


3 years, 11 months ago


note: this design is meant to be a sphinx with human face and feline body but it is a-ok to portray them either as a full feral felines or even a human in your art depending on your preferences and comfort zone.


Vin - they/them - 19yo

Vin is a young sphinx that sometimes acts with no regard of shame. They’re a natural when it comes to spouting embarrassing, sincere compliments to their friends and are kind hearted in general, too. They love helping others out, but for sure aren’t a pushover and are completely fine with telling someone off for overstepping boundaries.

Despite their appearance, they’re fairly polite, maybe even soft spoken,  but aren’t above a bit of teasing of friends at times. They have a charming laugh. Vin isn’t very quick to anger and can remain level headed even in stressful situations.

Vin works in a cafe, and takes all kinds of classes during their free times, they love seeming capable and reliable and work very hard for that. They also compose music and enjoy cooking, though lately they’ve been baking a lot as Mauve, their neighbour, is quite a sweet tooth.

They rent a one room flat near the cafe. The room is actually surprisingly spacious, and filled with books. They moved on their own and started working at the cafe when they were 17.

Vin’s current dream is to be financially stable enough to take a few month break from work to travel around. They have a good relationship with their parents, they call them time to time and visit occasionally with baked goods for their little sister they’re fond of. Their parents are supportive of Vin living alone, and understand their need for personal space and providing for self they didn’t get in the small family apartment.