
4 years, 28 days ago


Name: Zephyr

Height: 25' (head to ground), 78' (head to tail)

Gender/Sexuality: Cis boy (he/him), Pan

Basic Bio:

Zephyr is angry, vengeful, and spiteful to most who encounter him. Having been wronged for hundreds of years, it takes a very, very long time to gain his trust if at all. Underneath that, however, is a playful, snarky Drake who can't help but admire most living things, nor can he help causing many problems on purpose.

Zephyr has been seen as a plague on the ethereal realm for a very long time. It was Zephyr's reality manipulation that distorted the magic in the ethereal realm, and was one of the reasons some families in the earth realm couldn't use magic. Alabaster was his one constant, the thing he never wanted to ruin, because they were bonded and he loved them. But it was the same, bright white Drake that locked Zephyr away for many years to continue keeping the balance without having to worry about the darker Drake to come and mess it up. Zephyr was heartbroken and furious, and now, all he wanted to do was ruin everything Alabaster worked so hard on.

500 years later, he finally managed to get out of the bindings holding him prisoner, and sensed a call from the family Alabaster loved. He pushed his way through, bonding to a young calico and sealing his fate on Earth.

Zephyr's magic is reality manipulation, which entails:

  • Can manipulate reality. Able to twist and bend landscapes on a whim. Must remain focus to keep the new shape
  • Capable of leveling cities and destabilizing structures on a molecular level
  • Extreme telekinetic powers. Can move anything and everything using his mind
  • Can change the material of any surface or structure
  • Can rewrite the reality of the world (like changing trees into candy, turning animals into plants, making things bigger or smaller than they should be)
  • Has the same set of magic that Alabaster has, albeit he is only capable of advanced elemental magic (lightning, metal, darkness, spacial, etc)
  • Has the ability to mess with minds and perceptions, can brainwash people by marking them, can cause other to hallucinate, and can project emotions
  • Considered the more powerful of the two, however, Alabaster is capable of making sure his magic doesn’t go completely out of control.


Cloud - Bonded partner

Alabaster - Former true love, object of vengeance