


4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


$16.56 + 6.5k ac + personal art



01 — Profile

Name Cerise Llyamodavich
Nicknames Cerise, Ceri, Risse
Age 20
Gender Female (she/her)
Height 165 cm
Birthdate December 5th
Species Human
Orient. Heterosexual
Occupation Archmage

Status Alive
Designer Ufuemete
Worth $26.56 + 6.5k ac
  • please draw her with red eyes!!

  • ribbons on twintails are optional

  • the inside of her hat is red

  • the only time she doesn't wear her hat is when she puts up her hood

  • please make sure to draw her x hairclip

  • you can draw her with or without her cape

02 — Personality

Because of her laidback and carefree personality, many people may think that Cerise is lazy in doing her work. She does tend to put things off until the last minute but is actually quite diligent when she is needed to do her work. With the insane amount of work entrusted to her, Cerise is often overworked and swamped with papers in her office, attempting to rush things through to get it done within the deadline.

Thanks to her upbringing as an esteemed daughter of the Llyamodavich Duchy, Cerise's etiquette and mannerisms are fitting for that of a noble's. Cerise doesn't enjoy playing around with words or hiding knives in her speech, but is by no means bad at it, as she has had a lot of first-hand experience in refuting the daggers thrown towards her in high society. She has been saved by and has saved her twin sister many times when they first entered society. The two gave each other information they noticed and quickly begun to learn the ropes of marking their territory in high society.

Despite her past as a noble however, Cerise has no issue in blending into a commoner's discussion. She would usually speak in a straightfoward manner, meaning everything she says without a hidden weapon inside of them. She only uses her high-societal speech towards those who mock and look-down on her. Other than those who are hostile to her first, she would usually get along pretty well with them as Cerise is a very outgoing and extroverted person.

Although Cerise is an adult, she rarely acts like one except for when it comes to something she is serious about, like work, magic, or a serious issue where joking around is unfit for the circumstances. Other than those scenarios, Cerise acts as childlike as possible; skipping across the hallways, sliding down the railings, bringing about fairytale tropes, tying her hair into an informal and childish hairstyle, and even as far as changing her manner of speech into a more carefree and unrestrained one. Cerise does this as to put up a happy mask, reminding herself of 'the better times' in her childhood and how it felt to be happy.


  • fire, magic, fire magic

  • anything red

  • money

  • dogs, cats


  • arson

  • Yuffaen Loch Yuvergia

  • Eckrese Royalty

  • winter

03 — Background

Cerise was born on a snowy winter night. She had a twin sister, and she was the older one among the two. The twins were very close to each other, and looked identical except for the fact that Cerise had pink hair, while her younger sister, Cecilia, had silver - or close to white - hair. Cerise was more energetic and outgoing, often wearing a cheeky bright grin on her face, while Cecilia wore an elegant smile in front of most people, so people thought Cecilia was the more mature among the two. Cecilia was actually just as childish as Cerise was, but was more adept at hiding her facial expression. She would often throw all the blame on Cerise when they got caught, but it was all in good fun, and when things got dreadfully serious, Cecilia would take part of the blame so Cerise wouldn't be as heavily punished. Cerise knew that when Cecilia would throw all the blame on Cerise, she did it jokingly, and their parents knew well enough that Cerise wasn't alone in operating her pranks, so Cecilia never got away scott-free.

The twins would often quarrel like usual siblings do, but they didn't hesitate to admit their familial love for each other when asked. They would often engage in exchanging presents, hoping to be the one to give the other a fancier or better gift. They were very competitive, so they always strived to beat the other in the lessons they took together. But when it came to selective subjects they could pick, they always picked the one that the other didn't pick. This was to achieve their goal of being perfect when together. Well, to be honest, other than that, they were hoping that when the time came, the other could fill in for them in subjects they were better at.

Although they had ulterior motives when picking their selective courses, each twin actually grew to enjoy the selective classes they picked. The main selective course had three options; swordmanship, magic, and paperwork. The swordmanship course was for students interested in learning the sword or shield. You would later on be able to pick between focusing on learning about the sword or learning about the shield, after you had finished a year on the basics of both. The magic course was for students interested in magic. Unlike the other two courses, you had to pass a criteria to select this course, and that was to have sufficient mana. In the magic course, students would further be divided into more simpler and focused magic groups, such as fire, water, wind, earth, plant, sol (Sun), space/void, barrier, and so on. For the paperwork course, it would be to learn about documents and how to organize and handle them. Of course, it wouldn't only be that, but that was the gist of it. It's for students aiming for office or government positions in the future.

The twins had no interest in paperwork; Cerise was alright and normal in it, but didn't want to get an office or government position in the future, and Cecilia loathed doing paperwork. Cerise ended up picking the magic course as she had a considerably large amount of mana and had a body with low stamina, unfit for the swordsmanship course, and Cecilia picked the swordmanship course. The twins ended up being praised highly within their respective selective courses, and they became well-known inside the academy for being geniuses in their selections.

Everything was perfect, until it wasn't. On their 18th birthday, they had went to sleep after a long day full of celebrations, but were woken up to find out that the duchy they loved so much was being attacked by the rebellion led by the second prince, Yuffaen Loch Yuvergia. After witnessing the slaughter of her parents, Cerise managed to teleport away with a teleportation scroll Cerise had kept for research.

04 — Trivia

  • Cerise has a strong obsession with the colour red. She gets especially agitated when she sees things like rubies or red-eyed people other than herself, yet longs with a desire to obsess over it. This was caused by her sudden loss of her family, who were known for their red eyes and association with red.

  • Cerise doesn't know that Cecilia and their older brother, Euriaph, actually survived the massacre that took place in the Llyamodavich Duchy. Cecilia escaped through the secret passageway early on with the help of the third prince, and Euriaph escaped with his space movement magic, or void magic, to be precise.

  • If you do mention the rebellion or the King of Yuvergia, Cerise would go mad and seeth with anger, but if you were to mention the Llyamodavich Dukedom, she would likely go into a state of a mental breakdown and repeat the phrase "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault, forgive me." over and over again while crying uncontrollably. If you were to approach her and try to give her reassurance during her state of breakdown, she would flinch and push you away while shouting "I-I'm sorry! I wanted to save you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't save you...!" She would then proceed to keep on sobbing while muttering sentences of apologies until she passed out, and when she would wake up, she would usually be unresponsive - a sign that she was stuck in her stage of shock.

  • Cerise's fire magic is the most dangerous when it is crimson or a pinkish red, because that means a lot of her own mana was poured into the fire spell, and thus is extremely powerful in comparison to a fire of orange glow.

05 — Relationships

The closest person to Cerise since birth. They look identical except for the fact that Cerise has pink hair and Cecilia has silvery white hair. They work very well together, and used to be in sync with each other's movements when they trained together in the past.

Ever since the fall of the Llyamodavich Dukedom, Cerise doesn't know whether Cecilia is alive or not and assumes that she is dead.

Lucario Cain Yüvergia
Childhood Friend

One of the friends she was close to in the past. Their parents arranged for them to get close to see if an engagement could work out (for political reasons mainly), but it was later scrapped because Cerise and Lucario were insistent on being uncompatible.

Cerise knows he likes Cecilia, and that's why is quite disdainful when he comes up in a conversation. She thinks his personality is too different from how he treats her vs how he treats her sister, and is afraid he may do a 180º someday if they get together.