


7 years, 4 months ago


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.


  • Name Saarebas, "Reba"
  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Age Adult
  • Occupation Lyrium Smuggler, Guard
  • Status oof


     A rogue Saarebas who really really wanted to just be a good boy and contribute to society like everyone should, but being reduced to nothing but a living weapon didn't agree with his personality and it turned out to be easier than he thought to just bail into the wilderness instead of killing himself out of obligation after his entire unit fell(after making a deal with a demon in order to avenge them, of course).

     He's now what amounts to a pet abomination for a smuggling group.  They keep him safe from anyone who'd kill him on sight(most people), and in return he occasionally scares the shit out of their competition & also makes a nice omelet. Win-win.

     Recently stationed at Skyhold.  Micra is the Inquisition's official contact with their little Carta gang, Reba followed because he missed her.  And also it's a safe haven for mages and he wants to properly learn about his magic and maybe even become a healer.  It is very nerve-wracking and he is constantly afraid someone will notice he's a demon.  He is EXTREMELY polite to EVERYONE.


Kind and Docile at his core, but life has made him more Angry and Cynical.  Just wants to fucking HELP PEOPLE.

Quiet and stuck in his own head a lot, mainly out of habit of being surrounded by people he CAN NOT talk to for fear of punishment.




Hands each have three longer claws, and two thumbs.  His eyes are froglike.  He has SOME control over his general shape, but he still has to wear a lot of layers(and never go out at night) so nobody notices he is glowing.


Magic [ A curse more than a blessing, but he's trying to make the best of it now that he's allowed to use it for more than just blowing shit up ]
Slimelike [ His form is a bit on the amorphous, sticky side now that he's half a demon wrapped around his old skeleton.  This quality has its uses but is mostly just weird ]
Multilingual [ Speaks Qunlat, Common, Sign language ]



The only person who's treated HIM like a person in a very long time.  He's in love with her and doesn't even care that it's probably just because he's felt and been treated like a monster for most of his life(even before he ACTUALLY became one).  They're Sexbuds™.


They share a body.  Rage is a simple creature, it just wants to be surrounded by anger.  Reba has plenty of rage underneath all of his anxiety, Rage just likes to stoke the flames by nitpicking anything vaguely annoying anyone around them does, ever.  Also it likes to burn things, and tell Reba to burn things.


He's dead, with the rest of their Kith.  His Arvaarad...was strict, he had to be strict, but he was not unkind.  Reba was certainly allowed more freedoms than necessary. He was not silenced at all times, he had (few, supervised) chores to occupy him rather than being forced to sit in standby when not actively being aimed at enemies.  There were hugs sometimes.  Reba genuinely liked his Arvaarad, even if he was mad about his situation.

Iron Bull

When Reba first gets to Skyhold, he goes to great lengths to avoid Bull.  The guy is openly a spy, explicitly hates demons, and Reba does not want to give him a chance to figure out his situation and Rightfully Murder Him.

When Reba hears Bull has gone Tal Vashoth...things change.  He's still very wary of Bull, but he also is the only other Qunari at Skyhold and he remembers going Tal Vashoth and how scary it is and how he wished he had somebody around who understood.  He just can't let somebody else struggle with that alone!! So despite his better judgment, he reaches out.

With extreme caution; he knows what the Qun does about deserters because he used to be one of the people that was sent out to purge them, and he absolutely does not want Bull to think he's an assassin.

Things go okay.  They have an awkward pseudo-friendship going.


He was always reassured that no one can actually read minds, that he doesn't need to be anxious about people seeing the horrible contents of his thoughts and judging him for them.

But then he met Cole, and Cole is kindness and goodness and compassion but when he speaks he rips your soul out of your chest and lays it bare for anyone to see--  Vulnerability is painful and dangerous and-- HOW DARE YOU?

Rage overwhlems him, and Reba wakes up halfway across skyhold, huddled in a corner in one of the small offices-turned-bedrooms off of the library, not that he can immediately locate himself.  The boy is there (slightly singed), but so is an elf he's never properly met.

They know.  They know, but it's somehow okay?  Cole is some kind of abomination too, probably, and even if he sucks to be around it's just nice to know he exists and has friends.

(Reba is incredibly jealous of his ability to make people forget/not see him)


Reba doesn't know that he LIKES Solas, but it's comforting to have someone know what he is, understand it in depth, and still trust him to not be a danger.  The elf makes passive-aggressive comments about Reba 'corrupting' Rage, and condescends to him whenever Reba doesn't know things about his own magic, but...He offers valuable counsel, and he treats Reba like a person(albeit a disappointingly uninformed one), and Reba is a lonely enough dude to see this as a relationship worth maintaining.

Also if he ever gets found out, Solas is pretty close with the inquisitor and could maybe pull some strings to get him out of being executed.


  • Dragon Age Fancharacter
  • Reach WITH IN to your LOCAL fade and you may find a Friend and Boy
  • Mom friend
  • He's just kinda assuming anyone who knew him before thinks he's dead.  He's certainly not seen any assassins.
  • Attempting to learn healing magic, but it's difficult since his formal training said nothing on the subject & he's now surrounded by dwarves