


4 years, 19 days ago




Name Daemyar
Age 85 yrs
Gender ID Trans (amab)
Pronouns They/Them
Sexuality Bisexual
Race Firbolg
Background Outlander
Height 8'7"
Demeanor Gentle
Home/Origins Magrieth (Clan)/Windrip
Alignment Neutral Good
Tarot The World
Aesthetics Board


  • small birds
  • hands-on outdoor work
  • honey & bees
  • tending to people
  • sleeping in trees
  • free-spiritedness
  • mead
  • flowers


  • card/dice tricks
  • privileged behavior
  • insulting of their family/home
  • politics
  • sarcasm
  • industrial structures
  • carrots
  • needless violence

Daemyar is a level 6 Way of Mercy Monk. Despite their size, they are a steady and comforting present for all who encounter them. They are a forgiving and easygoing person, comparable to the seed of a flower drifting by on the wind. However, this may be to their own detriment at times.
General Traits List: Chill, nurturing, survivalist, introspective, thoughtful, easygoing, forgiving, affable, aloof, dispassionate, open-minded, somewhat lazy, passive, buries negative emotions.

Daemyar is an introspective but also social person. They function best in a family unit or group, similar to life in their previous firbolg clan, where they grew up. They are often regarded as quite calm and soft spoken; friendly but may come off a bit strange. They have parental instincts and a tendency to baby others, even adults. They are a caretaker and see themselves among a unit as responsible for the wellbeing of the group. While they may come off somewhat dainty or potentially weak, they are very capable, strong, and aware. While not smart by regular standards (and they are self-conscious of this), they have an understanding of people and the world around them that they use to their advantage when it comes to survival and the functioning of their group or clan. They are efficient, survivalist, nurturing, and have a lot of love for the world around them.
Daemyar prefers nature to civilization. Cities with a large populace can be overwhelming to them. They get easily stressed being in a huge cluster of people; they are used to their clan-- which includes no more than 90 people. While they like to be in a group, they prefer the open road, forest, etc. to a city or large town-- reminiscent of their original clan's home and way of life. They like to fight but not really to hurt; they prefer a friendly spar. They see legitimately engaging in fighting/violence as a survival necessity/tactic & something honorable for the defense of yourself and those you care for or strive to protect. To Daemyar, it is not something that should be abused or enjoyed too excessively. They feel you must show respect for those that you fight and/or kill, creature or animal, unless the creature is particularly deranged or bloodthirsty or not-morally-good (in their eyes; i.e. murderers of innocents, or other criminals of heinous crimes). In which, in their eyes, you are doing the world a favor moreso. Though they became a fighter in order to uphold these views, this was still not accepted within their clan's society.
A free spirit in general and sort of just floating their way through life, Daemyar often does not allow themself to worry and instead tries to approach any situation presented to them with a level head and careful planning (even if they aren't always good at coming up with those). While they are fine with traveling and adventuring around, they dream of either returning home or making a new home elsewhere where they can become a farmer of sorts, potentially even a midwife or something similar. Ultimately, Daemyar is a rather simple, but loving, person who desires a quiet life.


Early Life

Daemyar was born in a firbolg clan by the name of Magrieth, located among a large forest (known as the Balberg Wood) at the foot of a mountain. Atop the mountain was a large town, Windrip, of humans that had a formidable monk monastery known as the Hall of the Golden Leaf, home to monks following the Way of Mercy. The clan of Magrieth was still, however, quite secluded from human civilization and was thus comfortable with their proximity, feeling safe and hidden enough from them. They would misguide any overly-curious humans who wandered too far into said forest where they made their home, causing them to head home or get lost and eventually leave. Daemyar was brought up among what is essentially a very large family, with their clan being very tight-knit/close. Their clan consisted mostly of druids like typical firbolg clans, among a handful of well-respected rangers and few fighters. In the clan, though they were a collective more than anything, the clan often looked to Johana for guidance -- who was considered the head Shaman, and is also Daemyar's biological mother. Daemyar was, however, raised amongst the other clan children of the time; by other firbolg women and men, and so on, not just their actual mother and father (another druid man, named Fenren). If you asked them, they would not have a concrete concept of someone they actually consider a parent by a human's definition -- coming along with the emotional connection and all. Nearly the whole clan fit this mold, to them. Daemyar thus has a different concept of family to most, not finding having a distinguished set of parents to care for a child at all times in their upbringing important or even necessarily as effective compared to the way the clan does things. There were a handful of clan members they were particularly familiar with/close to, namely Petris (male druid, like their closest older brother), Adylln (female ranger, fell in love with), Omoran (agender druid, learned with, like close sibling), Balnan (genderfluid druid, learned with, like close sibling), and Zindi (genderfluid druid, main mentor).
Daemyar was primarily raised in the healer's den of their clan as a personal choice in childhood; they wanted to grow up to be a druid like a lot of the clan were. From the age of 5-8, they spent time foraging, learning the lay of the land and how to live in the wild like a proper giantkin. From 9-15, they spent time learning the druidic way of life and ways of healing. They turned out to have a very hard time learning. Their mentor, Zindi, was a kind, calm and patient firbolg, but struggled with helping Daemyar succeed. Zindi would sometimes try to explain that Daemyar might want to try dedicating themself more to the deity which the clan worshiped (tbd) in order to coax out their magical capabilities more, but Daemyar did not, never feeling a close connection to the deity. After a few years with little luck in Daemyar's favor despite their hard work, they began subtly hinting for them to perhaps consider another clan job, such as being a fighter, bowsman, or hunter). Daemyar ignored this consistently, however; embarrassed and feeling they had to prove themself no matter what, as this was what they chose to do.

Monk Life

Some time later, on one of their foraging trips with a number of other clan members (which was customary for all to take part in, on a rotating schedule), they were forced to trick a handful of monks from the Hall of the Golden Leaf out of their territory; they'd simply been training too close to clan land. Daemyar, catching the tail end of their training before they had to aid their family in driving the humans out, became fascinated with the fighting style the monks displayed -- something they'd never seen before. When the job was done, they slipped away from their party and followed the monks up the mountain and back to town. The monastery was located towards the edge of town, so they did not attract a lot of attention once they did show themselves to the monks -- other than from the others at the monastery, of course. At the sight of Daemyar, they were confused and somewhat concerned. The firbolg eagerly introduced themself, to which one of the monks stepped forward and introduced himself as Javion Allstone, the head of the monastery. It was from this point that Daemyar explained who they were, and was then accepted to train in martial arts under Javion. Daemyar began learning to fight hand-to-hand in the nighttime, when they would travel up to the monastery. They took to it quickly, and that made them confident in themself. They found passion in learning to fight, and even more family in the other monks of the monastery. Daemyar made fast friends with some of the others they trained with, all humans, particularly a man named Gideon and a woman named Myrna, both in their 20s and siblings. On top of that, they grew quite close with Javion himself, finding particular companionship with him. Javion was a friendly man and eager to teach, as well as encouraging with Daemyar, praising them as they learned and improved. Daemyar felt accepted with the monastery; not that they didn't at home, but this was something different than they had ever experienced -- in the Hall, they felt on the a level playing field with their peers, while back home they continued to feel as though they were being left behind gradually, the longer they failed at being a druid. Back home, during the days, the clan grew somewhat suspicious of them; they were not good at hiding things. However, no one pried. Eventually, Daemyar gave up trying to learn to be a druid and instead stuck closely to foraging and scouting in the forest as their primary job in the clan. As they did not make an effort to learn fighting of any sort, the clan became upset. It grew to the point that Johana herself along with a handful of others (including Adylln and Balan) followed Daemyar up the mountain on a night of their training with the monks, outed their supposed "secret" and, upon learning of their monk training (of which the firbolgs did not approve of in terms of a way of life), the group denounced Daemyar as family and told them not to return to the clan if they did not intend to be useful to the lot of them. Daemyar was left devastated by this, but was comforted by Javion as they left back down the mountain. They would never leave their forest homes in a group once again after this. Daemyar still loved their clan, but chose to stay with the monastery. However, despite the unpleasant nature of their separation from the group, they do not regard them with anger or bitterness, only love and appreciation. After what happened, Javion became particularly sympathetic towards Daemyar, and assured them they were welcome as one of the monastery's own, of course, and a child of his. They allowed them, now, to live within the Hall of the Golden Leaf. During Daemyar's training as a whole, they were taught in a way they already believed in. As a Way of Mercy monk, the importance of aiding the hurt, poor, or others as a wandering physician - as well as ending someone's life quickly as an act of mercy - were crucial lessons to them. It was through learning to be a monk Daemyar actually learned to finally heal, and they finally felt worth something. Daemyar also became close with the other humans of the town, treating minor ailments for them here and there with the other monks in training for some time. Even without their firbolg family, they still had somewhere to feel camaraderie and love.

Leading to the Present

Eventually, as Daemyar progressed past training and became a fighter worthy of respect, they decided to become an adventurer. Both the friends and family they'd made in Windrip were sad to see them go but sent them off with their blessings. Javion gave them a handful of helpful supplies for their travels, hugged them and watched them leave. Daemyar thanked him for everything and left for a life of (admittedly lonely) adventure.
Daemyar travels mostly in the wilderness now, looking for fellow adventurers/travelers to aid in any way they can. They avoid cities and large towns, not used to the hustle bustle and overwhelming number of people in these areas, though they have been to some. They don't know what they're really looking for on their own, besides people to help. Maybe someday they'll find the answer to that.


  • Contrary to what it may seem, Daemyar has no moral qualms when it comes to things like alcohol/drugs/sexual promiscuity. They are not prude, nor are they judgemental in general even if they do not engage in all of those things themself.
  • Always clean but lazily dressed/not very put together. How they manage to keep clean given how they behave in general & around nature is a mystery.
  • Talks kinda slow. They are a little self conscious about it.
  • Their voice claim is wip!!!.



Adylln [ prev girlfriend ]



Omoran [ prev friend ]



Petris [ prev friend ]



Balnan [ prev friend ]



Javion Allstone [ monk mentor ]



Zindi [ clan mentor ]



Johana [ bio mother ]



Fenren [ bio father ]
