Ryo Aimoto



4 years, 15 days ago


Ryo Aimoto



Ryo Aimoto

Yoyo, Ryo Himora, twink




Lives in

July 4th




Valley of the Dolls Saint Bernard

Caught in the Ultimate Act of an identity


This main page is about Ryo's danganronpa school mode story, which is equally canonical to their Non-Danganronpa self, which can be found in their tabs. This story was created in cooperation with other players in a roleplay game, with some modifications to improve character integrity.


Ryo is 5'2, with a very thin build and short bleach blonde hair. They wear their hair slicked back with sunglasses on top of their head. They have round, innocent looking eyes with prominent undereye eyelashes. They have a small button nose, and a gentle :3 shaped mouth, with nondescript lips. They're considered notably convetionally attractive, and work hard to keep up their appearence due to their parents demands. They have quite a few scars on their body, due to both self harm and physical abuse.


"Ryo's Personality" is a bit of an oxymoron, due to the way they preform every aspect of themselves in a very deliberate way due to their parents teachings. When they first meet someone, they tend to act like a classic distant celebrity, being friendly but still cold. Overtime, They tend to account for whoever they're interacting with and attempt to mirror their ways of speaking, body language and individual quirks in a concious effort to appeal to them. Ryo is very desperate for affection, and although they don't show or acknoledge it, underneath their acting and fake personas, they're a very softhearted and emotional person. At the core of their being, Ryo is very nervous and they tend towards paranoia due to their upbringing. Despite this, they want to be proven wrong and to find someone they can trust. They also want to be caught in their acts and called out for lying so they can be honest, but when they are called out, they panic.


  • Lying
  • Flowers and their meanings
  • Otome games


  • Lying
  • Heat
  • Mirrors


Ryo was born as Ryousuke Aimoto (I say this not as a precursor to a later gender transition, but as a precursor to a later dissociative break), the twin sister to Ryou Aimoto. the twins were born to Elizabeth and Kazuichi Aimoto, a famous model and a famous photogropher who were having marital issues. The two would divorce soon after the twins birth, each raising one of the twins on their own as a sort of competition to see who could raise their child to be more famous and make more money off of their children. Ryousuke would be raised by their father, Kazuichi. Kazuichi was a stern and cruel man who would punish any percieved wrongdoings with physical violence or the threat of it. Kazuichi pushed Ryousuke into acting from a very young age, and only allowed her out of the house for acting lessons and to actually work in the field, homeschooling her only on what he felt was important to her carreer, leaving her very intellectually stunted as a way of control. For a good portion of her life, Ryousuke obeyed and was the model daughter. But when she became a teenager, she started to realize how awful her life was and started to rebel. She began sneaking out and fell in with the alternitive crowd, abusing drugs and alchohol to find a sense of control in her life. Kazuichi, of course, tried to control her more but she just became more and more unruley. Eventually, he resorted to putting Ryousukes room on complete lockdown, with security systems that completely prevented her from leaving. After three days of no escape, Ryousuke decided on one final act of rebellion. She told herself that if she couldn't be free, Kazuichi would no longer be able to profit off of her suffering, and she attempted suicide.

Her attempt landed her in the hospital, coincidentally in the same room as her twin brother who had made a similar attempt. Faced with the realization that she had survived and that Kazuichi still had his power over her, she could not come to terms with her situation and suffered a dissociative break. The person formerly known as Ryousuke took the name Ryo, believing that Ryousuke had really died after her attempt and that they existed as her soulless body. Ryou watched as Ryou suffered the same crisis and took the name Usuke Aimoto, due to her inability to remember anything else. Ryo's memories, on the other hand, remained intact despite being distorted by their trauma. The twins stayed in the hospital for two weeks while the doctors tried to understand their mental states. While at the hospital, they met a sick girl named Naomi who couldn't afford her medical treatments. Usuke begged the Aimoto parents to help Naomi, and they reached a deal with her. They would pay for her medical bills and offer her a healthy salary if she would agree to accept the position of the Aimoto children's 'personal assistant' which they clarified after she accepted meant that she would be keeping the twins from rebeling or report any suspicious behavior to the Aimoto parents. Naomi couldn't morally agree to these terms, but she desperately needed the money for herself and her sick mother so she accepted the rules despite having no intention of limiting the twins or reporting their actions. Despite this, Ryo was suspicious of her for a long while.

After the twins left the hospital, their parents decided to get remarried and raise the children together, being brought together by the fear of losing their profits from the twins acting careers. To salvage the twins images, they rebranded Ryousuke's career as the wholesome idol-like Usuke-Chan! And they rebranded Ryou's innocent childlike appeal into Ryo's mature and sauve but distant image. Due to Usuke's memory loss, they decided not to remind her of their former abuse and instead treated her like their princess and giving her anything she wanted. To keep up their ruse, they also had to treat Ryo better, but both Ryo and their parents knew the unspoken threat if they acted out. So Ryo behaved, for both their own and Usuke's benefit. Usuke's existance as her parents princess made Ryo deeply uncomfortable and as such, they distanced themself from her and tried to avoid talking to her about their past, which lead to them having a strained relationship where Usuke believed that Ryo saw her as a child. After a period of the twins living at home in the lap of luxury, the family was contacted by the National Japanese Intitute for the Talented, looking to recruit Ryo and Usuke as the Ultimate Actor and the Ultimate Actress. The Aimoto parents were reluctant until Naomi recieved an invitation to be the Ultimate Best Friend due to her closeness with the headmasters daughter. With the utmost faith in Naomi's abilities to keep their children, specifically Ryo, in line, they agreed to send the twins to the boarding school.

At NJIT, the twins were quickly thrown into a heavily social enviroment. Their first night there, Usuke kicked Ryo out of their shared room due to one of her anger flare ups. They stayed over with another of their classmates named Kowa who happened to be a fan of Ryo's and who unreasonably quickly developed romantic feelings for Ryo, which Ryo did not return. They refused Kowa's confession the next day, for obvious reasons. This only breifly deters him, despite some hefty drama. Kowa continues to persue a romantic relationship with Ryo throughout their time at the school, but despite that, Ryo slowly learns to open up and makes friends. They learn to smile and laugh and they learn to love- platonically. They befriend the class president, Hikari Utamori, and they even help throw a birthday party for another student... Things go wonderfully for them, and they begin to feel safe and secure until Kowa unthinkingly reveals on his social media that the Aimoto twins are attending school at NJIT and the two are taken away from the school by their parents as the media and papparazzi swarm the school. The twins are kept at home for a week, during which, Usuke begins to notice how afraid Ryo seems of their parents and how much happier they seemed at the school. Worried for her twin's happiness, she throws fit after fit until their parents conceed and let the twins go back to the school, after a public statement was made claiming that the twins had been put back into homeschooling for their safety. When the twins returned to the school, Ryo realized that Naomi had spilled the secret of Ryo's past abuse to Hikari. Despite Ryo's fear of the knowledge getting out and making their situation worse, Hikari offered Ryo emotional support and after some convincing, agreed to keep their secret. Hikari's father, on the other hand, had grown suspicious of the Aimoto parents and would later be a great help in getting the Aimoto children away from their parents.

With the stress of the school year ending, Ryo's mental health took a strong turn for the worse as they were consumed with the delusion that they had to be more like Ryou had been, leading them to become obsessed with Ryou's former boyfriend, Asahi. Ryo's obsession with Asahi was frankly an embarassing part of their life, but it did lead them to meet Miss Kai Himora, who simply goes by Himora. Himora was the owner of a moderately successful record label, who Ryo bribed to sign Asahi as one of her recording artists. Himora was happy to take the money and do as Ryo asked, but she was concerned by their erratic and confusing behavior and decided to pay close attention to them and try to understand what made them act that way. After some time, Ryo began to see Himora as a mother figure and trusted her deeply, but she hadn't been able to find any information about Ryo's home life, until she was contacted by NJIT. A new school year had begun and Ryo was enrolled but they hadn't come to the dorms, instead choosing to sleep wherever they could find and spending their days at Himora's work with her. Usuke had told the school all she knew about Ryo's habits and begged them not to tell Elizabeth and Kazuichi Aimoto, out of fear of being taken out of the school again. The headmaster and his husband agreed to this, after their daughter encouraged them to listen to Usuke and began their own investigation to find where Ryo had gone. They tracked Ryo back to Himora, and she was more than happy to tell the headmaster everything she knew about Ryo and their current actions.

With all the information laid out in front of them the headmaster, Masato Utamori, and his husband, Naito Utamori, were finally able to understand what was going on. At Himora's urging, Ryo went back to school and was called into the headmasters office, where Masato and Naito offered them help in escaping their family. Ryo was distrustful and felt that the idea was hopeless at first, but with the urging of all of their friends- Naomi, Hikari, and even their new maternal figure, Himora, Ryo eventually agreed to persue criminal charges for abuse against Kazuichi and Elizabeth. It was hard, explaining everything to Usuke, but in the end it looked like Ryo had been underestimating her all along. Usuke believed them and refused to let them be hurt any longer, and agreed to assist in the case against the twins parents. And the Aimoto parents faced justice. It was a long and hard battle, but it was over. Ryo and Usuke were still underaged at this point and didn't know what they would do- their parents still held the majority of the family wealth and there was nobody to take legal guardianship of them. Or so they thought. Kai Himora stepped up, and offered to adopt the twins for the final years of their youth and give them the loving home they've always needed. And that's just what she did. The twins continued to act for a time, saving up money for their futures, and Ryo eventually left the career, choosing to go to college and try to understand just what they had wanted all along. They met a waiter named Felix and the two slowly fell in love and entered a relationship... And that's where Ryo's story sits today. They're getting the well deserved love and rest they've needed all along, and they're learning to be happy again.


In a plotline that wasn't able to finish naturally and as such is excluded from the general storyline, during their mental health spiral, Ryo met Katsuhiro Himora who wanted to recruit them for his cult and in turn earned the hatred of Hisashi Miyomoto, who surprisingly became one of Ryo's friends. Hisashi was a major supporter of Ryo getting their idependence, despite not understanding much about Ryo's home life. The pair stays close through the remainder of Ryo's story.

Ryo misremembers Ryousuke, thinking she was a "perfect angel" and someone who took all the pain the world gave her calmly as opposed to her actual self, who was very angry and lived for rebelion.

Theme by Circlejourney