
4 years, 1 month ago


created 5/20/2020

* female (she/they)
* dark souls 3 protag!
* weapon lady who can and will fight you very hard
* doesnt speak much unless shes close to you and then she'll open up a bit
* probably has a good sense of humor
* Shes So Tired Please Help Her

* SHE AND LYDIA ARE SPAR BUDDIES!!! they're really close in general due to being from practically the same universe and so when they're both on the island they VIBE
* hammer main, used vordt's great mace since she got it
* siegward and horace/anri are FRIENDS. patches can perish.
* she Might be gay for some of the firelink ladies. not sure if its her or me i forget which
* most interesting fights for her story (as of anor londo) are the abyss watchers, vordt of the boreal valley and pontiff sulyvahn

* originally hailed from irithyll, but left before sulyvahn showed up and caused problems on purpose
* she watched people around her lose their purpose and go hollow and decided she was having none of that
* set her sights on a lofty, far-off goal to keep herself going as long as possible. this girl was linking the fire to keep herself from hollowing
* she never got strong enough, though, and so she was forced to link it and die or go hollow and suffer a worse fate. she chose to link the fire and died, where she was buried far from irithyll
* when the bell tolls, she's brought back barely remembering who she was before -- only that it was a cold, snowy environment -- and now she's got a new goal to uphold.
* her original goal is just to Find Her Home and. yknow. Stay There but then the plot kicks in and she has to go hit old men with a hammer to sad music
* remembering last time that she wasn't strong enough, she takes the hollowing from yoel and curses herself w the fate she tried to avoid. it took seeing herself start to hollow, and seeing horace start to hollow where she realized her mistake
* she gets to irithyll, realizes there's nothing left for her here in her old home, beats the frick out of sulyvahn for turning irithyll into an utter wasteland, and continues forward to anor londo to avenge horace
* she found aldrich disgusting and was horrified at the monster he'd become. also frick the dungeon she hated the dungeon all my homies hate the dungeon