


4 years, 27 days ago


Name Lynette Appleton
Nickname Netty
Age 23
Birthday October 15th
Height 165cm
Orientation Lesbian
Gender Female
R. Status Taken
Colour #ffffff
Heritage Southern American
Traits Sweet, Sexy, Diligent
Occupation Farmer's daughter

Cheerful and outgoing, Netty fits in with ease to any company. Due to growing up on a farm, Netty's family taught her the value of hard work and maintaining schedules from an early age. She is exceptionally close with her friends and family and highly values quality time with the people she cares about.


From a young age, Netty has been actively involved in helping her parents around the farm; collecting eggs and gathering apples. During her early years she took particular interest in mimicking the actions of her older brother, Chip, who remains an intergral part of her life to this present day. While she was the first born daughter to her parents, her father always treated her with equity and raised her to believe that her gender would not inhibit her ability to accomplish anything she put her mind towards and worked hard for.

While loving towards Netty and her siblings, her household remained one filled with conservative ideologies. Netty feels pressured to conceal aspects of herself, namely her sexuality, as a result of her parents beliefs. While not outwardly hateful, the potential backlash of coming out causes Netty to remain quiet about such matters. Regardless of gender, Netty is an exceptionally good flirt. Combined with her preference for revealing clothing, she has a knack for alluring people. Resulting, she has become accustom to people becoming infatuated with her with not as much as a finger raised.

Preceding a heavy farming period, Appleton Farms posted a local job request for a new farmhand to help out around the farm. Hearing of the chickens held on the farm, Flan eagerly applied. Instantly, Netty began using her flirty charms on Flan; attempting to make her fall for her. To her dismay, the typical tactics of luring in people failed; Flan showing no interest towards her. Only after Flan spotted Netty caring for the chicks did she acknowledge her existence. Following, the two gradually began building a relationship that they kept fairly lowkey. Netty's family does not overthink the relationship between the two due to the extreme level of androgyny possessed by Flan.

  • Nature
  • Animals
  • Icecream
  • Hard work
  • Being babied
  • Cold weather
  • Staying home
  • Misogyny
  • Netty has a strong sense of charisma and finds herself easily fitting in with any group of people.
  • Netty has a high alcohol tolerance.
  • She has an older brother named Chip and a younger sister named Ebiko.
  • While not being particularly book smart, Netty has an incredible amount of street smarts.
  • Netty's family is exceptionally conservative.
  • She believes that anything a boy can do she can do better, and thus does not understand sexism.
  • She is very lovey-dovey with her girlfriend, Flan.
  • Netty's recommended song is Your Man by Josh Turner.
Flan | Significant Other

Meeting after Flan became employed on Netty's parents farm, the two slowly developed a relationship. Although Flan seemed more interested in chickens than Netty at times, she was determined to win her heart.

Ebiko | Younger Sister

Eight years her younger, the sisters have a close bond and often work together selling apples and chicken eggs at the local Farmers Market.