
3 years, 11 months ago


You call me short one more time and i'll... uh... i'll BITE YOUR ARM OFF!

Name Cyprus

Age 19

Birthday May 16th

Gender Male

Theme Info

Height Aprox 161cm

Orientation Pansexual

Job Slug Slinger









  • Slugs
  • Warm clothes
  • His friends
  • Cuddles


  • Fighting
  • The cold
  • Cereal
  • The dark

  • His slugs are Caesar (Bubbaleone), Noodle (Flopper), Karen (Fandango), Precious (Phosphoro), Newton (Tazerling), Ross (Thugglet) and Tomato (Tormato). He doesn't like to choose favourites... But Caesar is his fav.
  • Frog mecha beast named Hope (H0-P3). Good for travelling long strides and climbing up steep surfaces. Can even stick to things like ceilings.
  • Blaster model unknown. Was hand crafted by Cyprus himself out of old blaster parts. Unable to create Megamorphs.
  • Cyprus is the shortest in the group and is usually made fun of for being short in stature.
  • Has a H U G E potty mouth... yet he doesn't know what half the words he says mean... blame the rest of the group for that.


Born on the surface world, Cyprus hopes to one day become a Slugslinger just like his dad, Eno, who was great friends with the famous Will Shane. But... first he needs to find a way to get back to his mother on the surface world and apologize for being an idiot and leaving without her knowledge (god he hopes she hasn't died from worrying knowing her).

People don't know how he can fight with such a different array of slugs, but he somehow manages. From a Bubbaleone to a Flopper (yes he uses god damn Floppers in battle), his team of "adorable and precious lil slugs" (his words) make him an odd opponent in battle. He just... He just loves cute looking slugs.

But, his love for slugs brings a hatred towards battle. Not wanting to hurt or loose his slugs,  he's usually found furthest away from any battle, planning alternate ways to win the fight. However, if there isn't any other way, his opponents will sure regret laughing at the little man when he goes running off in fright. That sweet and cheerful aura soon dissipates and all that is left is a ruthless Slinger with an almost murderous glint in his eyes as he takes down his opponents with ease.

With a cheerful and bubbly personality, Cyprus is known for cheering on, complimenting or confidence boosting his team mates. He's always there for his friends when they need a shoulder to cry on or one of his big ol' hugs (trust me, he gives good hugs).

But his selflessness has a different side to it. He has a severe lack of confidence, so in order to cover that up, he hides it by complimenting and confidence boosting his friends and others. Self-conscious of both his weight and height, he covers it up with big poofy clothes, making him feel a little better (Ramen's working on it with him).

Intelligence isn't one of his strong suits but he has at least some. Crafting his own blaster from an old one he found to even helping Rhoden with some of the repairs on their mecha beasts, this lil guy isn't all that bad up there in the noggin. And you wouldn't believe it, but he also has some form of common sense! He's always trying to tell the more... stupid members of the group what is and isn't a bad a idea, yet his soft spoken words usually fall of deaf ears..


Ramen Tall friend! How's the weather up there? >:3

Ketch I'd like my socks back please. 

Rhoden (Rat) hehehe Rat hehehe

Theresa*GASP* y o u

Aenon Ocean man, take me by the hAnD!! <3
