


3 years, 5 months ago



Name Aphrodite "Dee"
Designer trudraws
Gender Female
ObtainedIn a trade with ThePaintedKitsune
Significant Other Sunny
Rules Species rules
Species Kiamara

RoleHair stylist



Aphrodite is a bubby and cheery hair stylist who's positive energy is absolutely infectious. She's a bit of a chatterbox who delights in making others look and feel their best with every style and cut she gives them. She's extremely outgoing and it's her mission to have every customer leave with a smile on their face.

She can be a bit overbearing in her desire to make everyone happy- but she entirely means well and always pursues being the best person she can be. Self improvement is a big priority for her and she never stops trying to become better at her craft and towards being understanding and kind to others. She's creative and always open to sharing her ideas with others. 

She can be a bit ditzy, sometimes being a bit forgetful or running her mouth and letting 'secrets' slip out. She doesn't do so intentionally but can get carried away with her chatter and let it out before she notices. If this happens, she's always immensely apologetic. She also tends to daydream a lot if left alone.


  • She collects rubber duckies!
  • She wastes a lot of her free time watching cooking shows on tv.
  • Despite being an awful chef. 

Aphorodite grew up fascinated by hairstyles, thanks to her dolls as a kid that she loved to style hair on. Eventually, going to trade school to make it her own career. She found a cozy job at a little family-run salon that paid well.

She was never terribly ambitious, and living in this small town with nice company and friendly regulars was all she really wanted. Good friends, safe place, and feeling comfortable doing what she loved most.

She spends her time outside of work hanging out with friends, watching tv, or reading up on the newest hair fashions (to prepare for anyone asking for them at work of course!)


  • Making people smile
  • Ducks
  • Styling hair
  • Rain

  • Accidently making people upset
  • Bugs (Scary!)
  • Being alone
  • Scary movies

Glen Friend

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Parker Friend

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Janna BEST friend

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
