Philomena's Literatures

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
6 35

Explicit Violence

Descriptions of blood, gore, body horror, and death. Alcohol use and abuse. Unreality.

Mastermind celebrates his birthday.

A collection of small superverse snapshots. Whenever the mood strikes to write a little scene, I'll put it here. The length of each chapter will probably vary, but they're all probably gonna be really short.

Content warnings are in the authors notes of each chapter where applicable.

3 years, 11 months ago
647 1

Mild Violence

TW for: smoking, insults (like very personal and very cruel insults), talking about trauma in a very mean and not sensitive way, phobia based insults and cruelty (towards mastermind tho so Yay), mena talks abt some details about her murder and its Not Good, mena talks abt violence and killing and its Really Not Good, aaaand self harm and blood (not cutting)

actual title: well it was fun talking to you in this alleyway but i think i could use some head trauma real quick

mastermind talks to his own reflection. also sorry for the formatting i dont: care