Pace Strozzi



4 years, 7 days ago


  • Pace Strozzi

  • pace_strozzi__oc__by_tsukiakarinaka_ddy1
  • age 23
  • gender Male
  • race Magician
  • role Magic Police Humanities Administrator
  • theme

Playful • happy • People Lover

 “Pace Strozzi? Oh, you mean the boss’ right hand man. People lover is the best way to describe him. Running around and greeting everyone and anyone he come across, gaining trust left and right. He tends to miss the important details, but that’s what makes him so endearing. Beware though, he’s the master of taking people’s secrets. If you let your guard down around him, he’ll have enough dirt from your past to control you.”

Pace is a friendly figure who jumps into your heart the moment you meet him. He has a strange yet comforting aura which makes you trust him almost immediately. As the second in command of the Nightingale, he specializes in public relations and public programs such as opening up school and helping orphaned and abused children. Although he is trustworthy in fields that requires social skills, he lacks any and all analytical skills. He tends to miss important details, procrastinate on important work, and sometimes out right refuse to do anything that he deems as too complicated. 

Do not be fooled by his go-with-the-flow attitude though, he has enough trust to extract any information out of anyone. If you underestimate him, he'll pull the rug from right under your feet. 

 "If you need anything, just let me know! I'm always happy to help!" 

height 5.9 ft

build Tall and thin

pronouns He/Him.His

s.o. Straight

dob 6/23

sign content

origin Human Colony

occupation Magic Realm Humanities Administrator

mbti ESFP

demeanor Happy Go Lucky

Symbol Magic Apollo

element Fire

obtained 10/12/17

value N/A


  • People
  • Parties
  • Tarot Card
  • Beef Stew


  • Loneliness
  • Hard Work
  • Silence
  • Other people's misfortunes


Pace was born into a noble family who's tradition was to have the child with strongest magic take over the family. Despite being the oldest child, Pace was born with elemental magic, which was the weakest type of magic someone could have in the magic realm. On the other hand, his younger sister was born with Moon magic, leading his parents to favor his sister more. Pace, who was neglected from the family, developed a persona that allowed him to make friends easily. He stayed out of his mansion as much as possible and befriended many people, with most of his friends consisting of minorities and outcasts of the society. One day, his parents found out about his secret friends and disowned him, forcing Pace to live on the streets.


For a while, Pace lived on the streets on his own. He stayed away from his friends after associating them with his memories of being disowned, though he regretted this for the rest of his life. One day when Pace was wondering around the streets, he was invited to a mansion from a boy few years younger than him. Desperate for food and shelter, he followed the boy inside. The boy introduced himself as Caio Nightingale, and asked Pace to join his mafia, which Pace being the second member after Caio. Although Pace was skeptical of Caio's ability, he took the offer in hopes of getting off the streets. After that day, Caio put Pace through torturous training to make him stronger.  Despite the harsh conditions Caio put him though, Pace felt as if this was the first time someone had any expectation for him. 


The mafia continued to grow exponentially, and due to his people skills, Pace was given the title of the mafia's humanities administrator. After speaking with many people and helping them, Pace regained his happy personality and became one of the most liked member in the organization. Inspired by Caio's principles, he gained the desire to help those who followed a similar path as him, working restlessly to give the children living off the streets shelter and proper education. The mafia eventually became the police after Caio gained the trust of the next king, and Pace continues to work as Caio's right hand man. 

Caio Nightingale

[ Boss ] His boss and best friend. Pace was saved by Caio when he was living off the streets.

Eligius Sideris

[ Best friend ] His best friend. Eligius was the third member of the Nightingale mafia, which made him and Pace spend a lot of time together despite being the polar opposites.

Caius Nightingale

[ Friend ] Pace sees Caius as his little brother, and tries to take care of him whenever he can. 

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