extra checks from the government for his assistance with their operative's safety- but he only begrudgingly accepts these to make up for them eating through his food stores when they're around.
  • Even though he lets them stay in his underground 'inn' of sorts- he tries not to be in their presence any longer than necessary. He does consider them his guests and tries to make them comfortable when he can, though. 

Sunny's family is heavily invested in government security, working for high level agencies that utilize spies and covert operations to complete tasks mandated by mysterious superiors. Everyone in Sunny's family is entangled in webs of secrecy and conspiracy. Well, Except Sunny. He didn't want any part of that. He went into protection services and started up his own little cozy cafe instead.

He still helps out his family, as his cafe is often utilized as a safe point by government agents and spies passing through. Old habits die hard- and his fear of ending up involved in his parent's schemes has led him to create an elaborate labyrinth of back rooms in the basement of the facility that he's eventually been talked into allowing use by passing government agents.

He doesn't ask where they're going, or where they've been. He doesn't want to know. He only knows that when people say the codeword given to him by his family- he's to take them to the back rooms. And that's about as much investment as he cares to have. He just wants to run his cafe in peace and quiet. 


  • Coffees and teas
  • Gardening
  • Happy customers
  • Sunny days

  • Drama and stress
  • Messes
  • Bad hair days
  • Bad weather

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
