


4 years, 28 days ago


Name: Lawrence Drake Smith

Age: 27 (23 during years of Villainy)

Species: Duck

Gender: Male

Residence: St Canard (Duckburg in Post-villain time skip)

Alignment: Neutral (Evil as a villain)

Personality Trait: Smart; Cunning; Shy/nervous when being flirted; Caring and kindhearted to the trustworthy; Lazy; Tiresome; Cranky during early mornings; Sometimes smug

Sexuality: Bisexual

Like: Quiet; Sleeping: Coffee; His patterned shirts; Watches/His pocket watch; books; Time; Money

Dislikes: Loud noises (his shirts don’t count); Being told what to do all the time; Cheaters; Bullies; Thieves at his shop (Despite his long history of being a thief) 

Hobbies: Collecting watches; Collecting antiques; Writing; Digital graphics; Shopping, Cooking, Coffee making; Reading cards; Gambling

Abilities: Lawrence has the ability to travel and manipulate time within seconds, sometimes even minutes based on his surroundings. He also possess the power of hypnosis from his pocket watch, in which he can confuse people/wipe out memories/make them do things under his bidding. He can even put them to sleep. His eyes can glow full red when his chronokinetic powers are fully activated.

Short Bio:

Lawrence was born in a country side of town in Calisota, where he was taken care of by an unknown family of time witches/wizards, and his unnamed Grandfather. His said Guardian made him the pocket watch at the age of 15 and granted him the power of time and hypnosis. Lawrence was then told to use his powers wisely and responsibly. He was home schooled until he and his Grandfather moved to St Canard so Lawrence can finally attend high school for the first time until graduation.

At age 23 he lived life, alone this time at his own home. and made decision to become a villain to survive and make the money he desperately needed (Since jobs are hard to find in the city.) That same year, F.O.W.L, a criminal syndicate, saw his potential with his time manipulation, that he was then recruited, however after his final mission that went horribly wrong by putting someone in danger, he quit his job as a villain for good. 

1 year later in the present time, he moved into Duckburg to live normally as a Tarot/antique shop owner and putting his past behind him…. well, at least he tried to in which his life can turn upside down, once again….