


3 years, 11 months ago


  • Hina

friendly • helpful • Clever
gender Female

height 5'9

pronouns she/her

Birthday 24th February

Age ???

Zodiac Pisces

Sexuality Lesbian + Bi-curious


Status single

theme WHIP


  • tea
  • adventures
  • her boos
  • jewels
  • kisses and cuddles
  • having picnics
  • seeing people smile
  • baking


  • her past
  • being left behind
  • bothering people
  • dogs
  • when people talk to much
  • beer


  • calls her boos babies and is like a mother to them
  • is the successore of HinaBoo
  • Hina has her own Boo form which is pretty big and pastel red
  • HinaBoo is Hinas great, great, great grandma which is the reason why they look a bis similar
  • she likes to bake and have tea parties
  • she keeps her old dresses


  • Hina is one of my first ocs and was created on the 24th Ferbuary 2017
  • she is my comfort character
  • Hina went throught the most changes out of all my characters
  • Hina looked more like HinaBoo in her first designe
  • Hina had 6 redesigns
  • Hina had 4 ships and has currently no ship
  • Hina was inspired by Rosalina


Hina is a very sweet and friendly person. She is always nice around people and is a very optimistic. She loves company and is always happy when someone visits her. She can use her magic to shrink people, move things around or to float and can make other people float as well. Hina is that kind of friend who will never leave your side and will try her best to support you.




PixelArt by Sukiie on DA


When Hina was small she loved going on adventures and mostly took care of herseld. Exploring haunted or abandoned places was her favourite thing to do. She loves seeing how nature takes back place which it once owned. Spooky or scary stuff never really scared her, she loved horror movies and games reason why she was more comftable to visit haunted places on her own. Her parents did not spent alot of time with her which caused her to spent more time outside, not care about what happens at home. Her parents had really nice jobs and their own company, they had much money which Hina used for her advantage to make her dream become true: world traveling. Hina looked forward, confident and positiv, to reach her goal. Little did she knew she never be able to finish it. After visitng different lands, islands and abandoned places she came a cross a huge haunter mansion. She was excited and went in without hesitation. Carefully opened the front gate and made her way to the front door. Nothing was between her and her motivation to explore this haunted looking place. She went in and the door behind her slammed itself closed. Hina shivered but this just made her even more curiouse and excited to explore this mansion.

After going around a bit and admin the beautiful interior design, she took some photos and started to search for the exit. Noticed there was no exit so she made her way to the front door, hopening it was open. She tried her best to open it but it turned out it was looked. This was the first time that she was a bit scared and looked carefully around to see if someone is near her. She heard nothing at first but then noticed quiet noises from the main room. The young woman waa unsure if she should go back to the room or try to find a different way out. After thinking about it, she decided to go into the room where she heard the noises. As she went in the noises muted and she looked around, noticing a light at the end of the room. She got closer and noticed a red jewel, it was big and catched her eye. It was just a jewel, it was a crown in a glass container. As if hypnotized, as if the crown were pulling you towards it, Hina started to walk towards it, not being able to get her eyes of it. Once she reached it she looked closer into the container and heard voices telling her to open it. Soft, cute voices but hidden so she didn't knew from where they came from.

The voices got louder and couldn't resist it, so Hina opened the container and picked up the crown. The beauty of it, her love for jewels made her glare at it. After thinking abit about it she looked for a mirrow. Luckly there was a big mirrow in the main room, she walked infront of it and and placed the crown on her head. She smiled, she never looked so beautiful before than she did with the crown. As she looked closer into the mirrow she noticed  how a plant started to move, as she turned around she saw a small ghost carrying the plant. It was a Boo! Adorable, she thought because she heard of them before. She carefully started to walk towards it. The boo noticed the crown so it wasn't afraid and trusted her. Slowly more and more boos came out of their hiding spot, admining their new queen.

After time of being alone, a guy called Cedric came across Hinas mansion. She was confused as she heard that someone knocked but she opened the door and then saw Cedric for the first time. Hina was unsure if she can trust him but after some time they started to get along. They spend a lot of time together and became close friends. Due of Hina being cold while he was there they seperated their ways and Hina still misses him. While she had the red grown, she did a few mistakes, befriending people she did not liked but the crown told her it was right. The mood of herself got lower and lower and she decided to leave them behind because she knew it will just ruin her again. After several tries getting herself back together  alone in her mansion she kept on failing and failing with it. It was hard to get those toxic thoughts out of her head. She hated to wear the colour red and missed her good old happy times. There was no hope for her to get back to this until she tried her best  to get  over it. Days and days passed with her hating on herself and destroying and deleting everything  she had memoriesed with people she did not liked, the evilness grew bigger and bigger in her until the day she could not handel it anymore. The crowns evil energy was destroying her, she needed to get rid of it before it would get rid of her. Hina finally decided to go find a new crown, she missed her oldself, she wasn`t the person anymore who she used to be. Hours of searching but finally found one, a lightly magenta crown, she felt the power of it and took it with her.

After getting used to the new crown, Hina noticed her changes and started to finaly get over her shadow and see the joy in life again. Knowing  what she did was not right towards Cedric she got ready and tried to find him. She was looking everywhere where she remembered  him staying over night, nothing. Sad boo noises  came out of her before finally spotting someone in the distance.. it was Cedric! Hina was relieved to see him and rushed towards him. Reaching the spot, she started to sit down next to him and touching his hand with her little boo arm. Hina apologized to Cedric and explained everything, he forgave her and they moved on. Still feeling guilty  about all the stuff she did so she offered Cedric to stay with her in her mansion and he took the offer.



[twin brother]

Everad is some seconds older than Hina. She likes him a lot even tho he can be a big jerk sometimes. She likes his character and spend time with him whenever she is able to.



[younger sister]

Gina can be very stubborn but Hina tries her best to make her little more softer. She gifted her the crown which Gina wears mostly everyday. Hina knows what her sister is like so sometimes it just ends up that Hina tries to comfort her with zero result.



[best friend]

Their first times of meeting were pretty rough but after sometime Hina started to find it cute that he tried to gain her trust so much and so she accepted. They try to meet every week and Hina starts to feel very comftable around him... it been awhile since she felt that way for someone. She trusts him alot and enjoys his company.



[best friend]

When Hina was younger she meet Marija, she loved to go on adventures with her but was sad when she moved away. Years passed and they finaly meet again and became even closer than before. Marija often visits Hina to see how she is doing and to give her support and make her laugh. Hina is really glad that she meet her.



[close friend]

Hina finds Michelle very nice and likes to spent time with her. They don't see eachother often but whenever they do Hina is happy about her. She is not a big fan of her style but she supports her.



[good friend]

Even tho Avery seemed very bitchy and arogant at first, Hina started to find her very interesting and they started to meet more often. Avery invites Hina for a tea and then they talk a bit how their life is. Hina likes to talk to her a lot and is always happy to meet up with her.


[3xgreat grandma]

Like an idol, Hina really appreciates her and is always happy to see her and visit her. Drinking tea together and talking, is always fun with her and sharing news.



[3xgreat grandpa-in-law]

She finds him very interessting in a good and weird way. He kinda scares her sometimes but he is actly pretty nice and cool in her eyes. He made her like the taste of blood because of the wine he gave her.

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