


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Mello Kallie (Like Melancholy)

Age: 35

Species: Pigeon

Gender: Female

Residence: St Canard

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Personality Trait: Soft spoken; Patient (Impatient in Anger Mode) Kind-heart (Mean Spirited in Anger Mode); Humble to her husband boss

Sexuality: Bisexual

Like: Cultural cuisines; Flowers; Traveling; Guns; Her job

Dislikes: FOWL and SHUSH always gets in the way of everything; Troublesome brats; Ruined reputation

Hobbies: Cooking; Reading; growing and caring for her plants to calm her nerves

Abilities: No Special Abilities, however she carries various arsenal out of nowhere, 

Short Bio: 

Mello was born in St. Canard under a mafia family who raised her better than her real family who abandoned her. She did not go to school nor made any outside friends at a young age. She was way too attached to the family that they taught her to become a member by bribing people for money, and how to handle a gun. The latter being her favorite lesson as she had made a collection of her own arsenal as she got older. The family are no longer in her life as she had shot up their home, and stole the money and valuables they've earned, leaving them with nothing. Not too much is known about Mello as she is a private person throughout the remainder of her, however in her mid 20's she was recruited by The Boss of BETA and became his top agent and second in command before the underground agency was fully established, due to her knowledge of guns. They both love each other very much that they soon got married.

As the agency was finally completed, Mello went out to scout some new agents, until she met Reno and Harmony in the city of St. Canard and recruited them. She is described as the "mom" of the trio, as told by Reno. The reason BETA is self explanatory (See: Reno or Harmony) but Mello has a purpose in mind.