


4 years, 28 days ago


Name Reina Kinjo
Nickname(s) Rei
Age 17
Birthday May 12
Height 174cm
Zodiac Taurus
Gender ???
Heritage Japanese- Okinawan
Color #C5FFEB
R. Status Single
Traits Masculine, Noble, Tomboy
Occupation Student

Aspiring actor trying to make it into the spotlight.

“I’ll make sure your fairytale can come true.”


The star waiting to shine...

Growing up in a small town where the only the stars that appeared where ones up in the night sky, Rei knew he wanted to do do much more than stay behind in a place where everyone knew each other. As soon as an opportunity appeared for Rei to finally escape, he leapted on the nearest train to the city. Now studying at the local high school, he's training his hardest to be an extrordinary actor even if it means studying lines for long hours and taking up a few odd jobs.

When Rei is not daydreaming about being on stage or performing, he's out and about doing something worth his time. From taking up fencing, working out, or grabbing a drink at several cafes Rei tries to the make the most of his newfound city life.

After gaining the position of Drama Club President and title of "School Prince", he has gained quite the band of followers who are often seen filling his locker to the brim with fan mail. Though he loves the support he can grow tiresome of the weekly confessions he gets. He takes into consideration of everyone around them and tries his best abilities to politely decline. He hopes to find that special someone one day in his future, but for now, he wants every person's fantasies to come to life through his plays.

  • Fencing
  • Acting
  • Doing the right thing
  • Wagyu sandwiches and omelettes
  • Pranks
  • Stress
  • Disappointing others
  • Injustice
  • Left-handed
  • Wears different costumes everyday unless it’s a casual outing then there’s a switch to a more normal style of nice sweaters and hoodies
  • Frequent cafe attendee
  • A bit of an early bird and likes to get things done in the morning from working out to line memorizing to outfit coordinating
  • Head of the Acting Club
  • Student Council Vice President
Olivia | Friend

With Rei's prince-ly persona, they manage to become this fairytale prince for her. In reality Rei does care for his little Olive as they try to make her dreams come true.

Eden | Rival

Has to tolerate an onslaught of Eden's pranks everyday. Thinks he should straighten up and not be a punk.