Namid Allegre de Bolivar



3 years, 11 months ago


Name Namid Allgre de Bolivar
Gender Cis Femme (she/her)
Age 24
Birthday May 7th
Species Human
Height 5'5"
Orientation Pan/Demi
Occupation Coffeeshop Owner

A witch with a coffeshop, Pleiades, based in Hearthome City in Sinnoh, selling spelled drinks and treats to customers human, Pokémon... and otherwise. The hub for all other Trainers, Namid is the support all of their adventures, which ranges from making sure they're properly fed or chiding them from working so hard and making them take breaks.

Namid is what you would call the Mom Friend. She's Max and Ruta's cousin, though you would never figure with the way she tends to fuss about them (despite Max being several years her senior. She'll make sure you're taken care of and will broker no argument on anything to the contrary, even if she has to make you; when your will is put against hers, you'll find it difficult to topple. A practical person, she values structure and things that are known to work, and doesn't put a lot of stock into new, untested solutions. Namid is a sensualist, enjoying the time she has on earth to the fullest, and feels it'd be cruel to deny yourself life's pleasures because it's 'frowned upon' by society. She's very pleasant by default, but the moment she decides you're not worth her time, her words become biting, her tone condescending; you might as well be lint at that point.

  • spicy food
  • verbal fights
  • flirting
  • dark humor
  • being rushed
  • changes
  • terrible fashion
  • religion