


3 years, 10 months ago


 TBN // He/Him ♦ Lycus


A bit of a mysterious character, Sanguine's intimidating appearance is balanced by his mellow and joking nature. He isn't easily bothered and takes most things in stride.

his species is also known as "mock-satyrs", looking similar to satyrs, but known for preying on them.  This has made them targets of fear and hostility

He lives somewhere outside town and makes his living selling woodwork and jewelry on market days. He disguises himself as a faun/satyr with clothes/charms in order to live in peace.  Finds himself drawn to the new face in town, Cypress, and starts to flirt for fun.  Both find themselves more attracted to each other than expected and begin seeing each other.

His true identity is revealed when his charm fails during a storm at Cypress' home, fully expecting to be hated and driven out of town.  To his surprise, Cypress doesn't reject him and instead their relationship deepens as he feels he can finally be himself without fear.


  • Lives outside a small but bustling town in the woods (think massive trees aka redwoods)
  • doesn't want to associate himself with his species' stereotype, s he is shunned. lives isolated from both societies.
  • works as a woodcarver/jeweler, most of his sales tend to be wooden children's toys, however.
  • unable to enchant his jewelry himself (little magic), so has a friend in the marketplace he promotes for it (she knows his identity and provides his illusion charms)
  • doesn't get close to others to protect himself, but hes good-natured and courteous, so hes rather popular.