Esme (Adult Esme)





Name: Esmeralda

Nickname(s): Esme

Gender: Female

Age: Unspecified (adult)

Species: Shifter Dragon

Height: 10ft

Sexual orientation: ??

Setting/timeline: Apollo, modern timeline

Connections: Armin (father figure)


See main profile.


Positive: Adventurous / Empathetic / Assertive / Independent

Negative: Overly rebellious / Reckless / Dim-witted

As an adult, Esme's personality is very similar to her younger self; she is curious, strong-willed and keen to adventure. She rarely speaks, but will make other noises (and swear when angry). She still has a tendency to make reckless decisions and isn't very good at learning from her mistakes.

Esme hates structured environments, rules, and being stuck in one place for too long. She craves excitement to the point of putting herself in unnecessary danger, and may be a bit of an adrenaline junkie. She does enjoy learning new things and can absorb information easily, but school is difficult for her due to her aforementioned dislikes.


A medium-sized, well-built dragon with green scales and stripes. She has purple spikes and long, pointed ears. Her eyes are fully black and white, the irises being uncoloured.



A vampire who helped rescue Esme after she was orphaned. She grows to love him and be very protective of him, seeing him as a substitute father figure.


- Doesn't talk very much, but will swear - sometimes in inappropriate situations - when something bothers her.

- Hoards common rocks and pebbles as if they were treasure.