Hawk Crowfeather



4 years, 17 days ago



Name Hawk Crowfeather
Called The Ice Prince
Age 22
Gender Female
Race Human (Magic User)
Role Patrol Officer/Student
Alignment Lawful Good
Theme Song Link

"Citizens, do not fear because The Ice Prince is here!"


  • Fencing
  • Chamomille Tea
  • Cute Items
  • Flowers


  • Evil-Doers
  • Cold Weather
  • Centipedes
  • Pineapple Pizza


A soft-spoken young woman who values diligence above all else. Despite her cold exterior, Hawk is actually kind-hearted and willing to help others in need without hesitation. She's often referred to as a "prince" by her fans because of her heroic endeavors as well as her killer charisma. Hawk is not that much of a flirt but she tries to be polite to those who interact with her (even if they're kinda mean). She tends to keep a cool-head while she's on patrol, often coming up with plans before she acts. It's a miracle that she hasn't broke a sweat while balancing both her school and patrol duties!


Hawk comes from a well-off family who prides themself in their magic. As the eldest daughter, Hawk had to keep the family legacy alive by excelling in all her studies as well as compete in fencing tournaments at a young age. After a while,Hawk was unsure what to do with her life after she moved out of her family's home. She was sure to continue her studies at Agatha After to further expand on her ice magic. But what else is there to do when you've done everything to make your family proud of you? Become a Mahou Patrol Officer of course! Hawk was inspired to become one after she witnessed an officer in action. To become a beacon of hope for the people is the greatest honor that she could ever have!


|Telemon(Snowy): Hawk's shy little companion. He likes to sleep a lot. |Gym Membership Card: Gotta be fit in order to catch the bad guys!! |Family Crest Locket: It contains a photo of her family inside!| Ice Sabre: This weapon isn't just for show, it actually doubles as both a wand and a weapon! It helps Hawk channel her magic and can release spells just fine as long as Hawk focuses!



Dawn [ sister ]

There's nothing that Hawk cares about more than her baby sister. She's always doting on her because of the amount of trouble she gets into but she tries her best to support her as best as she can.


???? [ relationship ]



??? [ relationship ]


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