Archer Catsclaw



7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Archer August Catsclaw, The Seventh, Arch


Star Warriors




Jayden Firearrow (mentor, current), Ilias Rusora (mentor, current)






Toxic (ability to create and control poison)


Basic Info

Archer is an apprentice of the Star Warriors. Since she is apprenticed to Jayden, she is destined to be the leader of the Star Warriors someday. She is training to be both a Hunter and a Healer (her Healer mentor is Ilias). 

She is a Kuman, and in her feral form, she stands about seven feet tall at the shoulder. In her human form, she is 5' 6''. 


Archer is typically a kindhearted, empathetic person, which makes her a good healer. She is excellent at comforting others, and very intuitive to people's pain and feelings. Despite this, she doesn't view her own feelings as being very important and usually pushes them to the side.She has a flucuating self-esteem and doesn't hold herself in high regard. She is loyal to a fault, but only to those she loves. She trusts easily and is sometimes taken advantage of because she doesn't like to say no to people. She tends to be very protective of those she cares about and is not afraid to kill to keep them safe. 

She is highly tolerant to pain and emotional struggles, and very reliable. She is popular amongst her peers due to her charisma and is a natural leader. However, she is often too selfless for her own good, and she struggles to make hard choices. She is very imaginative and artistic, and if she believes she can do something, she will do it. 

She is an ENFP-A (The Campaigner)

Weapons and Fighting Style

Archer, being a Hunter, typically uses standard fighting knives for close range fighting, and her bow, given to her by Jayden, for distance battle. 

She has a very straightforward, brutal style of fighting when she's at a close range. However, she's very precise and thinks about every move she makes. She prefers to fight at a distance, either using her bow or her Gift. 

When using her Gift, she can create three different types of poison. However, she can control almost any type, and almost no poisons or venoms can harm her if she comes into contact with them. 

Her first poison is a light green mist that can only put people to sleep, it cannot kill. As she dislikes killing, this is her most used type of poison.

Her second is a much more dangerous poison. It takes form in a green liquid or mist, whichever she prefers. It will cause its victim to become lethargic and naseous. Minutes later, the victim will be dead.

The last poison takes shape in a red mist or liquid. It is by far the most dangerous. If she only puts a little inside someone, it will slowly kill them, and cause them to pretty much go insane (think rabies). If she wants to kill someone on the spot, she'll attack them with it head-on. Once a certain amount has entered the victim's body, it works quickly, turning their insides to mush. The victim will start bleeding from the eyes/ears/ mouth and nose and will be dead moments later. 

As a Kuman, she can transform into her feral form at will and typically has feral ears/tail, though for short periods of time she can cause herself to appear fully human.