


9 years, 10 months ago


♦ Spitfire
♦ Male
♦ 16 years (in human world)
♦ Beast type

Spitfires human self is a social shutin, preferring to live on the internet and in his virtual reality games rather than going out. He doesn't have any problem interacting with others when he has to be out, and when around others he tends to be very talkative and lively.He normally lives with his mother in an apartment complex in a loft room. He's a sophmore at a private highschool and is a generally well behaved "A" student.

♦ laidback and friendly.
♦ Tends to be a talker and a bit hyperactive.
♦ Attention span can be short at times.

♦ Virtual imersion games
♦ the internet
♦ HD graphics
♦ fire

♦ Ghosts
♦ OP boss/npc
♦ water (puts his fire out)
♦ Guns

♦ Spitfires real name is Remi.
♦  Remi designed his avatar, Spitfire for a online social/pvp mmo. He tries to act  quiet and mysterious, but his true personality always shines through.
♦  When he received the Sanctum file, he was currently working on the Spitfire model, which in turn is the form he took when he awoke in Sanctum.
♦ Spitfire's beserk mode is basically an embodiment of Remi's determination. He doesn't choose to have it activate, it just does when he has a strong desire to win ect.
♦  Spitfire's beserk mode becomes more angular versus smooth of the regular form. It also is more  aggressive and forceful, and can breath fire from his nose and mouth.
♦  The paw circles on the inside of Spitfires claws are ember conductors, he can create and manipulate fire at will.
♦ Spitfires claws are much like metal swords when seperated and being used for attacking, when not intended for offense, they become more like regular animal claws, smoothed and dull.