Vikka "Outsider"



9 years, 10 months ago


Outsider ((Vikka))

Height: 4'2"
Weight: 78lbs
Age: Unknown, sounds young.

♦ Personality Traits: adaptable, brave, calm, careful, fearless, honest, intuitive, patient, quiet, resourceful, sneaky, unpredictable.

He prefers to observe and avoid conflict at all times, however if he is threatened he will go on offensive. He is usually very very quiet and most times doesnt even speak, if he does its through the occasional telepathic thought or comment. (He can only speak telepathically to magic beings or others who have an open mind, those lacking sentience or thought either temporarily or permanently wont "hear" him.) He prefers to wait and learn about others through observation rather than interaction or otherwise, keeping distance or disguising himself. Since he is quiet its easy for him to walk up to someone unnoticed, although he doesnt intend to scare or do so. He can be quite sporadic, suddenly attacking or just losing any unwanted attention, but his actions are always based on reason.

♦ Abilities: Teleportation over short distances, agility, Shapeshifting capablilities. (Form retains traits of original form.) Magic: elemental, spacial. Resistance to mind altering affects and spacial/time rends.

♦ Weaknesses: Get's somewhat nervous when asked to remove his hood,or talk about his personal experiences. Becomes weakened if he uses his magic too much, draining his energy. Or if staying in a shapeshifted form for a prolonged amount of time. (excluding dragonkin, and human form)
Has a extreme dislike for demons or dark creatures, dragon hunters and cultists.

♦ Extra:
Common shapeshift forms: Dragonkin, monkey, golem, bird, canine, human. Other forms are less accurate in form, seeming more reptilian in appearance.

His eyes are capable of contracting like a cat's eye, becoming narrow in bright light, or large and owllike in low-ligt/darkness.

He doesnt have a scent.

♦ Possessions: Stuff-stuff bag- contains most his items, seems to be bottomless, since he can stuff a large quantity of items inside without it becoming heavy or full.

Bedroll- Blankets and stuff for sleeping

Waterskin- for water or liquids.

Odd Crystal- A glowing gem, it seems to react when held.

Gnarled Branch- It may be a staff or maybe a stick, sometimes its on fire, but doesnt seem to deteriorate.

Extra clothes/hoods- needed for when things like to ruin the current ones worn.

Book- Seems to have runes of a strange language inside.

Flamecall Dagger- standard, black blade with a rune carved into hilt. Lets off a faint heat.

Elemental Recall bow- A bow that is capable of harnessing magical energy and sending it out as a elemental arrow.

Bandages/medkit- For treating wounds.