
4 years, 1 month ago


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Name Norra De La Lupo
Called Norry, Norr, Tits by Addy 
Hair colorcurly black (floaty and fair as Cealest)
Eye colorMoon Grey 
Age not known, current body 27
SKILLIllusions, High Regeneration, Astral projection
Race Caelest (God-like)
OccupationFormer prisoner, Soldier of the Numen
Specialschocolate skin, midnight black as Cealest

Protective - Righteous - Happy - Insecure


  • The Hound
  • Lingerie
  • Cakes
  • Fluffiness
  • Running


  • Doctors
  • being imprisoned
  • Corruption
  • Intolerance


Norra lived a painful isolated life in the Lab, but she never gave up hope. She mastered to escape the torture by letting her soul wander in sessions. Painful sessions in which the Doctor used her as undying guinea-pig. There was one person she feels drawn too however and eager to discover his world. With time this person found a curious, shy, yet stubborn little girl who set her mind to spend her secret life with him.


She finally managed to escape that Laboratory, and her way to her big love. With her mix of being a little dense to the outside world, which made her irresistible cute, and the overall Sexiness she presented, in her movements and shape, she finally managed to win over the heart of the desired person. From now on she works with and beside THE HOUND. She wants to help him make the world a better place and one task for it is to clean the Numen-Allianz from its rotten branches. She is very caring and loyal. But also won't trust everyone. She doesn't mind people talking bad behind her back, as long they don't talk about the people she loves. With time she grew stronger but also aware that she has no offensive magic and needs to work harder and trickier to make sure everyone she loves is save.

Magic and magical tools

Magic Vaporizer under-arm armor.
Weapon of choice: Magic Dagger, who can expand and get hot like a laser.
Pistol, with different Magic Ammos

She has Hugh Healing abilitys. As long as her heart is not harmed she will always survive and heal back. Which means, heal small wounds – chopped of limps- and even cumming back from the dead.
She also can do a full Celest transformation, Wich means her Human Body transform to a magical being. Her skin is Midnight black and her bodys is plastered with beautifull patters from wich emarge pure Fullmoon light. Powers rise and fall with the circle of the moon.

Easy Level:
-Let her soul wander and explore her surroundings like a ghost. Distance and time improved over the years.

Medium Level:
-Touch things with her astral body- manifest her voice in the material world.
-She can send the night over certain People to blind them.

-She has the ability to sharpen other persons senses, with one touch of her.

High Level.
-Can manifest her astral body somewhere else during night.
-touch and interact with the material world.
-She can send the Night over an big area.



The Hound alias Cúàn Ivers  [ Mate ]

The Hound alias Floof. A big Canida-hybrid and high ranked soldier of the Numen-Alliance.

Adelaide Neu  [ Kind of adopted daughter ]

Also known as Addy, this girl is one angry, but very lovable little child who's main goal is to kill her father.


MacLarren  [Second Commander]

He's a strong mortalia (human) with a very soft heart and also the second in command of The Hounds unit.

JJ Torgrimson  [ Weapon specialist]

JJ is a strong and strong-willed female mortalia (human) and a bit like the big sister of the Unit.

Ambrose  [ Tech-specialist ]

Ambrose is the geek of the unit. He and his Robots support the group in every way possible. He's also a very good sniper..

Boba  [ Medic ]

He's one of the very few doctors Norra actually trusts. He has a calm personality and is very wise.

Dactyl  [ Assassin ]

This Volaerta (flying reptile) is the air support and assassin of the group. An experienced fighter and always up for a little mischief.

Mitra  [ Infiltration ]

Mitra is the infiltration specialist and hidden assassin of the unit. He can transform himself into almost any character with the right equipment and even in his casual clothes hard to define if a man or a woman.

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