


4 years, 3 months ago





𝙰𝙶𝙴: Following trough her life from small foal to old mare.

𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁 𝚂𝙸𝙶𝙽: Scorpio

𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙰𝚂: Cele, but the ones who know her kinda gave her rude nicknames


𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Whatever she needs to reach her goals


𝚆𝙾𝚁𝚃𝙷: $$$

𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂: Not for Sale








smart, able to make the hardest decisions, brave, great in judging others' personalities, honest (most of the time) selfish, overvaluing herself a lot (especially in her younger ages), manipulative, sarcastic, sometimes rude  







Average warmblood horse height

Normal horse weight?


Choco brown to brown and then creme

Horse skin colour xD

Golden spots on her nose, legs neck and butt. Glowing when she is using her magic.


Her name is Céleste, but don't let you be fooled: maybe her name means heavenly or celestial, she is anything but. Céleste is not really a nice person - she is not straightforward evil, but she is not good either. Traits like "noble" or "selfless" is very far away from her.

Céleste was born in a loving family, nothing bad really happened with her, but she never was overly social. Not like she hated her parents or her home, but always felt like there is nothing there for her, no roots to keep her there, so as soon as she was old enough she just galloped away one day, choosing to live her life as she sees fit.

Céleste is a smart mare, calculating, even cold hearted sometimes, not really able to bond with anyone seriously for a long time. Not hostile, but she has no friends for life (for a long time), if she has to choose between herself or someone else, she will always choose herself first. Her safety, her well-being, her gaining is her first priority, judging every situation from that angle, what she can gain from this, is it worth her time and if so, how much. You can call her selfish, she won't be hurt.

She is a magic user, despite being a hornless/wingless horse and she doesn't really brags about it. Thirsty for knowledge, Céleste wanders around, always ready to learn and know more and more, about the world and magic, pushing and testing her limits, often going way too far.

If someone wanna get closer to her, don't even try to charm her, it won't work. She appreciates brain over anything else, especially if the other has a knowledge, she doesn't - then she can be very charming and manipulative to get what she wants - and then leave the unfortunate one behind. If someone really wanna be her friend (for some unexplained reason), the best way is to stick to her butt and has a thick skin on da face, because she will try to get rid of you.

Over the years there are some folks who miraculously learnt to tolerate her or even like her - or moreover consider her as a friend, mostly because Céleste will change slowly with time - lot of time - as she sees and learns more and also aging. She will never be a warm, nice, motherly mare, forever rough at the edges, but starts to value those few around her who actually stayed and won't be hurt because her remarks and sharp tongue.


Finn | Kinda the only friend  

At the start she hates him. A lot. Tries to get rid of him on any cost: being rude to him, leaving him behind, chasing him away... truly tried her "best", but Finn just stuck around and eventually she got used to him and his pet as she refers the otter friend of his. With time she will open up to him more and more and they form a strong family-like bond together. Céleste finds her place and feels better wit these two around, but still doesn't give up her goals to seek power and evolve her magic as much as she can or even gain more magic than the amount of it she was born with.

Keenan | Finn's brother  

They are definitely not best friends, but they learn to tolerate each other in the sake of Finn, who is important to both of them. Céleste doesn't appreciate Keenan's strong morals and Keenan is not trusting Céleste at all, well aware of how powehungry she is, he doesn't think Finn needs her in his life at all.

Gaia | Stupid unicorn  

Cele looks down on Gaia, thinking she is worthless for magic, because she is wasting it on flowers and grass and trees. Totally useless and stupid way to waste magic. She almost destroys Gaia's forest once, but Finn is stopping her.

Makali | Arch enemy  

The mare she hates the most - Céleste is extremely envious of Makali's magic and position - everyone either way adores or respects her, everyone knows about her, even the ones they think she is not even real. She even has great powers, huge amount of magic and she is using for what? To create balance? Instead of ruling? How dare she? With magic like hers, it is her privilige to rule on everyone and she is not doing that! Well, it is time to take this responsibility off of her shoulders alongside with her life as well. (Just to be sure.)


  • She plays out everyone around herself - except Finn after a time. She is very good to read other horses and use them and she is not really bothered by the anything she has to do to have the things she wants (Sexual things involved).
  • Even though she dislikes the fact Finn is not capable to stay silent for 5 straight minutes, he actually saves her ass several times with his ability to talk themselves out from almost any situation. He is smart and very diplomatic and that is very useful, she admits. If it is up to her, she fights her way out.
  • She actually has a heart.